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Confession time....

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I am making decisions for what next school year will look like. I have 5 kids to consider and plan for. I have homeschooled for 10 years.


I have used various materials over the years. My goal has always been to use the best that's available for each one of my kids.


So here is my confession: I am burned out and am considering something more unified and simple - something the kids can take ownership of and not depend so much on me.


I am struggling with some health issues. Very long story but let's just say that I need to put time and focus on my health and well being. And because of these issues, I have not followed through in many areas of their education.


So, I am contemplating doing canned curriculum materials to attempt to make things easier. I have some experience with it; I always seem to get frustrated at certain aspects of it (like busy work and worry that real learning isn't taking place etc). I am also going to struggle with GUILT that I am not using the best that is available for my kids and, as a result, they will be hampered the rest of their life. :001_unsure:


The materials I am looking at are: LifePacs; Monarch; ACE Paces; Christian Light. Any advice on each of these curriculums?


Are there any mommies out there who have been where I am?:sad:

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My oldest is only 9.5 so probably younger than your dc but we have used CLE math, reading and LA. We stopped using the LA light units to go back to Rod and Staff but I would still recommend CLE LA as worthy of consideration.


I would recommend using the placements test. If you bought levels which were too hard your dc couldn't use them independently and that would defeat the purpose... guess that is true of all curriculum though. We had to go down a whole grade when we transferred over to CLE math.



You can download the tests here.



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I have been where you are. Last summer I was absolutely exhausted, living in a new place, and really tired of fighting about every little thing. This year I enrolled the oldest 2 in a VA and they used K12.


Now, our VA was very hands off. It was essentially independant and the 'teachers' called once a month to see if we needed anything. There aren't attendance requirements, they just have to finish the curriculum. It was a life-saver for me. I loved being able to just say "Get online and see what's next."


I initally enrolled my dd3, but it was a lot of busy-work for 2nd grade, IMO, and we pulled her at Christmas. I had the motivation to work with her though because I wasn't worrying about the older two.


We're moving this summer and the VA where we're going isn't an option, so I'm not sure what we'll do quite yet. I love K12, but I'm not sure I can justify it's expense when there are so many really good options out there that cost significantly less.


I have no experience with the programs you mentions, just wanted to encourage you to do what you need to do to be the best mom AND teacher you can!

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I have used both LifePacs and CLE. CLE is hands down a much better program than Alpha Omega's, IMHO. I would cross off the LifePacs off my list and focus on the other three. Sorry I don't know anything about the other two.


I have been homeschooling about the same time as you have (11 years). I have four children. You need to take care of yourself, otherwise you won't be able to homeschool. I know that is such a cliche' but it's true. Don't feel guilty about streamlining things. That's what is so great about homeschooling. We can tailor everything to the needs of the family. Right now the family needs to focus on mom's health. Your children will get a great education with CLE.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I have some old lifepacs--I think they'd suck the life out of learning.


Do you have to do canned? Could you pull together open and go stuff and meet with each child for a few minutes in the am and pm?


Sorry, I don't know the ages of your kiddos.

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I have used both LifePacs and CLE. CLE is hands down a much better program than Alpha Omega's, IMHO. I would cross off the LifePacs off my list and focus on the other three. Sorry I don't know anything about the other two.


I have been homeschooling about the same time as you have (11 years). I have four children. You need to take care of yourself, otherwise you won't be able to homeschool. I know that is such a cliche' but it's true. Don't feel guilty about streamlining things. That's what is so great about homeschooling. We can tailor everything to the needs of the family. Right now the family needs to focus on mom's health. Your children will get a great education with CLE.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


Thank you, Elise. Do you have experience with all of Christian Light or just the Language ARts?

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Guest jab300

Sorry, I haven't used any of those resources, but I can sympathize with your feelings. Like you it was around year 10 that I just hit this wall and really didn't think I could put together (and follow through with) a decent year for my boys. I researched all the canned curriculum but between the price and my mommy guilt I wound up pushing through and doing it a la carte. I really hope you can find something that will work for you this time.

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I have some old lifepacs--I think they'd suck the life out of learning.


Do you have to do canned? Could you pull together open and go stuff and meet with each child for a few minutes in the am and pm?


Sorry, I don't know the ages of your kiddos.


Hi Chris - I haven't made any decisions yet. My kids' ages are 15, 13, 9, 7 and 4.


Highschooler is taken care of; it is the rest, mainly 13, 9 and 7 that I am most concerned with. The concern I have is that I haven't followed through on most of what I have attempted in the last few years. Health and life issues get in the way. Thats why I said I wanted something they could take ownership of. I still think this is a viable option as opposed to putting in school. And I can't stand the thought of that.

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I am making decisions for what next school year will look like. I have 5 kids to consider and plan for. I have homeschooled for 10 years.


I have used various materials over the years. My goal has always been to use the best that's available for each one of my kids.


So here is my confession: I am burned out and am considering something more unified and simple - something the kids can take ownership of and not depend so much on me.


I am struggling with some health issues. Very long story but let's just say that I need to put time and focus on my health and well being. And because of these issues, I have not followed through in many areas of their education.


So, I am contemplating doing canned curriculum materials to attempt to make things easier. I have some experience with it; I always seem to get frustrated at certain aspects of it (like busy work and worry that real learning isn't taking place etc). I am also going to struggle with GUILT that I am not using the best that is available for my kids and, as a result, they will be hampered the rest of their life. :001_unsure:


The materials I am looking at are: LifePacs; Monarch; ACE Paces; Christian Light. Any advice on each of these curriculums?


Are there any mommies out there who have been where I am?:sad:


CLE math, reading/lit and LA has been the best homeschooling decision we've ever made. And we've stuck with it for years and years - not going to change. For many of the same reasons you listed originally, now because our children are thriving. :grouphug:

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When my kids got older I got them each a computer and as much decent curriculum they could do on their computers as I could find.


Spelling, Science, Spanish. Reading. I know there was more but I can't remember it all now. I sent them emails every night telling them their assignments for the next day. It really freed me up and kept me sane. I was so burned out.

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I know a family that does Calvert. The lesson manuals are written to the student beginning in 6th grade, but even before that, it's totally open and go. You can choose to use their teacher grading service or not, it's totally optional.


ETA: Sorry, I thought you were asking for additional recommendations. If it were me, I'd have to think also about my children's preferences for full-color versus 2-color or b/w, computer vs. print, etc. I'd want the "best," but honestly, if they have to look at it for hours everyday, the little things matter somewhat.

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Been there this past year! We are using SOS, Saxon with cd-rom, and Appologia w/ their mp3 read aloud cd. LOVE IT!!


I was to the point of putting them in institutionalized school, and this saved our homeschool for a while anyway.

Sometimes, things don't work out like you want or need them to and an 80% solution is the best you can do. We all have education gaps, and all have fared okay. If your kids end up with some education gaps; they will be okay.

Burned out mom + more stress = institutionalized mom or a heavily sedated one. :tongue_smilie:

I say go for the 80% solution.


Don't have any advice for which curriculum of the ones you mentioned. Just wanted to encourage you, and let you know what has worked for us.

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