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Any suggestions? My daughter is 11 going on 12. She reads what she has to and gets it over with. She has read Magic Tree House and now reading Nancy Drew. She says she likes mysteries, but Nancy Drew books are the first mysteries I have seen her read. I had to make her open the box to read them. I have bought her Animal Ark, but she has not touched them. She is a 5th grade reading level. She likes Dolphins, horses, and dogs.


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Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald

A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright (also The Four Story Mistake, Then There Were Five and Spiderweb for Two: A Melendy Maze are part of the Melendy Quartet)

Gone away Lake by Elizabeth Enright (also Return to Gone Away Lake)

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit

Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare

any book by Marguerite Henry

any book by Jean Craighead George

Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Margaret Sidney

Five Children and It by Edith Nesbit

The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting (and all the rest in the series)

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For some lighter reads, there are the Animorphs books. Has she read The Jungle Book and Second Jungle Book? I loved those when I was a kid.


Also, there's the Harper Hall series by Anne McCaffrey, which I discovered at about her age: Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, and Dragondrums. They're a subset of her Dragonriders of Pern books written for a younger audience.


There's also the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan.


It was at about that age that I got hooked on classic science fiction. A collection of short stories by the likes of Asimov, Heinlein, etc. might be something to try and see if she'll like. I remember checking out a book that had, among others, "Star Bright" and "The Ugly Little Boy" by Asimov and "The Menace from Earth" by Heinlein that I really enjoyed at age 10.

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I loved the Trixie Belden mystery series as a kid.


Anne of Green Gables series, Emily (of New Moon) series (same author), Black Stallion... there's a series called "Phantom Stallion: Wild Horse Island" that looks okay.

My dd agrees that the Phantom Stallion and Black Stallion series are good.


Since your dd likes mysteries, check your library for books by Helen Fuller Orton. These are older (1940's-ish) but both of my dds like them. They're high interest and most are a 4th or 5th grade reading level. I have had to get some via interlibrary loan since our library is one that discards like crazy... but that's another thread!

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She might enjoy something like "The Daring Book for Girls" and also "The Girls' Book of How to be the Best at Everything" -- they're not novels or read-it-straight-through books, but they're fun & have lots of neat ideas. Maybe something in that style would appeal to her?


Also, some of the books my dd loves...

Pippi Longstocking

any of the Redwall books

the Little House series

the Royal Diaries series (most of them)

the Harry Potter series

Stick and Whittle (dd loves the humor in this)

The Secret Garden

The Orange Trees of Versailles

the American Girl Historical series of books (even though these are below her reading level, she still enjoys them)


She loves horses, but has never seemed that interested in reading 'horse' books -- her main complaint being that most horse stories are about the people characters rather than the horses, lol. But, she's read so many versions of Black Beauty that I can't even count them -- that's a book she really loves. She tried the Black Stallion series but didn't seem to get into them much.


For mysteries, your dd might like Encyclopedia Brown books. Or maybe the American Girl History Mystery series.


Maybe she would prefer non-fiction over fiction? Dd has enjoyed various biographies (esp. of Amelia Earhart) & history type books.


There are lots more books, but I'm blanking right now.


Does your dd like magazines? Perhaps you could help foster a love of reading by getting some magazines too.

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I second Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. My dd asked me to drive her to the book store so she could buy the newest installment the day it was released.


She also likes books by Tamora Pierce.


Cry of the Icemark.


And for mysteries...Hands down her favorite is the Sammy Keyes series.

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