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Encouragement for YOU!


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Good morning!


As I was waiting for this page to load, I got to thinking. (And, no, it didn't hurt. :D) I was thinking how so many of us homeschool moms tend to be curriculum junkies and how we so often, especially in the spring, seem to doubt our own ability to teach and wonder if the curricula we are currently using is the "right" one. Part of the problem, I think, is the amazing plethora of curricula that's available. Good Heavens! Just thinking about it now almost makes my head swim!


But let's remember this: 100+ or so year ago, before public/private/charter schools even existed, where were children taught? At home.


Some examples:


Leonard da Vinci



Davy Crockett

Alexander Graham Bell

Benjamin Franklin

Cyrus McCormick

Eli Whitney

Thomas Edison

Orville Wright

Wilbur Wright


To name just a few! ;) But, the point is: I really doubt their moms (parents) were concerned about whether they should use TOG or SL, For writing, should they used IEW or HWOT? And for a history spine? SOTW, HOD, or Biblioplan? And, math! Oh, math! LoF, Saxon, Horizons, what?? They pretty much used what the had available.


I write all this in the hopes that you'll understand that:


*YOU are perfectly capable of being your child(ren)'s teacher


*You do not have to have a lot of money and/or access to the latest & greatest curricula in order for your child to have a great education. If you're on a budget, use what you have right now.


*If the only items you have access to are a Bible, pens/pencils & paper, and a few books, start there!


*Start where you are with what you have, my friend. Your children are DARN BLESSED to have a mama (or papa) who cares SO MUCH for them that you've chosen to be their teacher rather than to send them off into the masses just yet.


My friends, may YOU be ENCOURAGED today!



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thank you. i needed that. desperately.


i am new here and new to hsing as i have a 6 year old ("registered" as a kindergartener), a 3. 5 year old, and a 6 month old. i have just about caused my head to literally EXPLODE with all the stuff i'm trying to wrap my mind around right now.


we are doing kindergarten, but mostly in the form of life-learning right now...not so much bookwork. we read ALOT, using teach your child to read (but not following it 100%), dabbling in rightstart math....but i never feel like i'm doing enough and i keep saying IT'S ON IN 1ST GRADE!!!! and with that, i'm constantly feeling like i'm looking for everything i need, think i find it, then think 'well, maybe THIS ONE is better'. even the guidebooks are so confusing. not to mention i feel like a loser that my 6 yo isn't reading, he isn't learning latin, and we're actually gonna go BACK to RSM A from B (grrrrrr online assessment that said B was he right choice for him).

most days, i just wonder where the day has gone :confused:

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Thank you for taking the time to do this! You have blessed me, as I too needed some encouragement. I spent all yesterday having a pity party, condemning myself as a terrible homeschooling mother, and figuring that I was pretty much screwing my kids up by homeschooling them.


So, this post was timely for me. :thumbup:

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Thank you, I needed that. I just ordered all my curriculum and it's started arriving and I got so excited. Then started wondering if I made the right choices and maybe a different one would have been better or "wow, this is a lot of stuff, how can I do all this?" He's FIVE!!!! You're so right, I definitely needed the message to relax today. I already knew I was going to add in one thing at a time, but seeing it all here makes me super nervous and gives me a "this is it, no more playing around" feeling

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You're all very welcome! Truthfully, I honestly believe that the LORD put that in my heart when I first jumped online this morning. Like my ds6 said about a song in his head recently (that he repeatedly sang), "That...was stuck in my head so I had to let it out!" Well, those words were 'stuck' in my heart this morning and I had to let them out. :)


May you all have a WONDERFUL rest of the day!

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  • 2 years later...

I'm bumping this because I'd completely forgotten I wrote it, until someone liked it today and I checked to see what they liked!

It's interesting to have seen it right as I jumped online to decide whether or not to try yet another Algebra curriculum. Maybe it's not the curricula,

maybe my daughter is just not 'getting' Algebra. *sigh* But this thread has encouraged me, too!

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