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Getting an Epi-Pen through airport security?

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Has anyone taken an Epi-Pen through airport security?


Did you put it through the x-ray machine in your carry-on?




Did you declare it and have them hand-screen it?


I'm not sure what to do for our upcoming flight.

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Daisy, Get a letter from your doctor on "letterhead" proving the medical necessity for the epi pen. His signature and date, etc. It may/may not cost you money for this, but well worth it. Same if you enter into another country needing passports etc. We did this for our dd's meds when we traveled to Canada last summer.



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Daisy, Get a letter from your doctor on "letterhead" proving the medical necessity for the epi pen. His signature and date, etc. It may/may not cost you money for this, but well worth it. Same if you enter into another country needing passports etc. We did this for our dd's meds when we traveled to Canada last summer.




I have the original box with the prescription made out in my son's name and containing the doctor's name. Think that will be enough?

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We've taken insulin with syringes, pump, etc. I would put the pen, in its original box with attached prescription, by itself in a ziplock bag in your carryon bag. I would pull the ziplock bag out and put it in the bin with the carryon, much like you would do for liquids. I wouldn't say anything, but if they ask, just say it is medical. A letter is not *required*, and you should be fine. I'm sure they see epipens all the time. That said, if you are worried about it, a letter woun't hurt, but chances are you would never have occasion to use it.


Read here to get more info.

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I have flown numerous times with my son's epi-pen and never had it even looked at. I carry it in a case, which I pull out of my purse and put in the bin to go through x-ray.

I do carry a letter from the doctor, though it is 7 years old now. I would say it isn't needed, since no one has even batted an eye at the epi.

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Never EVER had a problem with this. We've always taken one through in carry-ons -- and we've gone with and without the prescription sticker on the box and a doctor's note. No one has ever looked the prescribing info or doctor's note, though I believe *technically* you need one *or* the other. (Not both.)

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Daisy, I still stand by my suggestion. You will "probably" never need to submit a letter. HOWEVER, you'll be on top of the game to have it in adavance in case you come across security personnel who want to exert their authority. My logic is....why would it hurt to get the letter? It may cost $. Our dd's neurologist was supposed to charge us $50 according to he nurse, but we've never been billed for it and that was last summer.


If you don't have it and you are questioned, then where will that leave you?


Again, I don't think you'll need it, but it's good reinforcement to have.

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I brought actual prescriptions from doctor for epi-pen instead of a letter. That way if you lose epi-pen you could easily get another with the script.


We went overseas with the epi-pen and sent it through the xray machine. We also took a nebulizer and albuterol as well as other prescriptions. We had a prescription for each med just in case.

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Dd16 carries her own meds in a ziplock baggie (epis, inhalers, benadryl and other prescriptions) which she tosses into the bucket-thingie with her shoes. We have never been asked for any doctor's note or prescription label for the epis or anything else (I do have the label cut out in my bag, just in case).

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It's totally unnecessary though. The only thing they can ask you for is the printed prescription label.

:iagree:It is clearly stated on the TSA site that a letter in *not* required. I think of it like homeschooling regulations. If we supply more documentation than is required, it can be taken to mean we are ok with being *required* to provide more. On the other hand, if I had an unusual, potentially tricky case, that could easily be mishandled, I would consider providing a letter. But for a simple epi-pen? No way.

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The prescription info on the box might be a good idea though. I just had a guy on another forum (well, actually FB) tell me his Epi-pen was confiscated because he didn't have the prescription information on it. :glare: He has a severe peanut allergy. Maybe that TSA agent didn't have a clue.


Okay, I'm going to put all the meds (Epi-pen, inhaler) in a quarter size ziplock bag and call it good. I just didn't want them freaking out because it is a sharp object. LOL.

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Okay, I'm going to put all the meds (Epi-pen, inhaler) in a quarter size ziplock bag and call it good. I just didn't want them freaking out because it is a sharp object. LOL.

We've taken syringes before with no problem. Another thing I've done is print out the applicable pages from the TSA site, and have them with me. I've actually had to use them to prove that yes, we can carry water, when medically necessary. There is a tremendous variation among airports and individual agents when it comes to implementing "universal" regulations. The thing is to be informed of what your rights are, and what they can actually require of you, and be prepared to defend rights, and comply with regulations.

Have a great trip. I'm sure everything will be just fine.

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