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There is another mouse running around in my basement!

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ARGH!~ 2nd time this week.


I went down to the basement to get something out of the extra fridge and saw it running across the room!


My dogs came down and are trying to get it, but it ran BACK across the room to get away from the dogs.


I HATE rodents! It just gives me the willies.


And, no, I can't get a cat, terribly allergic.



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We use catch and release traps baited with nut butters in the basement, but the mice often die in them anyway. *sigh* I wish I could figure out where they're getting in so I could seal it off. I have a feeling it is futile though, as they'll just find another way in.

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When we lived by an apartment building this is what worked..Get the glue traps and gob the middle of them with peanutbutter. Keep the doors shut so the dogs don't get into it. Put it out before you go to bed, in the morning you will almost guaranteed to have a mouse stuck on it. Just a bit of advice I put cardboard under the traps so I did not have to touch the actual trap to get rid of it. Or decon behind everything possible but then you run the risk of it dieing somewhere not easy to get too and stinking. Good luck I hate mice in my house too

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Well, we have catch and release traps too, although the little beggers have found a way to get out! We did catch one in there the other day, but the dogs smelled it and went nuts and let it out! They did catch that one though.



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ARGH!~ 2nd time this week.


I went down to the basement to get something out of the extra fridge and saw it running across the room!


My dogs came down and are trying to get it, but it ran BACK across the room to get away from the dogs.


I HATE rodents! It just gives me the willies.


And, no, I can't get a cat, terribly allergic.




There is never "just one". If you have one, then you have more and they will eventually show themselves.


On the issue of cats and allergies: there are a couple of hypoallergenic breeds. My husband is allergic, but we have a Russian Blue (short/med haired). I know of another Russian breed that is super long haired, but hypoallergenic; a friend of ours has this one because her husband is very allergic to cats.

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I have heard those are brutal......I don't have a problem with killing them at all, but I don't think I could watch them suffer.


My middle son has such a soft heard that he talked us into getting the live traps.


We do have a zapper, but it isn't working properly anymore. I liked that one.....they walk in, get electrocuted, and it is done.




When we lived by an apartment building this is what worked..Get the glue traps and gob the middle of them with peanutbutter. Keep the doors shut so the dogs don't get into it. Put it out before you go to bed, in the morning you will almost guaranteed to have a mouse stuck on it. Just a bit of advice I put cardboard under the traps so I did not have to touch the actual trap to get rid of it. Or decon behind everything possible but then you run the risk of it dieing somewhere not easy to get too and stinking. Good luck I hate mice in my house too
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It could be a bear:




Mice are destructive little critters. They can do thousands of dollars' worth of damage. Ask me how much it costs to replace a gas tank in which the vermin chewed a hole the size of Texas. After writing that check, I have no qualms about the using rat poison and, indeed, give a little squeal of glee when I see one of the little packets has been tasted.



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Oh my! Yeah, I understand.


Should I be concerned at all about the poison?


Is there a danger my dogs could get into it?


What about the mouse that goes to die between the walls?


Right now our basement is half finished.....we are working on the other half......so 1/2 is drywalled, meaning they can get between the walls very easily. Don't want a rank smell for a couple of weeks!


Speaking of which, our basement STUNK so bad for a week or so and I had to walk down there to get to the car in the garage. I was sure a rat had died somewhere......started investigating and it was a sack of potatoes I had forgotten about! :lol:




PS: Yeah, don't want a bear! Or a mountain lion! Or a snake!


It could be a bear:




Mice are destructive little critters. They can do thousands of dollars' worth of damage. Ask me how much it costs to replace a gas tank in which the vermin chewed a hole the size of Texas. After writing that check, I have no qualms about the using rat poison and, indeed, give a little squeal of glee when I see one of the little packets has been tasted.



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I thought like that the glue thing being brutal but..besides the damage they are nasty. They can carry lice, a number of diseases, they get in your cabinets your food they use the bathroom all in all it is nasty with a capital N. You have dishes drying in your drainer what makes you think they are not running on them at nigh? And not to really freak you out or anything mice are not as afraid of you as you think. My neighbor is what led me to do the glue traps, she had a 3 year old screaming one night went in his room here is a big shock he had one in his hand he would not let it go and it bit him. He used to go to bed with one of those sippy cups with the soft spout, she kept noticing little marks in it for days thinking he was chewing it nope it was the mouse. He grabbed it yelling hamster. They had hamsters well at 3 can u really tell the difference. So I hate to be cruel but my kids and cleanliness come first. I would get up before the kids check the traps dispose of it your son will never know.

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I don't want to see them either! I think I will tell DH to check it before he goes to work and dispose of it! :D


I HATE them and they seem to get it quite easily!




I thought like that the glue thing being brutal but..besides the damage they are nasty. They can carry lice, a number of diseases, they get in your cabinets your food they use the bathroom all in all it is nasty with a capital N. You have dishes drying in your drainer what makes you think they are not running on them at nigh? And not to really freak you out or anything mice are not as afraid of you as you think. My neighbor is what led me to do the glue traps, she had a 3 year old screaming one night went in his room here is a big shock he had one in his hand he would not let it go and it bit him. He used to go to bed with one of those sippy cups with the soft spout, she kept noticing little marks in it for days thinking he was chewing it nope it was the mouse. He grabbed it yelling hamster. They had hamsters well at 3 can u really tell the difference. So I hate to be cruel but my kids and cleanliness come first. I would get up before the kids check the traps dispose of it your son will never know.
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If you dogs eat the mice, I wouldn't use poison. If they eat a poisoned mouse they can get very sick themselves.


I agree with everyone else, you need to get aggressive. There is never just one. When we had mice in our garage, I used everything to catch them. Glue traps, spring traps, live traps and poison under the house only (we don't have pets). I caught a dozen or so, but only ever saw one scamper across the floor.


They have been gone for a year or so, but I leave traps out just in case one comes house shopping.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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FYI: when I used glue traps, I put them in a coffee can laying on its side. Then I could just pick up the can and dump it into a gallon zipper bag to suffocate it if it was still living. The glue traps are horrible but I needed something that I could use by the entrance to the garage, where the kids bikes are, that dd3 (at the time) wouldn't get hurt if she touched (like a spring trap). The coffee can also kept her from getting in the glue trap.

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We didn't like the poison because I was always worried they would die somewhere I could not get to and stink LOL I also was scared of it because we do have a hamster and he has on rare occasions gotten out and I can only assume they would try to eat it too. For the record I think a hamster roming the house is gross too so when they forget to shut the cage they are in major trouble! I am not fond of them they are cute and all but I don't like them much, I have a 6 year old though who totes hers around like a rag doll she just loves him so and he was a gift from a good friend of hers one birthday so he stays. But be as aggressive as you can I hate to hurt anything as well but you have to protect your property and your kids!

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Good idea! Wonder what else I could use as I don't have coffee cans.....




FYI: when I used glue traps, I put them in a coffee can laying on its side. Then I could just pick up the can and dump it into a gallon zipper bag to suffocate it if it was still living. The glue traps are horrible but I needed something that I could use by the entrance to the garage, where the kids bikes are, that dd3 (at the time) wouldn't get hurt if she touched (like a spring trap). The coffee can also kept her from getting in the glue trap.
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Should I be concerned at all about the poison?


Is there a danger my dogs could get into it?


I put the packets where the blasted rodents could get but that my dogs cannot reach--inside cabinets (this was in my garage), up high, behind shelves, in the attic or crawl space, etc.


As for the stench of a dead mouse, we know we had some dead ones, but we never saw a dead mouse or rat, and we never smelled them. My understanding is that the poison makes them seek out water, so they go to wherever they get water--usually outside. When I was growing up, we did have had dead mice in the attic or walls once in a while, but they never smelled for long--2 days, tops, and it was never anywhere near as bad as a sack of rotting potatoes!



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It could be a bear:




Mice are destructive little critters. They can do thousands of dollars' worth of damage. Ask me how much it costs to replace a gas tank in which the vermin chewed a hole the size of Texas. After writing that check, I have no qualms about the using rat poison and, indeed, give a little squeal of glee when I see one of the little packets has been tasted.




This is what I was thinking!!! :lol:

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We have had more than our fair share of mice around here! We even had one greet us Christmas morning. DH tore the house apart before we even opened presents and ended up masacaring it with a dust pan.\:lol: The only thing we have had success with is the old school snap traps. Gets them every time. I'm sorry, I can't do the live traps. I just want them gone.

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Speaking of which, our basement STUNK so bad for a week or so and I had to walk down there to get to the car in the garage. I was sure a rat had died somewhere......started investigating and it was a sack of potatoes I had forgotten about! :lol:


No advice, just a lot of sympathy. I thought the dead little skink was nasty (to look at), but a mouse would be far worse. One of our cats killed a mouse in our basement a few months ago, and now every time they sit on the stairs, I worry that they are watching one.:eek:

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Well, this probably won't work then.....we have an area where water does drip into a pan near our water thingie (not sure if it is a whole house humidifier or what, but it has a pan that does get water in it, which is where they seem to like to hang out.....we have our live trap in that area.




I put the packets where the blasted rodents could get but that my dogs cannot reach--inside cabinets (this was in my garage), up high, behind shelves, in the attic or crawl space, etc.


As for the stench of a dead mouse, we know we had some dead ones, but we never saw a dead mouse or rat, and we never smelled them. My understanding is that the poison makes them seek out water, so they go to wherever they get water--usually outside. When I was growing up, we did have had dead mice in the attic or walls once in a while, but they never smelled for long--2 days, tops, and it was never anywhere near as bad as a sack of rotting potatoes!



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