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Anyone use Saving Dinner

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I did a bunch of their freezer meals, and they were good! I wish there was a way to just choose the recipes you want to use, and then it would figure out the shopping list and prep. I'm a little too lazy to do that myself, but I probably should. (sigh)

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The Saving Dinner recipes were very hit-or-miss with my family. A few we loved, a bunch were okay, and some were just not very good at all.


I've had more luck with E-Mealz. I honestly can't think of one recipe they've had that didn't go over well with my family. But it might just depend on what your family likes.

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I wish there was a way to just choose the recipes you want to use, and then it would figure out the shopping list and prep. I'm a little too lazy to do that myself, but I probably should. (sigh)



I do believe they have this service if you have a Menu Mailer subscription. It's a bit extra, but you're supposed to be able to pick and choose which recipes you want, and print out the exact shopping list you would need for just those recipes.

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I've used the book and subscribed to the menu mailer. I just resubscribed again last week. I was in a "what's for dinner" funk. This helps. :) I do make a few substitutions here and there, but I keep the general meal plan. For example, one of the dinners last week was a shrimp stir fry. My family doesn't eat shrimp, so I used chicken instead.


I like the service. :)

Edited by Veritaserum
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I have the cookbook and my family loves some of the recipes. My DD asked me to make one of them the other day.


As with any cookbook you will not like all of the recipes. There are certainly some in SD that I won't make again. There are quite a few, however, that my family asks for over and over.


I tend to use it more in the fall and winter. Those recipes are great. We are on the run so much in the summer with 4H, scouts and tennis that I have never really used the summer section. Maybe I will this summer....

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I subscribed for about a year. After a while I noticed some of the recipes were the similar with slightly different ingredients or a different name. I have the first 3 volumes of the freezer meals and they're okay, but there are also a lot of recipes I never used.


I do like the cookbook though. The meals are easy and most of the ones we tried were good.

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I've subscribed to the Menu Mailer twice. For some reason, I've found her books easier for me to use. I just ask a family member to choose a seasonal menu (there are 6-8 weekly menus for each season) and I go shopping. There have been very few recipes my family disliked.


We have the regular Saving Dinner book and Saving Dinner the Vegetarian Way.

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