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Is Arizona's convention the last one of the year or what?

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I have been so frustrated since moving to Arizona that their homeschool convention is held late in the summer. Grr! If I want to browse through curriculum and take advantage of free shipping, etc., I have to wait until just a few weeks before I want to start school. Doesn't work for me!


For this reason, I've only attended the AZ convention twice in the past seven years. I'd go more often if it was in the spring.


When are the other states' conventions? I know the FL one was in the spring.



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I don't know. I went one year before I started homeschooling, but I don't know why in the world it is so late. I mean, my last order is arriving tomorrow. Granted, I buy early, but by July, we'll already be under way. Bugs me, too.

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Dallas has one in May. There are two in the Houston area. One is in June and the other is at the end of July. I'm going to the one in July, but only because there's a speaker I want to hear. I may also look at Spanish curriculum, but that's for the following year. I will probably have all my curriculum bought by then.

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July aye? I may actually get to that one. :001_smile: The one for the state I'm in has passed already, but we're moving to AZ soon.


To answer your question, I found this on a search, but I don't see AZ on the list. There are a few even later than July.

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Oh how I envy you. I WISH ours was held later. We have two and one is the last week of April and the other is in May. I'm just winding up the school year at that the time and the LAST thing I want to think about is next year's stuff. I want to take a break and think about spring things like planting a garden not school. I actually stopped going to both our conventions because they are just so early I really can't even deal with shopping. So I guess there's no pleasing everyone.

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The AFHE board has an explanation for this. They state that the Convention Center is booked based on how many hotel rooms the event is expected to fill in the downtown area. Then, the best (weather) dates are given to the events that fill the most rooms. So, the HS convention gets the worst (weather) weekend of the year because it fills the least number of rooms. :tongue_smilie: Lucky us!


ETA: The AFHE board doesn't get to pick the dates, is my point.

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The AFHE board has an explanation for this. They state that the Convention Center is booked based on how many hotel rooms the event is expected to fill in the downtown area. Then, the best (weather) dates are given to the events that fill the most rooms. So, the HS convention gets the worst (weather) weekend of the year because it fills the least number of rooms. :tongue_smilie: Lucky us!


ETA: The AFHE board doesn't get to pick the dates, is my point.


Well, that makes sense. I guess the convention center is the only place big enough?? Oh, well.



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The AFHE board has an explanation for this. They state that the Convention Center is booked based on how many hotel rooms the event is expected to fill in the downtown area. Then, the best (weather) dates are given to the events that fill the most rooms. So, the HS convention gets the worst (weather) weekend of the year because it fills the least number of rooms. :tongue_smilie: Lucky us!


Also, the conference is planned the weekend after CA so vendors can attend both conferences (ie: come to AZ ;) ).

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Also, the conference is planned the weekend after CA so vendors can attend both conferences (ie: come to AZ ;) ).


I remember following the blog adventures of one vendor family a year or so ago when their truck broke down between CA and AZ. quite a hoot! At one point they had the books on the side of the road waiting for tow truck or something like that. The husband was sitting there and the cops came by thinking he was selling from the streets. No. I mean, I sell the books, but not here.... I'm going to Arizona to sell them... anyway. it was funny on their blog. And then a bunch of other regular convention vendors took up a "love offering" to help that vendor pay for repairs. isn't that neat? I love hearing those kinds of endings.


But yeah, it's nice those two are that close together so vendors can more easily attend.



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