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Do you give official transcript credit to summer camps?

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I have always been a little shy about putting anything other than "curriculum" courses on our transcripts although I know people IRL who do this.


If you give credit, how do you assign numbers of credits and grades?


I'm working on ds#3's transcript and remembered that he participated in a math/science camp held last summer for 1 week focusing on healthcare offered by our state university. He was there over 8 hours per day. There was a very small amount of homework and we were told that he was a top student. The instructor asked him to join them this year as a helper (ds declined because he decided healthcare is not his thing).


We are contemplating another camp this summer as well.

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:iagree: for us, at least. But she needs the boost in the extracurriculars too.


But if you do assign credit, you could just figure it out based on the Carnegie hours and give a half credit (or whatever). Then for a grade... I like the mastery approach, but if you're listing a GPA scale on your transcript for the other courses I'm not sure how that would impact this one.

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What about if your dc does something like Boys State with American Legion for which they actually offer an option to get 3 credits with a college? Or Summit Ministries, they offer an option to get 3 credits with Bryant College?

If you choose not to pay for the 3 credits because you are not interested in credits to the particular college, can you put this on your transcript as more than extracurricular?

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There usually isn't enough time in a camp to count alone but I do take the hours and combine them with others they have done sometimes to make a credit. FOr example, one kid did Sailing Camp and that was part of a physical education credit. That same child did a fine arts camp where the writing was part of a English credit but the other components weren't part of any credit.

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I plan to give 0.5 credit for the 3 week intense Science Camp ds. did. It included lectures, labs, discussions, quizzes, debate, research and an oral presentation in the end. The teacher gave out an official grade report at the end.

Edited by Nissi
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