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Men marry that they

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Okay, So I am really tired and my eyes hurt.


I can not wrap my head around what you just said....LOl At. All. LOL


Men marry that they

may properly thank their mothers. ?



Will someone please translate....

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hmmm...If this is the case then my dh's thanks to his mother would go something like: "Thank you, Mom, for encouraging me to go to Prom with Karen (who asked me first) when I really wanted to go with Jennifer (who asked me 2 hours later). Almost 28 years later you still hate Karen and I'm sure wish you could change your advice to me about Jennifer." :D

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Oh, sorry. Yeah--we tend to pick out their mom's gifts. Then we help them write their mom's cards. Then we're like, "Sweetie...you basically just told her you like her food. Would ya like to make it more personal? "


Maybe it's just the writing teacher in me: any kind of note means more if you include CONCRETE examples. :lol:

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I refuse to buy cards for MIL. I tried, when we were first married. I remember saying to the clerk at Hallmark, "What card do you get for someone that ruined your wedding last month, and you can't stand?" Apparently Hallmark does NOT make cards for all occassions.


I did get her a lovely card...which she criticized. Wasn't religious. Blah blah blah.


So I told Wolf he was on his own. She's not my mother. I don't see why marrying him means I have to take over getting her cards and gifts. :glare:

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Oh my gosh, Imp--I'm sorry. I've heard your mil stories, but--wow. I wouldn't do those, either.


We did a photo calendar for mil for Christmas a couple of years ago, & she kept saying how much she liked it & how she hoped we'd just do that from now on, lol.


Well, I forgot. I saw it sitting on the end table in the living room last time we were there & said something, & she "showed me" how she just flips through it now.


So I ordered one for Mother's Day--luckily you can make the starting month whatever you want it to be. I only ordered one last time because I included ils' birthdays; it turned out so well, though, that I went ahead & included everybody's birthday this time. Then I got dh to write brief notes to his mom every other month (one note/mo), & I took the rest. Then I added cute kid quotes from the year before.


I think it's going to be awesome, but it was funny when dh kept talking about his mom's food. :lol: I finally told him--you're not saying anything nice about your mom or even thank you for the food. You're just saying, "Yum." :lol: So we fixed it, & she'll love it, I'm sure. (Esp the cute kid quotes. Oh my gosh: "Don't eat me, dinosaur! John's much yummier.")

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This hasn't been true in our family at all. My dad always got his mom the present, the card, made arrangements for dinner out.


My husband is GREAT at getting his mom birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas presents. Just today, he got a call from youngest brother asking to chip in to their mom's gift. :001_smile:


Two generations so far. We'll see if that habit is passed to the next!



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I agree. At least, that's the dynamic in my family. :glare: Dh and I have been together nearly 17 years, and not once has that man remembered his mother's birthday or Mother's Day in her honor (he *has* to remember Mother's Day in my honor because my kids won't have a taxi driver and they remind him to cover their bases :glare:). MIL gets gifts from me, the card signed from all of us, and she has no idea. I've decided to keep it that way because it makes her happy.

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I agree. At least, that's the dynamic in my family. :glare: Dh and I have been together nearly 17 years, and not once has that man remembered his mother's birthday or Mother's Day in her honor (he *has* to remember Mother's Day in my honor because my kids won't have a taxi driver and they remind him to cover their bases :glare:). MIL gets gifts from me, the card signed from all of us, and she has no idea. I've decided to keep it that way because it makes her happy.


Mine will remember, but not soon enough. And his ideas for gifts...have improved since we said, "I do." ;)


Although, in his defense, he's got a lot more on his mind now, & he didn't do *badly* on his own at all.

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