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Dorm room shopping list?

Kimm in WA

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Tah dah! Ask and you share receive. Gwen in VA posted the list here.


Shower cap? The list is beyond complete.


One item we needed before we had moved 5' from our car ---- duck tape. DS had packed his boxes so heavy that the bottoms gave out. Duck tape to the rescue. It was actually listed on his college's item list.

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Most schools now provide a list made specifically for their dorms which take into account size constraints, electrical availability, etc., so you might also check the website for your school....


Yes, check your school's website. I just checked ours, and they have a list. And it differs from the 4-page list posted here; for example, it says DO NOT bring XL-twin sheets.

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One item we needed before we had moved 5' from our car ---- duck tape. DS had packed his boxes so heavy that the bottoms gave out. Duck tape to the rescue. It was actually listed on his college's item list.


LOL! I was jumping on this thread to post the same thing! Duct tape cures a host of ills and broken equipment. Not to mention, it's great for taping things you don't want to lose to walls and furniture. Duct tape comes in all the colors of the rainbow including prints and tie dye. My daughter got a big box of pretty duct tape for Christmas her first year away at school.

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Yes, I was surprised to find that some schools do NOT have the extra long beds (I thought they all did)!


Also, some dorms are older and limit the number of things you can plug in; some require power strips.


Different appliances are allowed in different dorms. My son's does not allow anything but a fridge and microwave. They also restrict the types of lights that can be brought in....


Fire marshall requirements in different states related to the type and age of the dorm are going to make the lists vary to some extent....

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Sounds strange, but a can of WD 40 or its equivalent. Son moved in mid-year to the dorms. Husband noticed that the bathroom door squeaked (ear-piercing, nails-on-the-chalkboard), used the WD 40, and my son was the celebrity on the floor the rest of the week.


Also, at least 2 power strips. One for room, and one for the trips to the library. In study groups, there weren't enough outlets for everyone's laptop; saved on battery life.

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Yes - check with the college for ideas AND limits on power - ds's dorm is allowed no more than a 500 watt microwave (had to find one on Amazon as no local stores had one so, well, weak.) There may be limits on extension cord length, too!!!


Plus - do not go for items like microwave/fridge until after room mates are assigned - then the kids can confer and see if either of them already has one or the other, if not, who buys what. My son's roommie already had a small 'fridge, so son popped for the microwave.

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One item we needed before we had moved 5' from our car ---- duck tape. DS had packed his boxes so heavy that the bottoms gave out. Duck tape to the rescue. It was actually listed on his college's item list.


If it moves and isn't supposed to - duct tape

if it doesn't move and is supposed to - WD40

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