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Are we now at war with Libya?!???!!!!

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You are joking, please tell me you are joking.


NPR national treasure?????




Absolutely not joking! NPR is a national treasure. The level of journalism is in the very top-tier of news outlets in any medium. Do you actually tune-in from your undisclosed location in Eastern Europe?


If the US cuts funding to NPR, and the British cut funding to the BBC, the world will be a much poorer place.



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pedantic, pretentious, naval grazers.


Sorry, that's just a bit of Red Eye humor. You had to have been there. ;)


You are joking, please tell me you are joking.


NPR national treasure?????



They should be defunded simply becuase the taxpayer should not be supporting radio stations.


Given the comments of both Shillers (not related, to each other) it is difficult to argue that NPR is run in a professional manner never mind anything more than that.


If they are so very good then let them stand on their own feet without the crutch provided by the taxpayer.


They were interested in $ 5 million from a fictional Muslim group.



(go to the 40second point)
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Absolutely not joking! NPR is a national treasure. The level of journalism is in the very top-tier of news outlets in any medium.





And the behavior of Shiller???? Top tier????


I actually listen to NPR whenever I get the chance, but it is NOT top tier not by a long shot. I enjoy the small stories that I may not have read elsewhere.


There are wonderful pretensions to journalism displayed, the speakers effect "airs" and pretend that they are…. oh so much smarter than the rest of us poor plebeians but the depth of coverage is not great and one needs to delve into print in order to really garner an understanding of any topic that they cover. This is not their fault as they would have a tiny listening audience if they really delved deep but to argue that they are “very top-tier of news outlets in any medium” is laughable, honestly it is laughable. They may be better than most on the radio but this is no justification for spending tens if not hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on them.

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And the behavior of Shiller???? Top tier????


I actually listen to NPR whenever I get the chance, but it is NOT top tier not by a long shot. I enjoy the small stories that I may not have read elsewhere.


There are wonderful pretensions to journalism displayed, the speakers effect "airs" and pretend that they are…. oh so much smarter than the rest of us poor plebeians but the depth of coverage is not great and one needs to delve into print in order to really garner an understanding or any topic that they cover. This is not their fault as they would have a tiny listening audience if they really delved deep but to argue that they are “very top-tier of news outlets in any medium†is laughable, honestly it is laughable. They may be better than most on the radio but this is no justification for spending tens if not hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on them.


I don't know the full story on this episode. Evidently Glen Beck (of all people) revealed the tapes had been edited to give a great number of false impressions. I dunno.


Let's agree to disagree about the quality of NPR as a news source.



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Absolutely not joking! NPR is a national treasure. The level of journalism is in the very top-tier of news outlets in any medium. Do you actually tune-in from your undisclosed location in Eastern Europe?


If the US cuts funding to NPR, and the British cut funding to the BBC, the world will be a much poorer place.




:iagree: wholeheartedly. There are plenty of other things that I definitely do not want my tax dollars going to, but I am happy to help fund NPR. At least I'm getting great news coverage from it. My tax dollars support a whole lot of other cr@p that has nothing to do with me and some things to which I fundamentally disagree with.

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what you're saying here is that context matters? Do I understand you correctly? Or, does context only matter when it clears the motives and behaviors of individuals whose world view you support. You certainly were not interested in any context to the Ron Paul is a racist issue.


I don't know the full story on this episode. Evidently Glen Beck (of all people) revealed the tapes had been edited to give a great number of false impressions. I dunno.


Let's agree to disagree about the quality of NPR as a news source.



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The older I get (and I admit, I'm getting on up there), the more I just can't watch the news. My friends and family have to tell me when something happens (like the earthquake and tsunami in Japan). I know I really need to at least be aware of the headlines, but it's difficult for me.

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what you're saying here is that context matters? Do I understand you correctly? Or, does context only matter when it clears the motives and behaviors of individuals whose world view you support. You certainly were not interested in any context to the Ron Paul is a racist issue.


No. I'm saying I'm not intimate with the details of the story of the fundraiser for NPR. I have heard (but don't know the truth of it) that Glen Beck revealed the tapes had been falsely edited to give the wrong impression.


This is not what happened with the racist and bigoted comments printed in Ron Paul's newsletter. I read them at the time this story broke and you mischaracterize what was in The New Republic piece. The comments in Ron Paul's newsletters were racist and bigoted in context.


In the case of the NPR fundraiser if he crossed ethical lines he was right to resign. I don't know the full details of the case but would not defend wrong-doing on his part because he happens to work for a news organization I admire. In fact, because I admire NPR I would be very opposed to anyone who abused their positions at NPR remaining in their jobs.


Why people would defend Ron Paul for publishing a racist newsletter over decades is beyond my comprehension. But I guess I'm not getting my apology even though the truth has been drawn to your attention.



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No. I'm saying I'm not intimate with the details of the story of the fundraiser for NPR.


Then look it up, as you said "Google is your friend."


Google is your friend.

It is all very well documented. You really are not aware of it???




You loudly trumpeted the need for people to examine Ron Paul's record, take your own medicine, it is not hard or it should not be hard.


The senior leadership at NPR is base, crude and extremely unprofessional, it is all well documented. You really are not aware of it???

Edited by pqr
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How have I mischaracterized the content of TNR article? I have a print subscription to TNR and have the relevant issue right in front of me.


Asserting it again, "The comments in Ron Paul's newsletters were racist and bigoted in context" doesn't make it true.


As I've mentioned previously, I'm no Paul fan. But the ease with which you throw out the accusation of racism is awful. You choose not to acknowledge the context with regards to the Paul story. I get that. But I hope you come to understand that you delegitimize your argument when you engage in crude attacks. Be more thoughtful and careful and you may actually persuade those who are persuadable.



No. I'm saying I'm not intimate with the details of the story of the fundraiser for NPR. I have heard (but don't know the truth of it) that Glen Beck revealed the tapes had been falsely edited to give the wrong impression.


This is not what happened with the racist and bigoted comments printed in Ron Paul's newsletter. I read them at the time this story broke and you mischaracterize what was in The New Republic piece. The comments in Ron Paul's newsletters were racist and bigoted in context.


In the case of the NPR fundraiser if he crossed ethical lines he was right to resign. I don't know the full details of the case but would not defend wrong-doing on his part because he happens to work for a news organization I admire. In fact, because I admire NPR I would be very opposed to anyone who abused their positions at NPR remaining in their jobs.


Why people would defend Ron Paul for publishing a racist newsletter over decades is beyond my comprehension. But I guess I'm not getting my apology even though the truth has been drawn to your attention.



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Was Ron Paul the guy who was a physician before he became a politician? (I think he was because I know a lot of DH's friends loved him because of this.) But I'm wondering if I've got the wrong guy.


And google is not my best friend. My best friend is out of town. And I'm out in the boondocks on a tenuous internet connection until all my nieghbors go to bed and my intenet speed comes back!!!

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The look it up, as you said "Google is your friend."




I did just now. It seems he said (saying he was speaking for himself and not NPR) that some on the right are "Islamophobic" and "seriously racist, racist people."


Anything else I missed?


You loudly trumpeted the need for people to examine Ron Paul's record, take your own medicine, it is not hard.


The senior leadership at NPR is base, crude and extremely unprofessional, it is all well documented. You really are not aware of it???


A senior fundraiser at NPR (one person) seems to have been unprofessional and he resigned, as did his supervisor. Unlike Dr Paul they appear to have acknowledged their responsibilities for their actions, or the actions of underlings in their employ. Quite a discrepancy, yes?



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Was Ron Paul the guy who was a physician before he became a politician? (I think he was because I know a lot of DH's friends loved him because of this.) But I'm wondering if I've got the wrong guy.


And google is not my best friend. My best friend is out of town. And I'm out in the boondocks on a tenuous internet connection until all my nieghbors go to bed and my intenet speed comes back!!!


Yea, that's him.



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from TX currently. He ran for president in 2008 as a Republican, although he's a bit of a black sheep within the Republican party.


Was Ron Paul the guy who was a physician before he became a politician? (I think he was because I know a lot of DH's friends loved him because of this.) But I'm wondering if I've got the wrong guy.


And google is not my best friend. My best friend is out of town. And I'm out in the boondocks on a tenuous internet connection until all my nieghbors go to bed and my intenet speed comes back!!!

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Ok if he truly ever was a practicing doctor, then he'd have to have been a complete idiot to have an article with his name go out on it as an author because they do talk quite a lot about that in medical school and residency. Also, some places of work make it a part of the employment contract.


Doctors have to be absolutely critically careful of anything being published with their name on it. Otherwise, every doctor in the world would find themselves endorsing vibrators, gin, and Twinkies without their consent. DH has written a few journal articles and the process of verifying that every.single.word is accurate and exactly what he means to say is ridiculous. I thought our fax machine was going to get up and move out after the last one!


So it seems especially suspect to me that a doctor would ghostwrite anything, publish it in his name, and then claim not to know what's in the article. Even if Paul wasn't writing for a medical journal, it seems to me that his training should have kicked in and forced him to verify what was being written.

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I did just now. It seems he said (saying he was speaking for himself and not NPR) that some on the right are "Islamophobic" and "seriously racist, racist people."


Anything else I missed?




A senior fundraiser at NPR (one person) seems to have been unprofessional and he resigned, as did his supervisor. Unlike Dr Paul they appear to have acknowledged their responsibilities for their actions, or the actions of underlings in their employ. Quite a discrepancy, yes?




Be serious. He was at a fundraising meeting for NPR and yet somehow was not representing NPR. That makes about as much sense as the rest of his tirade. Typical of his ilk he throws around accusations of various "phobias" and accuses people of racism. It actually becomes rather tiresome don't you think? Seeing a racist or -phobe in everyone with who one disagrees is a poor form of debate. It may give one a sense of personal superiority and a belief that one is better than his fellow man but is really indicative of poor debate limited reasoning and some would argue a definite bias.


Accusing one major party of being dominated by "seriously racist, racist people" is frankly stupid.


As to Paul I see that Stacy in NJ seems to have read the articles so will defer to her in discussing that issue, she seems to be doing it quite well.


I ask again do you feel that senior leadership at NPR is professional?


You still maintain that they are a "national treasure"? I say let that "treasure" stand on its own feet, again if it is so wonderful that should be no issue.

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Be serious. He was at a fundraising meeting for NPR and yet somehow was not representing NPR. That makes about as much sense as the rest of his tirade. Typical of his ilk he throws around accusations of various "phobias" and accuses people of racism. It actually becomes rather tiresome don't you think? Seeing a racist or -phobe in everyone with who one disagrees is a poor form of debate. It may give one a sense of personal superiority and a belief that one is better than his fellow man but is really indicative of poor debate limited reasoning and some would argue a definite bias.


Accusing one major party of being dominated by "seriously racist, racist people" is frankly stupid.


As to Paul I see that Stacy in NJ seems to have read the articles so will defer to her in discussing that issue, she seems to be doing it quite well.


I ask again do you feel that senior leadership at NPR is professional?


You still maintain that they are a "national treasure"? I say let that "treasure" stand on its own feet, again if it is so wonderful that should be no issue.


Stacy is not doing well at all I'm afraid. The comments in Ron Paul's newletter are plainly racist, something she has failed to acknowledge.


The fundraiser at NPR acted unprofessionally. He resigned. Ron Paul did not resign.


The senior leadership of NPR is not unprofessional because one fundraiser acted unprofessionally. The person in charge resigned as a way of taking responsibility. Seem like an honorable way to deal with the situation. And quite distinct from Dr Paul's attempt to evade his responsibility for the racist comment published under his name.



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The fundraiser at NPR acted unprofessionally. He resigned. Ron Paul did not resign.


The senior leadership of NPR is not unprofessional because one fundraiser acted unprofessionally. The person in charge resigned as a way of taking responsibility. Seem like an honorable way to deal with the situation. And quite distinct from Dr Paul's attempt to evade his responsibility for the racist comment published under his name.





ahhh it was not just ONE fundraiser. Remember Ellen Weiss as well as the other Shiller (Vivian) I am afraid it was not just one.


NPR leadership has made outrageous comments and ignoring them does not erase them.


Google is your friend. Look up the other names.

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One of my favorite musicians posted on her FB update that she didn't understand what all the furor over calling Tea Party members racist was all about. In her perspective, they are all racist.


In my life, I have two kinds of Republicans/conservatives around me.


I have DH's fellow doctors friends. They are Republicans because they believe that is the party that taxes the rich the least and they don't want to pay one dime more to to the too big, evil government that subsidizes poor people more than it should. One of the most outspoken friends DH has is a Peruvian born female doctor who grew up in the Bronx. Her attitude is that she got out of there and made it through medical school and into a successful practice so ANYONE can. And if you fall into a life of poverty or drugs, then you're stupid and that's where you should be. In my head, I call them "bootstrap Republicans" because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and they've got no patience for anyone else who doesn't do the same.


I have a Tea Party mother. She was proudly photographed at a rally for McCain next to her best friend who was carrying a sign that said, "Send the Mexicans home!"


That sign is racist. Classist. Racist. And that Tea Party event isn't the only one I've seen where signs like that are abundant. (I'm not going to tell you to google it. For crying out loud, stop googling all the bad stuff!!)


But I do think that in our current political climate, that you are going to find fewer and fewer people of color in the Republican party. What Mexican-American is going to be in the party that waves that kind of sign? I do believe that not EVERY single member of the Tea Party is racist. I also believe that not every single Democrat ISN'T racist. But you just don't see Democratic rallies with signs that say send some race "home."


So my question for Stacey is, what kind of conservative are you?


I have a really, really hard time with my parents. It makes me laugh that they are totally against national healthcare but they sure LOVE their Medicare. ("We only had to pay $20 for Dad's eye surgery!") And they are all worried about whether poor people pay for their own babies but the day their SS check hits their account - POOF! My mom is at Walmart. :glare:


I try really, really hard to make sure I'm surrounded by a wide spectrum of people. I try to understand the conservative point of view but I struggle with it. Because in my opinion, my parents' viewpoints make zero sense.

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explain, justify, quantify, or rationalize the points of view of "conservatives". I've attend several Tea Party events in my own town. Never have I seen anyone carrying signs or any other item that was racist.


I live near NYC and had the experience of watching the Iraq/Afghanistan anti-war protests up close and personal. Some of the folks were carrying really objectionable signs. The organizers of the even, in fact, was International Answer - a communist front group - apologist for Fidel Castro. I assumed that not everyone attending the protests agreed with the politics of International Answer or some of the stupidier signs.


I don't do identity politics; I do politics based upon ideas. I don't care whether every black/brown/slightly tan person in America is a Democrat. Racial identity doesn't make you right about anything. It doesn't make you wrong either. I have faith that all Americans, whatever their color, are quite capable of determining what their best interests are, what ideas are most meaningful to them, and will vote accordingly. I am content with that.



One of my favorite musicians posted on her FB update that she didn't understand what all the furor over calling Tea Party members racist was all about. In her perspective, they are all racist.


In my life, I have two kinds of Republicans/conservatives around me.


I have DH's fellow doctors friends. They are Republicans because they believe that is the party that taxes the rich the least and they don't want to pay one dime more to to the too big, evil government that subsidizes poor people more than it should. One of the most outspoken friends DH has is a Peruvian born female doctor who grew up in the Bronx. Her attitude is that she got out of there and made it through medical school and into a successful practice so ANYONE can. And if you fall into a life of poverty or drugs, then you're stupid and that's where you should be. In my head, I call them "bootstrap Republicans" because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and they've got no patience for anyone else who doesn't do the same.


I have a Tea Party mother. She was proudly photographed at a rally for McCain next to her best friend who was carrying a sign that said, "Send the Mexicans home!"


That sign is racist. Classist. Racist. And that Tea Party event isn't the only one I've seen where signs like that are abundant. (I'm not going to tell you to google it. For crying out loud, stop googling all the bad stuff!!)


But I do think that in our current political climate, that you are going to find fewer and fewer people of color in the Republican party. What Mexican-American is going to be in the party that waves that kind of sign? I do believe that not EVERY single member of the Tea Party is racist. I also believe that not every single Democrat ISN'T racist. But you just don't see Democratic rallies with signs that say send some race "home."


So my question for Stacey is, what kind of conservative are you?


I have a really, really hard time with my parents. It makes me laugh that they are totally against national healthcare but they sure LOVE their Medicare. ("We only had to pay $20 for Dad's eye surgery!") And they are all worried about whether poor people pay for their own babies but the day their SS check hits their account - POOF! My mom is at Walmart. :glare:


I try really, really hard to make sure I'm surrounded by a wide spectrum of people. I try to understand the conservative point of view but I struggle with it. Because in my opinion, my parents' viewpoints make zero sense.

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I don't do identity politics; I do politics based upon ideas. I don't care whether every black/brown/slightly tan person in America is a Democrat. Racial identity doesn't make you right about anything. It doesn't make you wrong either. I have faith that all Americans, whatever their color, are quite capable of determining what their best interests are, what ideas are most meaningful to them, and will vote accordingly. I am content with that.


Stacey, I have so much respect for that point of view. Thank you!

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The older I get (and I admit, I'm getting on up there), the more I just can't watch the news. My friends and family have to tell me when something happens (like the earthquake and tsunami in Japan). I know I really need to at least be aware of the headlines, but it's difficult for me.


Me too. Which is why I started this thread. But I was not surprised, nor did I think that we would see our own little war here in the middle of the thread. never mind.

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Ok if he truly ever was a practicing doctor, then he'd have to have been a complete idiot to have an article with his name go out on it as an author because they do talk quite a lot about that in medical school and residency. Also, some places of work make it a part of the employment contract.


Doctors have to be absolutely critically careful of anything being published with their name on it. Otherwise, every doctor in the world would find themselves endorsing vibrators, gin, and Twinkies without their consent. DH has written a few journal articles and the process of verifying that every.single.word is accurate and exactly what he means to say is ridiculous. I thought our fax machine was going to get up and move out after the last one!


So it seems especially suspect to me that a doctor would ghostwrite anything, publish it in his name, and then claim not to know what's in the article. Even if Paul wasn't writing for a medical journal, it seems to me that his training should have kicked in and forced him to verify what was being written.


ok-- now I'm reconciling the two threads. :-)


and for anyone who missed it, we already showed numerous examples of RP taking responsibility for the newsletter thing and that he did not write it and that nobody else can corroborate him saying anything like that before or since. ;)


[@ end of the tax credit thread]

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I have a Tea Party mother. She was proudly photographed at a rally for McCain next to her best friend who was carrying a sign that said, "Send the Mexicans home!"


That sign is racist. Classist. Racist.



ILLEGAL, however, is not a race. And it's not a class.

It's a crime.


and you can find plenty of Mexican-Americans who support deporting illegal aliens.



I have a really, really hard time with my parents. It makes me laugh that they are totally against national healthcare but they sure LOVE their Medicare.



I'd give up all that we've paid into it if they would stop witholding now. And I know other conservatives who would do that too. I know there are some who don't need their SS and donate it.

We went three months before filing for unemployment because we tend to be more like the bootstrap type....and we never filed for foodstamps and didn't continue WIC for more than a few months. but instead of being so cynical, I believe that it is up to us as individuals to put our own money where our mouth is, not vote to put everyone else's money where our mouth is. So we do a LOT of community service and open our home to people in need.

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The fundraiser at NPR acted unprofessionally. He resigned. Ron Paul did not resign.


The senior leadership of NPR is not unprofessional because one fundraiser acted unprofessionally. The person in charge resigned as a way of taking responsibility. Seem like an honorable way to deal with the situation. And quite distinct from Dr Paul's attempt to evade his responsibility for the racist comment published under his name.




It seems he said (saying he was speaking for himself and not NPR) that some on the right are "Islamophobic" and "seriously racist, racist people."


The person in charge resigned because HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT.


Ron Paul never actually said anything racist, so he doesn't need to resign.

He's already repudiated what was said under his name.

The ghostwriter @RP newsletters acted unprofessionally. S/he no longer works there.


The senior leadership of RP Newsletters is not unprofessional because one ghostwriter acted unprofessionally. ;)


unless you want to say that the BOSSES are responsible [which would implicate NPR senior leadership] then there's no reason for RP to resign for something that he did not do and wasn't completely in charge of at the time.

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It seems he said (saying he was speaking for himself and not NPR) that some on the right are "Islamophobic" and "seriously racist, racist people."


The person in charge resigned because HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT.


You misread me, and perhaps I was not clear. The CEO of NPR resigned in addition to the fundraiser who made the unprofessional comments. That is who I mean by the "person in charge."


Ron Paul never actually said anything racist, so he doesn't need to resign.

He's already repudiated what was said under his name.

The ghostwriter @RP newsletters acted unprofessionally. S/he no longer works there.


The senior leadership of RP Newsletters is not unprofessional because one ghostwriter acted unprofessionally. ;)


unless you want to say that the BOSSES are responsible [which would implicate NPR senior leadership] then there's no reason for RP to resign for something that he did not do and wasn't completely in charge of at the time.


The boss at NRP did resign. That is the point. Ron Paul's denials are incredulous. He acts as if he was the victim of a conspiracy by his own publishing company whose words he was not aware of for decades and anyone trying to link him with the Ron Paul newsletter is guilty of a smear job.


Takes chutzpah!



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"It's not enough for the President simply to explain military actions in Libya to the American people, after the fact, as though we are serfs. When there is no imminent threat to our country, he cannot launch strikes without authorization from the American people, through our elected Representatives in Congress. No United Nations resolution or congressional act permits the President to circumvent the Constitution."


- Congressman Justin Amash




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You misread me, and perhaps I was not clear. The CEO of NPR resigned in addition to the fundraiser who made the unprofessional comments. That is who I mean by the "person in charge."




The boss at NRP did resign. That is the point. Ron Paul's denials are incredulous. He acts as if he was the victim of a conspiracy by his own publishing company whose words he was not aware of for decades and anyone trying to link him with the Ron Paul newsletter is guilty of a smear job.


Takes chutzpah!




eta: AGAIN: it wasn't *decades* that you'll find racist comments.


ok-- after reading up a bit more, It appears that Vivian was in more of an active leadership role than RP, and there was more involved [not just another person's statements, also Juan Williams]-- She *was* directly responsible for things that were going on.


and she was basically fired. She offered to resign, but it was the board that decided she needed to leave. That's not chutzpah-- that's politics.


But hey- if RP wants to resign as CEO of his newsletters, that's fine by me. ;)



Mr. Edwards said that Ms. Schiller offered to resign “if that was the board’s will, and the board decided that it was.”

Edited by Peek a Boo
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"It's not enough for the President simply to explain military actions in Libya to the American people, after the fact, as though we are serfs. When there is no imminent threat to our country, he cannot launch strikes without authorization from the American people, through our elected Representatives in Congress. No United Nations resolution or congressional act permits the President to circumvent the Constitution."


- Congressman Justin Amash





We have not been in a declared war since WWII. That includes Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Somalia, Gulf War I, Bosnia, the Afghan War, and Iraq to name a few.



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Then look it up, as you said "Google is your friend."




You loudly trumpeted the need for people to examine Ron Paul's record, take your own medicine, it is not hard or it should not be hard.


The senior leadership at NPR is base, crude and extremely unprofessional, it is all well documented. You really are not aware of it???




Could you please link a credible source from your friend, Google, that shows what the representative from NPR said that was bad? Because I believe you have been misinformed. I can't find anything that shows the leadership is crude, unprofessional, or base (?). So... waiting for that.


I'll resume the Libya talk on the other thread. So sad that y'all get so negative on this beautiful, free exchange of ideas that is the WTM board.



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Doctors have to be absolutely critically careful of anything being published with their name on it. Otherwise, every doctor in the world would find themselves endorsing vibrators, gin, and Twinkies without their consent.


Reminds me of the old Meat Loaf song...Two Out of Three Ain't Bad :D

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We have not been in a declared war since WWII. That includes Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Somalia, Gulf War I, Bosnia, the Afghan War, and Iraq to name a few.




A rose by any other name...:auto:

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cost me my soul. I'm sorry, who's negative? Practice what you preach, please.


Could you please link a credible source from your friend, Google, that shows what the representative from NPR said that was bad? Because I believe you have been misinformed. I can't find anything that shows the leadership is crude, unprofessional, or base (?). So... waiting for that.


I'll resume the Libya talk on the other thread. So sad that y'all get so negative on this beautiful, free exchange of ideas that is the WTM board.Margaret

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Could you please link a credible source from your friend, Google, that shows what the representative from NPR said that was bad? Because I believe you have been misinformed. I can't find anything that shows the leadership is crude, unprofessional, or base (?). So... waiting for that.


I'll resume the Libya talk on the other thread. So sad that y'all get so negative on this beautiful, free exchange of ideas that is the WTM board.




. . . Um, this seems to fit:





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Could you please link a credible source from your friend, Google, that shows what the representative from NPR said that was bad? Because I believe you have been misinformed. I can't find anything that shows the leadership is crude, unprofessional, or base (?). So... waiting for that.


I'll resume the Libya talk on the other thread. So sad that y'all get so negative on this beautiful, free exchange of ideas that is the WTM board.




about the 40 second mark the video of Schiller starts. Is this not crude unprofessional and base? Honestly when the President of the NPR Foundation and Senior VP of NPR makes these comments what do you think?


stating that your former employee needs a psychatrist at a national event. Is this not unprofessional and base?
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