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moving to DFW is a go

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Dh is signing the contract today and we will be heading to DFW this summer. Oh my, I am overwhelmed!!!!


I could really use some contact info for homeschool groups and co-ops. I understand it is a very large area, so which co-op or group I join will depend upon the area we will live. And, I don't know that yet. :eek: But, I need to start thinking about that area as my new home so I can start progressing on this journey. Any info is appreciated!!!!

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DFW is a really great area to live. My husband's employer shut down in MO and he got an incredible job offer from a company here. The area we moved from had been so economically depressed, we couldn't believe it when we saw this place. There are people shopping everywhere! :D


This is also a great place to homeschool. And, a lot of people homeschool. There's homeschool groups, homeschool stores, enrichment centers, they have co-ops that run 2 days a week here :001_huh:! There are lots of opportunities to meet other families and take classes.


Once you find out what area you're moving to...you can do some googling and find a hs group or whatever it is you're looking for. There's a nice homeschool bookstore in Watauga (center for home education) and there's one in Lewisville (can't remember it's name, but they had a website). The bookstore in Watauga had a theatre troop, classes (excellent classes, BTW - my kids have taken classes there), etc. Their classes aren't fluff, either - they've got lots of math and science stuff.


Oh, well, I'm rambling. Congratulations on the job!!! :hurray:

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Lots of homeschooling options in the Plano, Frisco, Allen area. PEACH is a big one in these areas. There are lots of others. Just do a Google.


Welcome to the "Country of Texas." Yes, they say that!

Edited by Josie
Corrected spelling for Allen...wish I could correct the heading :-(
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I am in Arlington. We moved here a year ago, and we love it here. Let me know if Arlington ends up on your short list. :)


Move close to DH's work if you can, becaue this area is HUGE and commutes can be drastic.


Arlington is on the short list. Every time I go online to research some activity or interest, Arlington keeps popping up.....

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Southlake/Keller/Grapevine area here. :D We participate in a performing arts program near TCU that has band, choir, art, dance and more. It is FANTASTIC! Meets once a week. There are several part-time university model schools around, too.

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We are in the same area as Chez J. We go to an enrichment co-op on Friday's in Grapevine. There is an active Yahoo! group with literally hundreds of members for this area that organizes field trips and park days, shares info on activities, classes, sales, etc. There are so many classes, activities, and other options for homechoolers in this area, one of the hardest things for me is turning down good opportunities so we can have time at home to get our regular school work done! LOL!

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has a great support group that has lots of kids involved in sports. That's where we are now, and the teens in the group are wonderful...teens are a bit harder to come by as compared to a group with lots of elementary and junior high kids. Arlington is close enough to several area co-ops that you could pretty much pick one in any direction, if that's something you'd like.


Also, Arlington has very nice choices in housing in several prices ranges, and a great tax base, so lots of city amenities.


Babysparkler mentioned another great group that has a fantastic co-op that we were involved in for many years if you need to be on the Dallas side of things.

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