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need help thinking this through...car is totaled

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So, this has been a very stressful few weeks. A little over a week ago my MIL died. Then the next day we found out a close friend of the family has only 4 weeks to live. Friday I was rear ended in my car and suffered whiplash, which is causing daily headaches. Anyway, we just got the call that my car is going to cost more to fix than it is worth, so they are going to total it. I will get a check for 7 thousand dollars. Which means we need to find a new car and take back the rental that the insurance is paying for. But we don't have another car that we can safely put the baby in, as dh drives a Ford Ranger with no real back seat. So how do we look for a car? And how do we find a car for that price??? We have another $6,000 coming in next week in our tax return, but that was slated to pay off the credit card, paint the house (it has needed it since we moved in), and put flooring down in the bedrooms, which currently are just cement (we pulled out the carpet already, it was gross). Oh, and pay for my annulment. We will eventually have more money coming in from the sale of the MIL's house, but I don't know how long that will take, it isn't even listed yet.


I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!! Any ideas?

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Is the car actually "Totaled" - as in not drivable. Or is the insurance company just not willing to pay how much it would be to fix it all the way?


My dh was rear ended in February and the car was totaled, but it was still drivable. So, we took the money from the insurance, fixed a couple smaller items on the car and still had money left to bank. (Which actually turned out to be a good thing because we need that money to pay upcoming bills. :glare:)


If your car is still drivable, you can keep it and drive it while you shop for another car with the money given to you by the insurance company.


:grouphug: I'm sorry for everything happening - it's no fun having to deal with a car on top of it all.

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Can you keep the rental any longer? I would probably ask my insurance company if that is possible since you are still suffering from the accident and that your secondary vehicle will not transport your family.


If they won't I would see if you can rent a car on your own while you shop. We tend to buy used cars and could find something for 7k. Depends on what you want and what the market is like in your area.


If possible I would delay buying a second car until your head is better and you're not under so much stress. :grouphug:

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We had a lot of luck calling dealerships in our area and asking about their "bargain-lot". We had $6000 to buy a car for dh and wanted something without a gazillion miles and that would hold 5 people. In general they were very helpful. Several of them would call daily with whatever trade-ins they'd had that would be going directly to auction. It made them a little more money and saved them time and expense to sell to us.


Mostly,:grouphug:. Sounds like things are crazy all over and the car is the final straw. Sorry!

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Is the car actually "Totaled" - as in not drivable. Or is the insurance company just not willing to pay how much it would be to fix it all the way?


My dh was rear ended in February and the car was totaled, but it was still drivable. So, we took the money from the insurance, fixed a couple smaller items on the car and still had money left to bank. (Which actually turned out to be a good thing because we need that money to pay upcoming bills. :glare:)


If your car is still drivable, you can keep it and drive it while you shop for another car with the money given to you by the insurance company.



I'm surprised the insurance company let you keep the car. Normally, when it is totaled, they pay you for it, and then they own the car. They normally sell them for parts and scrap.

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So, this has been a very stressful few weeks. A little over a week ago my MIL died. Then the next day we found out a close friend of the family has only 4 weeks to live. Friday I was rear ended in my car and suffered whiplash, which is causing daily headaches. Anyway, we just got the call that my car is going to cost more to fix than it is worth, so they are going to total it. I will get a check for 7 thousand dollars. Which means we need to find a new car and take back the rental that the insurance is paying for. But we don't have another car that we can safely put the baby in, as dh drives a Ford Ranger with no real back seat. So how do we look for a car? And how do we find a car for that price??? We have another $6,000 coming in next week in our tax return, but that was slated to pay off the credit card, paint the house (it has needed it since we moved in), and put flooring down in the bedrooms, which currently are just cement (we pulled out the carpet already, it was gross). Oh, and pay for my annulment. We will eventually have more money coming in from the sale of the MIL's house, but I don't know how long that will take, it isn't even listed yet.


I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!! Any ideas?


First, some :grouphug:s. I would see about keeping the rental for an extra week. You might be able to negotiate that with the insurance company. Do some serious online searching so the actually shopping part will be quicker. Prioritize your non-car purchases with your husband. Although, since you are seeking an annulment, maybe working together won't be so easy so more :grouphug:s. Most importantly, breathe, take a walk to relieve some of the stress.

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You can find a car for $7,000.


Figure out your requirements and you know your budget, go from there.


We had a limit, we knew we wanted an automatic, a Honda, and a four door. We wanted an Accord. We ended up with a Civic as DH's work car. It's great. You may have to go a little older or with less whistles, etc., but it's certainly doable. And think how nice it will be to pay cash and walk away. :D


Start by poking around on Edmunds for an idea of what is a good price on used cars you like. You'd hate to believe the sticker price is a REAL price. :)


AND, do consider that if you get it for a good price (again READ EDMUND's!) then after MIL's house sells or if you have more money fall out of the sky, then you can always sell it and upgrade. In the meantime you can use the tax return for carpet and pay off that credit card (a serious priority) and feel good! Then if MIL's house doesn't sell right away you haven't caused yourself undue stress at a what is really NOT a good time for you.

Edited by BlsdMama
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AND, do consider that if you get it for a good price (again READ EDMUND's!) then after MIL's house sells or if you have more money fall out of the sky, then you can always sell it and upgrade. In the meantime you can use the tax return for carpet and pay off that credit card (a serious priority) and feel good! Then if MIL's house doesn't sell right away you haven't caused yourself undue stress at a what is really NOT a good time for you.




I've been in this situation. Look at the car you purchase as a short-term solution. Get something safe for under $7K that will hold the car seat properly, with the plan of probably selling it for the car you want when you have some breathing space to figure out.


And as far as going car shopping with the baby....the phone is your friend here. Call and get all the info on the car before you look. If you are buying from dealers, check their websites or call and ask what they have in your price range. Craigslist - calll and get all the info before you go look. Then, you may have to send your DH out to look at the car without you. If he thinks it will work (and you don't do babysitters), you can swap places and you go look at the car. It's a hassle, but we had a similiar problem one time when my car was wrecked. We had 3 in car seats at the time and our only working car was a tiny pick up.



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We were in a similar situation last summer. After the insurance company decided to total our car and sent the check, we were given one more week with the rental. We used that week to scour the state for a reliable, affordable car. We used craiglist and auto trader primarily and looked in several cities (our parents live 2 hours and 4 hours away, so we also looked in their cities to expand our search radius. We found a used Toyota Sienna in excellent condition for $7,000. We have been extremely happy with it and do not look at it as a temporary car. I would set a budget and not go over it. The amount you've been offered will get you a good car. Go ahead with your plans for the other money.

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First, some :grouphug:s. I would see about keeping the rental for an extra week. You might be able to negotiate that with the insurance company. Do some serious online searching so the actually shopping part will be quicker. Prioritize your non-car purchases with your husband. Although, since you are seeking an annulment, maybe working together won't be so easy so more :grouphug:s. Most importantly, breathe, take a walk to relieve some of the stress.


OMG!!! No, LOL, the annulment is from my former marriage!!! My current DH is wonderful, lol.


man...that would be even worse, you are right!


We will find out today how long we can keep the rental. It doesn't help that we are flying to Wisconsin tomorrow, and won't be back until Sunday. My grandma who is in her 70's and not well bough the tickets, so we have to go.

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Is the car actually "Totaled" - as in not drivable. Or is the insurance company just not willing to pay how much it would be to fix it all the way?


My dh was rear ended in February and the car was totaled, but it was still drivable. So, we took the money from the insurance, fixed a couple smaller items on the car and still had money left to bank. (Which actually turned out to be a good thing because we need that money to pay upcoming bills. :glare:)


If your car is still drivable, you can keep it and drive it while you shop for another car with the money given to you by the insurance company.


:grouphug: I'm sorry for everything happening - it's no fun having to deal with a car on top of it all.


Um, i could drive it, but not safely. There is damage to the frame itself.

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We were in a similar situation last summer. After the insurance company decided to total our car and sent the check, we were given one more week with the rental. We used that week to scour the state for a reliable, affordable car. We used craiglist and auto trader primarily and looked in several cities (our parents live 2 hours and 4 hours away, so we also looked in their cities to expand our search radius. We found a used Toyota Sienna in excellent condition for $7,000. We have been extremely happy with it and do not look at it as a temporary car. I would set a budget and not go over it. The amount you've been offered will get you a good car. Go ahead with your plans for the other money.




I really appreciate the support here. Everyone I know has been telling me about great deals on auto loans, financing, etc. They just don't get that I do NOT want a car payment!!!! I am 34 and have never had a car payment. EVER. Dh's truck is paid off too, he had a very small loan on it for just 2 years, and we paid it off with last years tax return. We have only two credit cards, one with $400 on it and the other will closer to $4000 on it. (left over from before we got married, mostly, and from out wedding/honeymoon). We really want to clear those off. Oh, and JCPenny card we pay off each month, that we have just for the extra discount during special sales. But everyone around us has way more debt, and doesn't understand why a $250 month payment is a big deal.



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Can you add a seat to your dh's car? We once had an old truck-type thing which didn't have enough seats for our family. Dh and a friend of his found an old bucket seat from another car and welded it into the back of the car. They even installed a seat belt with it. Not sure how 'legal' it was, but we used it like that until we sold the car. At least, that way, you wouldn't have to make a car payment.


No, it has two "jump seats" in the back, that are sideways. But there is no way to put a carseat in there safely, other than in the front seat, which makes me REALLY nervous. And if there is a car seat in the front then there is no room to sit in the back.

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With your checking, look at Consumer Reports. The library should have a copy & I think it's the March issue that's the car issue. It has "buy" and "avoid" cars with rough estimates of costs. It's probably the best first step in determining a budget and what cars to look at.


When you find a car you're interested in, be sure to have a mechanic check it over before you make an offer. We bought 3 used cars from individuals this way - and didn't spend over $3500 on any of them. (Of course this was pre-kids, so we weren't concerned about the same issues at the time.) You'll get a better deal buying from an individual rather than a dealer & by having a mechanic check things out you'll feel better about the purchase.


Also, give your insurance agent a call when you have an idea of the cars you're looking at & see how the different models will affect rates (and property tax).

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