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Do you ever avoid letting people know you are a Christian (CC obviously)?

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The license plate says God Bless America, and the pp said how some people might protest that-I was just saying (not well, mind you ) that the President says that at the end of every talk on TV. If a person really has a problem with it, they might want to write him a letter and ask him to stop saying it before they fight for it to come off a license plate.


You're not dense, I wasn't communicating well.

Okay, whew, thanks for clarifying.

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There is nothing in the Bible that says having wealth is a sin. Nothing. However, wealth can prevent a proper relationship with God if the wealth is not used appropriately, or attaining wealth becomes more important than worshipping God. That is why there are warnings about being wealthy, we are never told that we can't have wealth though. It is pride that can be an issue with deliberately being poor - look at me, I have fasted and sacrificed and beat myself to show just how little I have and that makes me a better Christian than you.


What about "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"?

I don't mean that in a snarky way, but isn't this one of the few modern issues on which Christ's word is very clear?

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You're in MN and people say "Hi!" to you????? We've lived here for a couple of years now and most people look at us like we have three heads! :lol: Having moved here from GA we are in culture shock...not from the cold...but from the lack of casual conversation. :001_huh: :lol:


Oh...to get back on track........ we are Christian Scientists.... we don't tell anybody (nobody in MN talks to us anyway) but we aren't afraid to. It just never has the opportunity to come up. :D


:grouphug: Isn't Minnesota horrible about that? Minnesotans seem to have this uncanny ability to sniff out anyone not born here and ignore them. :glare: So much for MN nice. There's a protocol you have to engage in to make small talk, too. Don't look directly at the person, stand facing slightly away from them, and you must begin by speaking about either the weather or the length of the lines at the store. Once you're past that, you can move on to other topics, such as fishing or children. :tongue_smilie:


Most of the Pagans I've met are usually so desperate for company that they'll talk to anyone they even suspect might be Pagan. :D

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Take a look here: http://www.evolvefish.com/


Despite the fact that I'm not Christian, I find many of their items offensive. But some are extremely funny, too.


Heh. When I was in college, I had their bumper sticker that says, "Come the rapture, we'll have the Earth to ourselves" on my old Buick. Along with "Bush is a war criminal." :D Made a few people mad with those, I did.

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:grouphug: Isn't Minnesota horrible about that? Minnesotans seem to have this uncanny ability to sniff out anyone not born here and ignore them. :glare: So much for MN nice. There's a protocol you have to engage in to make small talk, too. Don't look directly at the person, stand facing slightly away from them, and you must begin by speaking about either the weather or the length of the lines at the store. Once you're past that, you can move on to other topics, such as fishing or children. :tongue_smilie:


Most of the Pagans I've met are usually so desperate for company that they'll talk to anyone they even suspect might be Pagan. :D


:) I'm from the UP and it's similar culture. When I moved to TX I was highly suspicious of all the stranger-friendliness. Now, when I get back to the UP (once every several years) it is like culture shock.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with "advertising" it or not. Put what you like on your car! Haters will find excuses to hate Christians, this is nothing new. I think we are definitely called to share our faith and hope and the good news, but don't think fishes or bumper stickers count :) jmo

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If your light appears to others as an inviting glow that gets brighter the more they see Christ in your life, then no, don't hide it! If it's a pair of those frightful new LED headlights on a big honking SUV that they're afraid is going to run them down? Yeah, go ahead and dim it a bit. :auto: :P

Well said!

What about "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"?

I don't mean that in a snarky way, but isn't this one of the few modern issues on which Christ's word is very clear?

(copy/pasted from an earlier post on page 6ish) From what I've read the "eye of the needle" through which a camel must pass (being the equivalent of a rich person into heaven) is a comparison of a small doorway called the needle. In order for a camel to get through it had to crawl. IOW, from my understanding, as long as you can remain humble (which most of the wealthy/comfortable Christians I know irl are) you're okay. You can't worship money, you can't make it the be all end all, but you can have it.

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There is nothing in the Bible that says having wealth is a sin. Nothing. However, wealth can prevent a proper relationship with God if the wealth is not used appropriately, or attaining wealth becomes more important than worshipping God. That is why there are warnings about being wealthy, we are never told that we can't have wealth though. It is pride that can be an issue with deliberately being poor - look at me, I have fasted and sacrificed and beat myself to show just how little I have and that makes me a better Christian than you.




Riches are a gift of God.


Deuteronomy 8:17-19 (New American Standard Bible)


17"Otherwise, you may say in your heart, 'My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.'


18"But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.


19"It shall come about if you ever forget the LORD your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish.


Moses is talking to the Israelites here, but the principle remains. Wealth is not a sin and if you have it, God granted it. It's more hypocritical to judge a wealthy believer than it is to be a believer and be wealthy.


That said, I don't hide my faith, but I don't advertise it, either. I greatly dislike the pop-culture Christian junk. I don't have anything on my desk or in my cubicle that would tell anyone I'm a Christian, but I don't participate in the off-color joking, office drama or gossip, and people have noticed that and will not share that kind of thing with me. (Oh, I've heard the gossip and have seen the drama, but I'm not involved in it. It cuts down on productivity!).


I don't really care if others have stickers and t-shirts, etc. People express themselves in different ways. I just don't care to have those things myself.

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Guest Sevven

I was raised in an unhealthy Christian home and have sought other answers for myself now that I'm out. I don't believe in organized religion but I do know that most strong church families tend to stick to others like them and relationships between Christians and secular families aren't generally the strongest, in my experience. But here are a few things I can offer, if it helps to have a secular perspective:

1) Pushy Christians gives religion a worse name than someone with a bumper sticker. I tend to resent people trying to preach or simply ministering constantly, but it can be meaningful when someone tells me they'll pray for me or offers a simple, nonforceful openly Christian perspective. I can respect your faith if you're strong enough to put it out there, and considerate enough not to force it on me.

2) I work in a restaurant in a small town and we get a lot of after church diners. It's appalling to hear people, still in their Sunday finest, griping about slow service or bragging about church involvment and gossipping in the same breath. It's hypocrites we look down on, not humans.

If someone truly believes in something, enough to change or give their life for their belief then they have my respect, whether I share their views or not.

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:grouphug: Isn't Minnesota horrible about that? Minnesotans seem to have this uncanny ability to sniff out anyone not born here and ignore them. :glare: So much for MN nice. There's a protocol you have to engage in to make small talk, too. Don't look directly at the person, stand facing slightly away from them, and you must begin by speaking about either the weather or the length of the lines at the store. Once you're past that, you can move on to other topics, such as fishing or children. :tongue_smilie:


Most of the Pagans I've met are usually so desperate for company that they'll talk to anyone they even suspect might be Pagan. :D


:lol: Thanks for the lesson! LOL


The folks up here are really very nice.... once you get them engaged in conversation they are very friendly and willing to share....people are people, after all. :D I love living up here....and am really a bit of a loner myself, so it works for me.... but it is fun to watch how others are. Once I start talking, they can't help but ask where I'm from....the whole Southern Accent thing comes through.... and that helps break the ice.

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