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When did your SN dc stop believing?

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Oh, it was horrible. A neighbor girl, a friend of my older daughter, told Reece a couple of years ago that there was no tooth fairy. She was SO upset. She screamed, "You LIED to me!!" over and over and over and over.


After that, I stopped taking her to see "Santa" at the mall. I now wish we had never done that at all. Apparently, she really, truly believed. If I had known that it would be that strong of a reaction, I never would have started it.


My son never had any trouble with it, though.

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I also wish we had never started it. I finally told DS about Santa last summer. He was getting into arguments about it with other middle school kids, so I felt like it was time to just tell him. It was not good. He really felt betrayed. He's gotten over it now, but I still feel bad about it. :( (He was 13.)

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I enjoy playing the roles of all these characters for my dds, 11 & 12yo. I am sure they know the truth but I will NEVER admit it. I still believe.LOL

My mom never let on that she knew that I knew the characters weren't real. I liked it that way as a kid, it allowed me to sstill BE a kid.

I have done the same with mine. It's fun.

They know the real reasons for the important holidays, those that we celebrate as christians. Evenso, the characters are still fun to have around in our minds.

Chances are you dc won't want to talk about these characters with peers that don't believe. My dds use to be in ps & they avoided the conversations with others. Came home to talk about what their peers had said. They never once wanted my input on the conversation.LOL they were afraid the truth would come out. :tongue_smilie:


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My DS figured Santa out in December. He pinned me in the car and asked how Santa was real. He had it all figured out. His logic: "Santa is St. Nicholas, and you can only be a saint if you're dead. And if he's not dead, he'd be hundreds of years old. So is he real?" Yeesh.


He worked out the 'leprechauns' that have always visited on St. Paddy's Day are my stunts, too, and nearly blew that one for DD. I had to yank him out of the room. I suspect he'll get the Easter Bunny here in a few weeks as well as the Tooth Fairy when DD loses her next teeth.


I'm kinda sad, but at the same time, I'm glad he's not upset about it, and he's on board with keeping DD in the dark till she's 8. It's a good place to start.

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oh goodness....Zach is 8 and has started asking questions---so far I haven't said NO but I haven't said YES either-I just say "what do you think?" or hmmmmm ---something to think about........


When DS was so upset about the truth, I mentioned that he had been questioning and wondering for a few years. He said, very upset, "Yeah, and you always said, 'what do you think?' ". That was obviously a strategy that didn't work with him.

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WHAT! THERE IS NO SANTA? I am 41 and I still believe......


Okay, I know he doesn't really run around in a red suit, but santa lives in our hearts and minds..... This is what we've always told the kids when they start questioning... something along the lines of "nope he really doesn't wear a red suit and have the reindeer....it's everyone together who forms santa.... to make it more fun...we do the jolly old fella thing"


We still put out reindeer food and everything....the kids still make cookies and milk for mrs and mr santa (mom and dad) and once you hit 13, if you are the oldest in the house, you get to be an elf and help fill the stockings! Then you have to go to bed for santa to put out the presents...


Corny I know, but it really makes it fun without the feelings of betrayal...



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WHAT! THERE IS NO SANTA? I am 41 and I still believe......


Okay, I know he doesn't really run around in a red suit, but santa lives in our hearts and minds..... This is what we've always told the kids when they start questioning... something along the lines of "nope he really doesn't wear a red suit and have the reindeer....it's everyone together who forms santa.... to make it more fun...we do the jolly old fella thing"


We still put out reindeer food and everything....the kids still make cookies and milk for mrs and mr santa (mom and dad) and once you hit 13, if you are the oldest in the house, you get to be an elf and help fill the stockings! Then you have to go to bed for santa to put out the presents...


Corny I know, but it really makes it fun without the feelings of betrayal...



I love it! Yes, there is a Santa and TAG you're it! :D

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DH and I never intended to start the whole Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy thing with our children, but we caved under pressure when our oldest dd was a toddler. We finally broke down and told them (actually, my husband told them while I was out shopping with a friend) when dd was almost 10 and ds was 7.


I think dd (who has HFA) would have believed until she moved out of the house, then would have been so disapponted when Santa didn't come to her apartment (or wherever), LOL!


What finally prompted us to come clean was that our ds (very logical child) has been asking some tough questions since he was about five years old. About Santa, the Tooth Fairy... and about God. We didn't want to perpetuate belief in fantasy characters and risk having our dc throw out God along with the fictional characters when he was old enough to figure out the truth. And that is what I told them when I talked to them about it.


It has taken a little of the excitement out of Christmas Eve, but they really enjoyed shopping for stocking stuffers and helping fill stockings with me last year. We are not going to teach our youngest dd, almost 3, that Santa brings gifts or that the tooth fairy leaves the dollar.

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I can't remember how old mine was, but I had to tell him. His little sister figured it out years before he did and dropped lots of hints. He was old enough I was afraid it would become a big social issue with peers. I never said Santa did exist, he just came. When asked, I used the what do you think line. Dd caught on to these cues by 7, ds is two years older and must have been 11 when I told him straight out there was no Santa. It took multiple conversations to really convince him.

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With two younger children I really can't always tell if he believes or not... in April he doesn't believe in Santa but come November he does. He knows that the man at the Mall is not Santa. But still has a bit of wonderment in his eyes when we talk about him. That is in Nov-Jan or so. Then it's back to that's just a story for "little" kids. He's 9. His older brother has been going along with the Santa thing since he was 4 for the sake of the younger siblings (and the extra presents). My 6 and 3yo are still in complete belief.


The more illogical nature of a giant bunny hiding colored chicken eggs (that we ourselves colored) has made him less believable to all my children. The tooth fairy isn't liked to much here. Someone coming into the house while we're sleeping is upsetting to my SN son. So we had to tell him about that one with his 1st lost tooth at 6. And we stopped it completely when he pulled the second tooth out (which was not loose) for the money.

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