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Looking ahead at Latin...recommendations?

Jules in MI

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Ditto. I found I didn't need the videos for PL, but I have used them for LC1 and LC2. (We are on Lesson 8 of LC2.) Also, I didn't make my children do all of the writing at first--I had them answer orally for the first half of the book or so. Some people don't like the southern accents on the CDs/DVDs, but we didn't mind.

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My ds did Prima Latina in 3rd, and we enjoyed it and are now doing Latina Christiana for 4th. I was Terrible at languages when I was in school, and was very nervous about teaching Latin. We bought the Student book, Teacher book, and CD, and it was very simple. I would have been insecure about the pronunciation without the CD, but I didn't feel I needed the DVD.

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With my first set of kids I used Prima Latina/Latina Christiana.


With my second, I am planning on using Lively Latin.


While I liked Prima/LC at first, I got tired of the sameness of the lessons. It's mainly vocabulary with some grammar, but very little translation or explanation. We are happier with Lively Latin. With my older kids now, we are much happier with Galore Park Latin (but you won't want that until @5th grade).


I like Henle for myself.

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How old is your 3rd grader and what is his learning style? That is very important in deciding what to use. I have not tried Prima but LC did not work for us. Minimus has been great for 2 of my children so far (the 3rd is too young still). After Minimus we have been happy to go with Latin Prep. I have not tried Lively because I don't want to do all that printing, but it has been much raved upon.



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I'm using Lively Latin with my 6yo, and she loves it. She did well with Minimus, but became frustrated with Minimus Secundus because she didn't get enough of what was going on with the case ending and conjugations. She's definitely a big picture child (as in craves the big picture). I'm not sure the whole to parts nature of Minimus was a blame, as she's doing fine with The Learnables Spanish. My best guess is that the issue was that there wasn't enough going on in Secundus to let her arrive at the big picture.


I'm happy with Lively Latin's gentle pace. She's happy with it's more structured approach and integrated Roman History.

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We've been very pleased with Lively Latin, too. Here's why I love it:


1. It's as close to self-teaching as any Latin curriculum I've seen for this age.

2. It integrates English grammar, making it perfect for people who want to do grammar instruction solely via Latin.

3. It includes history, and even a few art and character studies

4. It has lots of repetition and review.

5. It has enough color and visual interest to keep my dd happy. :)

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The dvd's are fantastic. We couldn't be happier. I don't know Latin -- at all -- so this is a great way for my kiddos to learn Latin w/o ANY input from me. They also meet w/ a tutor 1 hour/wk. We make about a 5-6 hour commitment to Latin each week.


Here is our schedule:


Monday: Watch dvd lessons, do workbook page, make vocab cards


Tuesday: Study cards, listen to CD


Wednesday: Same


Thursday: Same + Quiz


Friday: Same + meet w/ tutor 1 hour


They will do a high school level program next year. Hope that helps. Let us know what you decide :)

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I liked PL -- LOVED the DVDs, in fact. DS was doing well it when we did it consistently, but decided to stop using it and we're going to continue on with Lively Latin instead. The structure of PL was too draining (boring, predictable) for my son, and I could tell we needed a change . But, that is my ds.


So, we're starting Lively Latin now, and I think he gets a kick out of the fact that there is a Roman soldier on many pages brandishing his sword (he's all into swords and other male pursuits). And, I know he'll like the fact that there is variety in the lessons and an occasional project. I'm pleased at the tone of the book-- it is like Catherine is talking directly to the student.

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All those mentioned are good.


I used Latin Primer/Grammar with my older son, beginning in fifth, and still like it. I may use it again.


I've used Minimus and M. Secundus with my younger son, beginning in first. I currently plan on purchasing Lively Latin (if I can ever get a response from them on my questions) and using it next year. I'm not sure where I'll go from there.....



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We've been very pleased with Lively Latin, too. Here's why I love it:


1. It's as close to self-teaching as any Latin curriculum I've seen for this age.

2. It integrates English grammar, making it perfect for people who want to do grammar instruction solely via Latin.

3. It includes history, and even a few art and character studies

4. It has lots of repetition and review.

5. It has enough color and visual interest to keep my dd happy. :)



Paid Dad,

I just went and looked at it for a quick second and I have to say, I noticed the 5 reasons you gave...


Lee thanks for the link....



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