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I put this as my facebook status (CC)

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"I woke up thinking about the fact that without the redeeming blood of Jesus, I would be facing the same eternity as Bin Laden."


Though I am rejoicing he can do no more harm, and I am proud of, and very thankful for, former President Bush, President Obama, our foreign intelligence, and our amazing and dedicated military (including my two brothers who between them have served over 4 years in Iraq and Afghanistan), I can never be happy that someone is spending eternity burning in hell. Jesus died for him too, and he rejected it. That saddens me. But I am glad that those who have lost their lives at his hands have justice now.


I might get flamed for this, but I don't care.

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A prayer for the death of Osama bin Laden:

“O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, pg. 816)


This is what I posted this morning. I just can't rejoice in the death of a lost man, but I do feel relieved knowing that this man's evil has been stopped. I'm saddened by our country's rejoicing in his death (which I have seen a bunch of on facebook), especially since it so much resembles the evil that Bin Laden and his followers stand on.


Proverbs 24:17-18 " Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice..."

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"I woke up thinking about the fact that without the redeeming blood of Jesus, I would be facing the same eternity as Bin Laden."


Though I am rejoicing he can do no more harm, and I am proud of, and very thankful for, former President Bush, President Obama, our foreign intelligence, and our amazing and dedicated military (including my two brothers who between them have served over 4 years in Iraq and Afghanistan), I can never be happy that someone is spending eternity burning in hell. Jesus died for him too, and he rejected it. That saddens me. But I am glad that those who have lost their lives at his hands have justice now.


I might get flamed for this, but I don't care.


So, Osama is down in hell with Gandhi?

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I saw a similar thing this morning - "I'm not rejoicing in a man's death - I'm rejoicing in the security of America."




I am married to a disabled Iraq vet and am friends with women whose husbands lost their lives during dh's last tour. I have listened to "Taps" one too many times, and sat through the soul-wrenching 21-gun salute. I cannot rejoice in a lost soul forever in hell, but can rejoice in the hard work of our men and women in uniform. :patriot:

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Is the point what he did, or that all non-Christians are morally equivalent to him?


I find it ironic that one could be "flamed" for a discussion about hell.


My point has nothing to do with morals. I just woke up even more in awe of the wonderful grace of a loving God who sacrificed so much for me.

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"I woke up thinking about the fact that without the redeeming blood of Jesus, I would be facing the same eternity as Bin Laden."


Though I am rejoicing he can do no more harm, and I am proud of, and very thankful for, former President Bush, President Obama, our foreign intelligence, and our amazing and dedicated military (including my two brothers who between them have served over 4 years in Iraq and Afghanistan), I can never be happy that someone is spending eternity burning in hell. Jesus died for him too, and he rejected it. That saddens me. But I am glad that those who have lost their lives at his hands have justice now.


I might get flamed for this, but I don't care.


Can anyone be sure if all the valiant Navy Seals who orchestrated the attack on Osama have accepted the redeeming blood of Jesus? It would be ironic if they end up sharing the same eternity as Bin Laden.

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I thought no Christian could know the state of another person's eternal soul? Who can say what OBL is facing for eternity?


This, exactly.


I personally believe that all people will eventually be reconciled to God. I marvel at a God who will in time not only right all the wrongs done by somebody like Bin Laden, but will reconcile Bin Laden to himself and reconcile Bin laden and his victims. I don't know by what process that will happen, but it is cause for celebration.

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I agree with you completely, Nakia (though we're all assuming he's in Hell, and I believe that while that's a logical conclusion, only God Himself knows for sure). I am very glad he's not in a position to orchestrate more harm, though I'm sorry it took the ultimate measure to ensure that. I do believe that war and killing are, at times, justified and necessary, but I don't believe that we should rejoice at the taking of someone else's life. As hard as it is to swallow, bin Laden was created by the same God who created all of us and was no less precious to Him than you or I. This may be the path that God allows to accomplish His purpose, but I don't believe He is joyful about it.

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Thank you for posting Nakia!


I agree with you 100%.

I, too, am troubled by the response of so many who are rejoicing and celebrating the death of a man.


I will stop there. You said it better in your OP than I ever could. Thank you for taking that stand (and the flames :)).



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Wow, that is some loving god you folks got there. Someone could live a good and loving life, not perfect but good and loving, kind and generous and still be condemed to hell because they are not a Christian?


And Bin Laden goes to hell, not because he is a mass-murdering psychopath, but simply because he didn't come to Jesus?


My BIL is a vet of two wars for this country, but not saved, so that makes him doomed? My BIL's father died in the towers but isn't a Christian so he's down in hell with Bin Laden? My good friend leaves TODAY for Afghanistan, after healing from a mental breakdown from the last tour of duty, and he is doomed to hell because he is not a christian?


So much for love and crap like that. You make it sound like Amway.


Do you really want answers to this or are you just being grouchy? *Asking with a gentle tone* If you really want to know, I'll be glad to PM you. If you are just ticked in general, I'd just assume leave it alone.

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Wow, that is some loving god you folks got there. Someone could live a good and loving life, not perfect but good and loving, kind and generous and still be condemed to hell because they are not a Christian?


And Bin Laden goes to hell, not because he is a mass-murdering psychopath, but simply because he didn't come to Jesus?


My BIL is a vet of two wars for this country, but not saved, so that makes him doomed? My BIL's father died in the towers but isn't a Christian so he's down in hell with Bin Laden? My good friend leaves TODAY for Afghanistan, after healing from a mental breakdown from the last tour of duty, and he is doomed to hell because he is not a christian?


So much for love and crap like that. You make it sound like Amway.


On a thread clearly marked as Christian Content, what is the point of debating the poster's point of view? The thread is a personal reflection of the poster's heart and an invitation to others who are like-minded to comment. She was very clear about her perspective and belief system. This comment and the others like it are out of place here. Open your own thread to argue the point of how/if/who goes to heaven.


OP - also living daily with the knowledge that my guilt was paid for by another.

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