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baby ? help me figure this out

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She sounds a lot like S at that age, but I don't want to make any assumptions, so I'll ask,


Does she spit up more than "normal"? No. It's not often. Once a morning. Occasionally one other time during the day.

Is her growth okay?I think so. She had an appt a week after birth and again this coming Monday.

Have you done a *complete* dairy and soy elimination?No! I can't imagine eliminating dairy from my diet :( But if I have to, I have to.

And, of course, how do her diapers look? (I don't know how much of this could be affected by me...they are checking my gall bladder, liver, and I'm taking iron pills) Until this past weekend they were dark green...not the normal breastmilk, mustardy sweet stuff (yes, the dr knows, but hasn't commented on it yet). She's now pooing a dark yellow, very sticky liquidy stuff. Smells more "normal" for breastfed baby, but still doesn't look the same as my other kids' did. Also, her eyes are still yellowish (all my babies started out jaundiced except the redhead). She wets like a waterfall though! Plenty of liquid.


S has both GERD and MSPI, and I can't say with complete certainty which symptoms were absolutely caused by which issue b/c he went M/S-free and on Zantac at the same time.


But I am sending big :grouphug:. I couldn't put S down for more than 2 months, and it took me another 2 months to recover from it!


ETA: S was always a fabulous (cosleeping) night sleeper, which really threw some confusion into the mix!

:) Don't know if this can affect her, but I'm also going to undergo allergy testing. Rash is gone, sores are healing...itching is still here and now hives anywhere I scratch...I scratch one spot and the itching spreads (because of the body releasing histamines). So there is SOMETHING I'm reacting to...whether it's bile or something else, we don't know yet.

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My youngest had silent reflux and she was a lot like that. She was happy to sleep upright in the moby, pouch, or laying on her tummy on top of me, but any other position would make her uncomfortable until we treated the reflux. My other refluxy kids were obvious constant projectile spitters so their reflux was obvious to anyone who saw them for more than 5min. The youngest one was more subtle. What tipped me off were that she had a lot of wet burps, she sneezed constantly and a lot of the sneezes came with milk coming out of her nose, and she did this weird head shake thing where when awake and otherwise happy, she would randomly pause, shake her head to the side and back, and then whine or cry about it. She didn't spit up much at all.


Good luck getting your baby to sleep for you!

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I nurse Meg, she falls asleep, I lay her down...3-5min later she wakes crying and wanting to be held or nursed again. Some days she has a 3hr period of sleep during the day. But most days she won't let me put her down. I have things I need to get done!


My #7 was like that. After one night of getting 0 sleep because he would NOT let me lay him down I was exhausted and crying and begged my dh to go get me a breast pump. So I could make a bottle and get some SLEEP!!!! He lapped it up and concked out...in his BED, not on me. Oh sweet relief. I think the kid was hungry. The BF had become extremely painful on top of the no sleep and having to hold the baby 24/7 so I quit and pumped for 3 or 4 months and then did formula.


He was a completely different child with a bottle. The difference was immediate and 180 degree. I was a LL diehard. nursed my previous 6 (well not the 1st one) exclusively...no bottles, no pacis. EVER. Posed for a picture in the newspaper while nursing one of mine for a special health section. But the lack of sleep, the total frustration and the pain were extreme. I have no regrets. Looking back, obviously he wasn't latching correctly and wasn't getting enough to eat. HOwever, I had intense pain in the beginning of BF with all of mine and was the reason I stopped with #1. So that in and of itself didn't clue me in that there was a latch problem. And of course, I wasn't thinking straight with the lack of sleep etc.


So I'm wondering if your Meg is getting enough to eat.

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My youngest had silent reflux and she was a lot like that. She was happy to sleep upright in the moby, pouch, or laying on her tummy on top of me, but any other position would make her uncomfortable until we treated the reflux. My other refluxy kids were obvious constant projectile spitters so their reflux was obvious to anyone who saw them for more than 5min. The youngest one was more subtle. What tipped me off were that she had a lot of wet burps, she sneezed constantly and a lot of the sneezes came with milk coming out of her nose, and she did this weird head shake thing where when awake and otherwise happy, she would randomly pause, shake her head to the side and back, and then whine or cry about it. She didn't spit up much at all.


Good luck getting your baby to sleep for you!


She does this occasionally. That's where it seems she "chokes" a bit.


I know she is getting enough to eat though, because of her extremely wet diapers. But I've wondered if she doesn't get constipated, even though her poo is liquidy, she doesn't poo as often as I think she should.

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Another vote for a baby carrier! My 3rd one was like this-never slept if I wasn't holding him. So I just used a mei tai 10 hrs a day and problem solved! ;)

I got a lot done, lost weight-:001_smile: , and he slept and was content.


When I didn't wear him, my DD would say "oh no, where's C?" She was so used to seeing him on me she'd think he was lost or something. LOL

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Constipation is by definition a lack of water in the stool. If her poop is liquid, then she cannot be constipated.


When babies are growing a lot, they often don't poop much. It just means she is growing a lot.


I know because I had an epic freak out as a new mother that my son wasn't pooping and was going to explode. That story is a big hit at baby showers.


Don't go redsquirrel on the poop. Trust me.

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I discovered my huge eater just needed 9 oz every time he bellied up to the bar or he couldn't be put down. I could do 9 oz once in the middle of the night and then again on first rising, but could just never belt out that much the rest of the day. So I supplemented. He'd get what ever I had, and finished off as much as he wanted of supplement. Then he would "pass out" as if drunk. If he didn't get a full tummy, he was fussing, and kicking, and waking in minutes, etc. My mother said one of my brothers was also like this.


He still eats like a horse.



That describes my problem child. :001_smile:

It makes sense. He was a full pound and a half bigger than the next biggest at birth. He's still a moose. Not fat, at all. Just very solid. very solid. and husky. Not like my other string beans.

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Did anyone mention tongue-tie as an option? I just had a friend of mine diagnose this for another friend's baby. Apparently infrequent dirty and fussing is often caused by this.


I know nothing about this myself, but I can certainly direct you to my friend if you'd like to seek a professional opinion. She's a homeopath and works with nutrition and natural medicines. She's brilliant and extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of things, and is the first person I go to for just about any health-related issue. Here's a link to her site: http://taylorhomeopathy.com/

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She does this occasionally. That's where it seems she "chokes" a bit.


I know she is getting enough to eat though, because of her extremely wet diapers. But I've wondered if she doesn't get constipated, even though her poo is liquidy, she doesn't poo as often as I think she should.


I had forgotten about the diapers. I was also freaking out because my guy's diapers were waaaaaayyyyy too dry and he hadn't had a BM in days. I cried, sobbed with relief, when he finally had a BM after getting breastmilk from a bottle. Hormonal much. :lol:


I hope you find a solution. :grouphug:

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She does this occasionally. That's where it seems she "chokes" a bit.


I know she is getting enough to eat though, because of her extremely wet diapers. But I've wondered if she doesn't get constipated, even though her poo is liquidy, she doesn't poo as often as I think she should.


S had incredibly wet diapers, which is why we (meaning me, dh, AND our ped) shrugged off the idea that he wasn't getting enough breastmilk. His random poo diapers were kind of slimy though, which is what finally helped in his MSPI diagnosis. If hers aren't slimy/stringy, there's a good chance it isn't a dairy issue.

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S had incredibly wet diapers, which is why we (meaning me, dh, AND our ped) shrugged off the idea that he wasn't getting enough breastmilk. His random poo diapers were kind of slimy though, which is what finally helped in his MSPI diagnosis. If hers aren't slimy/stringy, there's a good chance it isn't a dairy issue.


slimy, yes! And occasionally I've seen stringyness. What is MSPI?

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slimy, yes! And occasionally I've seen stringyness. What is MSPI?


Uh oh. You won't like it, lol. Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance. And the "cure" is complete elimination of milk and soy proteins.

With S, it went undiagnosed so long that there was serious FTT. But early detection can help skip most of the complications, so you may want to ask your dr. about it and/or google around to see if it rings true. This is a great site - http://www.refluxrebels.com/

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Also, do you have a forceful letdown and/or oversupply? That could cause her to overeat which will make reflux/silent reflux worse. The very wet diapers make me think she is getting a lot to drink. If you can calm down the oversupply and allow her to nurse after the most forceful letdown, it may help things significantly. I still vote reflux- but the reflux may be caused by diet issues or an oversupply type issue and doesn't always require medication.

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Also, do you have a forceful letdown and/or oversupply? That could cause her to overeat which will make reflux/silent reflux worse. The very wet diapers make me think she is getting a lot to drink. If you can calm down the oversupply and allow her to nurse after the most forceful letdown, it may help things significantly. I still vote reflux- but the reflux may be caused by diet issues or an oversupply type issue and doesn't always require medication.


Yes, I always have more than enough. It's a problem this time because it makes me leak a lot. With the others, I would pump a little first and then nurse (they got a better latch and more hindmilk that way). However, I replaced my adored AVENT pump (tossed it because it was old) and got a new one, of a different brand. There is NO SUCTION. The thing does not work and once opened, you can't take it back :( I don't know where the receipt is (didn't expect to need it). Ugh! And pumps aren't cheap.


These reviews are the exact thing I've experienced!

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You don't need to pump to give her more hind milk. Just let her nurse until you naturally feel a letdown and then pull her off the breast until you quit spraying. You can catch the milk in a bottle if you have skills like that but I would just use a thick cloth diaper.

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slimy, yes! And occasionally I've seen stringyness. What is MSPI?


I just wanted to say that a breastfed baby's poop IS "slimy" and even stringy and this CAN be normal.


And even though you want an answer, sometimes babies are just fussy and need to be held more. Not helpful, but just may be how she is?

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I just wanted to say that a breastfed baby's poop IS "slimy" and even stringy and this CAN be normal.


And even though you want an answer, sometimes babies are just fussy and need to be held more. Not helpful, but just may be how she is?


might be :) Grin and bear it eh? She liked the ring sling last night.

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The vibrating bouncy seat worked wonders for us, might try that for sleeping? I worried about it becoming a habit (it didn't), but I was desperate!


Also, what worked really well for us was to nurse right AFTER sleeping. Then baby was full and content after waking and eating. He'd stay awake for an hour or so (I'd make SURE I kept him awake at least that long) and then he was so tired he just fell asleep without nursing (and no crying). Then woke up about 60-90 minutes later. Fed him again. I realize this is the reverse of what many people do, but it was almost magic how well it worked for us. Of course I did nurse him at night before he fell alseep, but that was the only time he nursed before sleeping. Otherwise it was right after he woke up and he was always very alert and awake and so got a very full feeding without falling back asleep. Kind of like in the AM when they nurse - awake and consume a lot! They never wanted to nurse again before falling asleep. (Oh, and with my first one I was doing this and he ate about every 2.5 -3 hours from the beginning. Weighed 7-13 and then at 4 weeks was 12-1! So he was really eating a full meal each time he nursed).


Good luck - that is so hard and so stressful and seems like it goes on forever. But you know you look back and it seems to have flown by.

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I just wanted to say that a breastfed baby's poop IS "slimy" and even stringy and this CAN be normal.


And even though you want an answer, sometimes babies are just fussy and need to be held more. Not helpful, but just may be how she is?


Not to be argumentative, but I recently heard a friend say "typical does not equal normal" in response to a similar situation, and I thought that was very thought-provoking. In other words, just because lots of babies can be that way, doesn't mean it is normal or that it isn't worth looking into. (This particular conversation was in regards to bowel movements, which this friend asserts should happen every day, even though many experts say it's normal for babies to go as infrequently as once per week.)



ETA: I do agree babies can have different personalities and needs and wanting to be held in and of itself isn't necessarily a problem. I'm more speaking to the fussiness, bowel and spit up comments.

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Dd was like that, I called her the "wear me" baby. I "wore" her until toddlerhood..... She is a teenager now, a creative, sensitive soul. I guess that is how her temperament translated to her early years.


Can you get (I don't know what they are called, but you tie them on you and they look like a hammock)? Then you can easily wear her and get things done. I think you can work it out so Meg can nurse in there as well.


Also, check under her tongue and see if it is "free." Ds was severely tongue tied, and NO ONE saw the need to fix it until he had his wisdom teeth out. Nursing while tongue tied is very difficult, and baby has to suck a very large amount of air to get the milk. So when he was an infant, he would nurse a minute, get discouraged, stop, then scream because he wanted more, nurse, air, gas, scream, you get the idea.


DD still goes into the SleepyWrap when I need to get something done & she's being extra clingy. She's 2 and a half. Some littles just need more cuddles, I think.

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The vibrating bouncy seat worked wonders for us, might try that for sleeping? I worried about it becoming a habit (it didn't), but I was desperate!


Also, what worked really well for us was to nurse right AFTER sleeping. Then baby was full and content after waking and eating. He'd stay awake for an hour or so (I'd make SURE I kept him awake at least that long) and then he was so tired he just fell asleep without nursing (and no crying). Then woke up about 60-90 minutes later. Fed him again. I realize this is the reverse of what many people do, but it was almost magic how well it worked for us. Of course I did nurse him at night before he fell alseep, but that was the only time he nursed before sleeping. Otherwise it was right after he woke up and he was always very alert and awake and so got a very full feeding without falling back asleep. Kind of like in the AM when they nurse - awake and consume a lot! They never wanted to nurse again before falling asleep. (Oh, and with my first one I was doing this and he ate about every 2.5 -3 hours from the beginning. Weighed 7-13 and then at 4 weeks was 12-1! So he was really eating a full meal each time he nursed).


Good luck - that is so hard and so stressful and seems like it goes on forever. But you know you look back and it seems to have flown by.

I've always nursed right after sleeping. But this baby seems to need more sleep (or doesn't go into as deep a sleep) than the others. Understandable considering we delivered her a few weeks early. She just continuously falls asleep while eating and pestering her to keep her awake doesn't work. I have to set her down, which wakes her, and she demands again.


NONE of my children have been able to do the 3hr schedule at the beginning (yes, I've read/listened to Prep for Parenting...I ditched the Ezzos years ago. I won't get into that rant here though). The babies always did the sleep, eat, wake cycle, unless there was an issue. But they each had their own time table.

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I can't help it. I keep reading that you're asking IF this IS a baby: "Baby? Help me figure this out." I can't resist saying so any more: it's a baby. Yes.


And Meg. I'm so jealous--I want a Meg! Dh, unfortunately, feels differently.

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I can't help it. I keep reading that you're asking IF this IS a baby: "Baby? Help me figure this out." I can't resist saying so any more: it's a baby. Yes.


And Meg. I'm so jealous--I want a Meg! Dh, unfortunately, feels differently.



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Have you tried having her sleep in a swing? My 9 month old is like that and the swing was the only thing that helped.


He no longer fits in the swing so doesn't really nap well anymore. He cries to sleep most nights still.


Yes, and she used to sleep there at first for up to 40min. Now she only lasts up to 10 at the most...many times she wakes up within 3min.


Ironically, I just put her in the carseat. She was unhappy when she realised I wasn't carrying her to the car. I put the carseat on a rocking footrest (homemade and the carseat fit into the angle of it perfectly) and started rocking her. Good at first then we had to give her a binky. She just fell asleep!

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I would try block feeding for the oversupply. Give her the same breast for all feedings within about a 3-4 hour period, and then use the other breast for the next 3-4 hours. This will get more hindmilk into her, which is more filling, and it should cut down on the forceful spray. Sometimes too much foremilk can also overwhelm their little bowels with more lactose than they can handle, and that can cause gas, uncomfortable tummies, slimy and greenish poop, etc.


As for not pooping frequently, my third baby was like that. He was over 9 pounds at birth, so I didn't necessarily expect the same patterns as a more average sized baby, but while his diapers were wet, he didn't poop that all often. When he did, he wasn't constipated, but it was thick, not seedy like my other two. I kept a close eye on his weight, and he was gaining, but just barely at the acceptable minimum for a breastfed baby. He also clicked when he nursed, and not the normal click -- a click that meant he was breaking suction and taking in too much air. Turns out he has a slight bubble palate, so the nipple was going up into his mouth, instead of toward the back. It took a couple of months of me needing to help him anchor his jaw while nursing, to make sure he got the most power out of nursing, and then he grew into it and was fine. I did take him to an LC, and I would recommend doing that -- she can evaluate for tongue-tie, bubble palate, or anything else that might be causing nursing issues, just so you can make sure your little one is getting as much milk as she can.

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Some babies just need the contact. My last never slept anywhere but in contact with me. As soon as I tried to put him down (in the crib, on the couch, in the carseat, in a swing...), he instantly woke up. I held him for naps and slept next to him for several years. It took him a long time, but he finally got over that need. He's now happily sleeping in his own room.


It may not be east for you, but contact with you may just be what the baby needs. It won't last forever, even though it seems like it right now.

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Do you feel like she's getting her tummy filled up during a nursing session?


When my babies fell asleep nursing, I'd always jiggle them back awake to get them to nurse for a few more minutes. I'd keep doing this until they were no longer responsive. Then, they really were full and they would sleep longer.




:iagree: I always made sure that I kept my little one's awake till they were full...no snacking. It worked well and they both slept really well at night too. I did what ever I could to keep them awake...jiggle them, talk to them, tickle them :). I hope you find the help you're looking for.

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