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Writing, for my fifth grader. He likes math and spends a lot of time on it, but I don't have to work so hard on it.


Math, for my seventh grader. She likes writing and literature and is really good at it, but hates math so I am having to work hard at teaching of math.

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#1 KJV Bible as the reading book (the 1st step in a Great Books reading plan). My younger son who was the most classically educated of all of us, sometimes chose to spend a couple hours a day listening and reading along. His ear got trained to older English and I thought of him as bilingual. Later on he picked up the Great Books and expressed complete confusion as to why people thought they were harder than a modern novel. He didn't understand why I struggled with them and looked at me like I was retarded.


#2 Saxon math. He usually spent 2 hours a day on math. Sometimes I tried to supplement with manipulatives, biographies, etc, but usually it was 2 hours of Saxon drill work.


#3 Writing and Latin/Greek were tied for 3rd place.


We were basically LCC before LCC was written, and heavily influenced by Dr Robinson, but used the Bible and encyclopedias instead of novels and added in classical languages.


Social Studies and Science was primarily VHS and DVDs.

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English and math. I think it is fair to say this is what most of us focus on. It seems these are the foundational skills needed for any other course of study a child will undertake.

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