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March Crafters Challenge!

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I've been mooching on and off here all day and only just realised it's the 31st. Bit slow, aren't I? Very slow, seeing that I thought the 31st was tomorrow...


I did a bit more embroidery this week, but not enough to be worth taking a pic of. And of course my knitted square. In TWO colours this time. Aren't I bold? :lol:


Now I've done the "I'm sure there was something I had to do" I can carry on with the rest of the day!

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I've recently gotten in the habit of preparing a weeks worth of outfits, pressed and ready. I'm also picking out which jewelry to wear (and need a place to put them. So, I made little bags to add to the hangers.


I also made a cover for my sweet little ottoman. The cats are set on destroying it. :sad: Now that I've done a practice one, I want to make a few more.


Rosie, your monthly challenge has got my kids doing crafts! My 9yo is making a pillow with felt, and 12yo is doing embroidery. Thanks! :001_smile:

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I have been madly working on finishing the second Hedwig sock, which has been in progress for nearly a year. I think it took me a year to finish the first one, too. :lol: I also nearly completed a WHOLE PAIR of socks (not only in March) for Abbie; I just have to knit the toe. I have several knitting projects in the works.


I really, really need to finish the snake and nesting dolls I had nearly completed for my nephew & niece's birthdays in January. I only have details. I am such a slacker.

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I've been unaware of these challenges - what fun! I can't upload pics atm, but this month I knit a pullover for DS4, made a reversible apron for my niece's 2nd birthday, and made DS4 a pair of Batman pajama pants to celebrate being done witn nighttime diapers. Are there rules for the challenges? I am finishing up a hat to match the pullover, promised a hat to a friend, have fabric ready for a variety of projects. Hopefully April sees lots of completions.

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Here's 12yo's first attempt at embroidery, and the awesome book auntie brought her. http://www.amazon.com/Sublime-Stitching-Hundreds-Embroidery-How/dp/0811850110/ref=pd_sim_b_4

Also, 9yo's felt pillow, (she wants you to know it's not done)... (she still has to add a moon ;)).


Well I'm totally impressed and tell your 12 yo I'm impressed with her efforts too because I was too scared to try freeform embroidery until a couple of years ago! :)


Annlaura, the only rules are that books read, housework done and weight lost belong in their own threads :tongue_smilie: Oh, there is a rule about posting pictures of PROGRESS, not just finished items, but as you can see, I'm dealing with an unruly bunch of lawbreakers here. :lol:



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Thanks Rosie! I should be able to follow those. If I'm crafting, no reading, housework, or weight loss is getting done anyway. Not that they are when I'm not crafting either, so no danger. ;) And most likely I will be able to upload pics by April's end. We shall see if I remember to take progress shots, or if I join the unruly band. :tongue_smilie:

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Well done, everyone!


Attaching a photo of three projects, two completed and one underway. The blouse is a Simplicity pattern 2614. It comes in cup sizes--what a concept!


The charming yellow fabric has favorite Golden Book characters. :D It is lined with thick wool felt and holds my new Archos tablet. Will there be a problem with wool and static electricity?


The sock is my first attempt at sock making. I am using wool Happy Feet yarn and loving the project!

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