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DWTS - does anyone else think

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that Kirstie Alley has just been ... off? The thing they pulled tonight about low blood sugar due to dieting would make sense but I just feel like Maks (sp?) is keeping her on task a lot.


Or is it just me?



I do, she's acting flighty and a little bit...stoned? or something? BUT Did you get the vibe that Maks was putting her down a lot? It just seemed like she annoys him and she seemed like a kicked puppy or something.

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I haven't watched tonight's episode yet but, more so than usual? She is always a little bit ditzy. Part of her charm I think and she is obviously popular with the viewers because she isn't the best dancer. And well, Maks is a bit egotistical and always seems preturbed with his partners but I think that she is has been giving him a run for his money in attitude this season. She is one of our favorites but I was slightly surprised that she didn't go home last week. I can't watch until tomorrow but I'll post back then.

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I do, she's acting flighty and a little bit...stoned? or something? BUT Did you get the vibe that Maks was putting her down a lot? It just seemed like she annoys him and she seemed like a kicked puppy or something.


That's almost exactly what I said to my oldest, except I used the word "high".


He was in their segment last night. I don't know if he always does. But Carrie Ann hit the nail on the head when she mentioned that their tension - their attitude - works for them on the dance floor.

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That's almost exactly what I said to my oldest, except I used the word "high".


He was in their segment last night. I don't know if he always does. But Carrie Ann hit the nail on the head when she mentioned that their tension - their attitude - works for them on the dance floor.


Yeah, it does work for them, that's for sure.

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She lost a lot of brain cells during the Cheers years, they say. ;)


I would asssume at her age, in her shape, it takes some serious pain meds to get her body to work that hard. Maybe they are making her seem high.


Or maybe she is doing that "act like a silly little girl so you seem young" thing so many ladies in Hollywood do more and more as they get older.


I only see bits and pieces when I am on the treadmill at the Y, but I can't believe she is beating Ralph. I would not have called that!

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I would not act nearly as well as her if I had Maks reminding me that my butt was the biggest on the show a million times a day. :glare:


She said she was eating 1400 calories a day and had only eaten 150 that day. She is burning a ton of calories in practice, so she is probably not eating enough.

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She lost a lot of brain cells during the Cheers years, they say. ;)


I would asssume at her age, in her shape, it takes some serious pain meds to get her body to work that hard. Maybe they are making her seem high.


Or maybe she is doing that "act like a silly little girl so you seem young" thing so many ladies in Hollywood do more and more as they get older.


I only see bits and pieces when I am on the treadmill at the Y, but I can't believe she is beating Ralph. I would not have called that!


SPOILER if you haven't watched from Monday night yet:



Ralph hurt his knee and, according to the judges, did not dance well last night. He only had 9 hours of practice in the time they usually have 40. I thought he looked ok though.

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I would asssume at her age, in her shape, it takes some serious pain meds to get her body to work that hard. Maybe they are making her seem high.


Or maybe she is doing that "act like a silly little girl so you seem young" thing so many ladies in Hollywood do more and more as they get older.




I don't think she acts like that at all. I think she's giggly some of the time on the show simply because she's trying to hide how out of breath she is!



I would not act nearly as well as her if I had Maks reminding me that my butt was the biggest on the show a million times a day. :glare:


She said she was eating 1400 calories a day and had only eaten 150 that day. She is burning a ton of calories in practice, so she is probably not eating enough.


THIS!! Why does he do that?? It's mean and rude. I know she talks tough but she seems really vulnerable too, kwim?

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Ok, I watched the show late last night and yes she did seem a little ditzier than normal and Maks did seemed a little ruder than normal. Both falls in practice seem to be due to the fact that she was trying to execute a move she didn't know and Maks really wasn't paying attention and guiding her.


I heard that she has lost 30 lbs since the show started so yes she is working hard and eating very little and that has to effect her. She said that sometimes she forgets to eat and I can believe that. Sometimes when I am very busy I also forget to eat. My mother did the same and Kirsty is very busy right now. Also, she is 60 years old. I think she is doing extraordinarilly well.


Finally, while there does appear to be some conflict and tension between her and Maks in rehersals, it does appear to work for them on the floor. They come out, they work well together and they are scoring pretty well and obviously the audience likes them.


Last night was not their best night and I think that if it wasn't for Ralph's injury, she would probably be going home tonight. However, due to his injury, I think Ralph with probably go tonight and Kirsty next week. Then we will be left with Romeo, Hines and Chelsey which I do think are the three best dancers.


My prediction is Chelsey will win with Romeo in second and Hines in third. I have seen a lot of surprises on this show though.

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I never notice those subtleties with her. I'm too busy saying, CRAP, she's 60?? I need to get myself in gear, lol.



She is 60? Wow. She's beautiful. I just looked up what you are all talking about. I know she is heavy, but I think she looks so much nicer and friendlier and softer than say... Joan Rivers...who must be 100. No amount of surgery can hide that nasty pinched look she has.

Edited by LibraryLover
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