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Memory Work --bloggers


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I thought it might be interesting to see what everyone is working on for memory work.


Anyone care to join me in blogging about their memory work. I'm going to have a post every or every other Monday.


Would love to have other's join in---I know I can use all the ideas I can get!

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Ladydusk, sounds good. I'll look for your post today.


Jennifer---it's never too late to get your act together. :tongue_smilie:Currently, I'm trying to hold mine together---therefore the motivation of others seeing what I'm doing!


Anyone else want to share. It doesn't need to be a blog post--posting here would be great also.

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I'm another one that needs to get my act together when it comes to memory work! We've had some great success with the Simply Charlotte Mason setup (though with a binder rather than notecards) but we haven't reviewed anything systematically since before Christmas! We've memorized just a few scriptures since and reviewed "In Flanders Fields" when we got to WWI last month, but that's about it. I need to get back on this bandwagon! We're on spring break this week, so I'll give this some more thought and join in with a blog post next Monday.


Now that I think about it, last week we did do a fun new activity with our memory verse. I printed it out, cut it up, and we had a race to see who could put it back together the fastest. I got the idea here. I'm always looking for new ideas for HOW to memorize, besides just what to memorize.

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what great suggestions! I feel like I need to step it up in this dept.! No blogging, but this is what we are currently working on/completed this year:

Old and New Testament books

A-Z verses (currently on "O")

Psalm 100

Psalm 23 (currently on vs 3)

Catechism (Big Truths for Little Kids)

various hymns



it seemed like enough until I read these lists! :lol:

anyone have any suggestions on great Bible verses/passages to music? We are currently using WeeSing, but I know there are more out there, and my kids will learn anything set to music!

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what great suggestions! I feel like I need to step it up in this dept.! No blogging, but this is what we are currently working on/completed this year:

Old and New Testament books

A-Z verses (currently on "O")

Psalm 100

Psalm 23 (currently on vs 3)

Catechism (Big Truths for Little Kids)

various hymns



it seemed like enough until I read these lists! :lol:

anyone have any suggestions on great Bible verses/passages to music? We are currently using WeeSing, but I know there are more out there, and my kids will learn anything set to music!


Steve Green's Hide 'Em in Your Heart CDs are excellent. I've also had my eye on Seeds Family Worship for a while.


Don't feel bad--that's a great list! That's probably more than we were doing when my oldest was 5. It'll grow as they grow!

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what great suggestions! I feel like I need to step it up in this dept.! No blogging, but this is what we are currently working on/completed this year:

Old and New Testament books

A-Z verses (currently on "O")

Psalm 100

Psalm 23 (currently on vs 3)

Catechism (Big Truths for Little Kids)

various hymns



it seemed like enough until I read these lists! :lol:

anyone have any suggestions on great Bible verses/passages to music? We are currently using WeeSing, but I know there are more out there, and my kids will learn anything set to music!


This is great for a Kindyguy. Thanks for sharing and joining in.

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