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He Did It! He Did It! He Did It!


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Just had to share! My DS has known all his letter sounds perfectly for about 6 months now. Even to the point of looking at a book and trying to figure out the words by each individual sound. But blending just wasn't happenning!


Today He READ his first story! Fat Cat, Fat Rat. I am SO excited that it finally worked! Oh the JOYS of homeschooling! LOVE IT! What parent wants to miss that?!?

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It's such an amazing thing to watch. My son just started blending for real this week too. Today at Target he saw a coloring book he liked.


"Wow, what's this about?" he said.


"I don't know, why don't you read the front." I said.


"Buh - at mmmm - an. It says Batman!"


Of course I was amused when he said with a puzzled look on his face: "Who's Batman?" Clearly my son is deprived, but at least I knew he was really reading it instead of guessing from the cover :)

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What parent wants to miss that?!?



And the sad thing is, the teachers who teach our kids see it so often that it has become humdrum to them.


But I agree; who wants to miss some of these milestones! First step, first tooth, first word!!! :party:

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I know, I can totally relate. I taught my 5 year old phonics this year, and he's taken off reading. It's such an awesome feeling knowing that WE taught them. My other 2 boys went to public school for Kindergarten, so I love this special time w/him. What a joy it is to teach them:)

Good job mom!!


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Of course I was amused when he said with a puzzled look on his face: "Who's Batman?" Clearly my son is deprived, but at least I knew he was really reading it instead of guessing from the cover :)




My sons wouldn't know who he is either!

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