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Dr. Hive! Spider bite?

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Ds9 got bit by something today when we were out with the horses. He has 2 small bites on his wrist. They swelled up pretty fast. Within about 30 min his upper body was covered in hives. I actually pulled into a drug store to get Benedryl (we were 30 min from home) and by the time we got home they hives were subsiding. That was 8hrs ago. The hives have not come back, but his wrist is swelling pretty substantially and bothers him a bit. I just gave him another dose of benedrayl.


What else should I do for him?

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Does he have red streaks up his arm? Is it warm to the touch? I would not recommend putting Benadryl on it, but hydrocortisone cream instead. Benadryl by mouth is fine.


ETA: Just reread and see that you didn't put Benadryl cream on. Good.

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No, topical meds. I'm starting to wonder if this is a fire ant bite and sting. I can't quite explain why he has 2 swollen bites, but one is worse than the other. They are approx 2 cm apart.


It seems pretty extreme for fire ant, and has me concerned about what happens next time he gets bit.


We moved to Tx, they are everywhere. :glare:

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It seems pretty extreme for fire ant, and has me concerned about what happens next time he gets bit.


We moved to Tx, they are everywhere. :glare:


These don't sound like fire ants. In our vast experience with those little demons, they hurt when they are biting. Did he feel the bite itself?


I hope the benedryl works.


:grouphug:to him!


When you find a fire ant bed, put some orange oil on it.

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No, topical meds. I'm starting to wonder if this is a fire ant bite and sting. I can't quite explain why he has 2 swollen bites, but one is worse than the other. They are approx 2 cm apart.


It seems pretty extreme for fire ant, and has me concerned about what happens next time he gets bit.


We moved to Tx, they are everywhere. :glare:



The one that is worse was the first bite where more venom was injected. The lesser swollen was a subsequent bite. I have seen this once in an adult man. I was bit as a child, but only once. Watch for any other signs.

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These don't sound like fire ants. In our vast experience with those little demons, they hurt when they are biting. Did he feel the bite itself?


I hope the benedryl works.


:grouphug:to him!


When you find a fire ant bed, put some orange oil on it.



I did not notice the bite I received from a brown recluse. I have been told by dh that you definitely notice a fire ant bite.

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I don't think he noticed the bite when it happened. Eventually he came up to me and said, "Mom, did I get bite by a baby snake?" They were already swollen about double an inflammed mosquito bite. I'm pretty sure he would have noticed a snake bite!


Ugggghhhh, we are such non-native texas people! I'm going to check the swelling again before sleep.


Thanks all!

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Try making a paste of meat tenderizer (the white powder stuff found in the spice aisle at the grocery store) and water and put it all over where it is swollen and leave it on for half an hour then wash it off. Keep giving him the benadryl. That should take care of it. You can treat him again in the morning with the meat tenderizer if he needs it and again at night if he should still need it. It should be gone pretty quick though with the combination of the meat tenderizer and the benadryl.:)

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Green clay works well for spider bites. I used it on a brown recluse bite and it went away quickly. A friend of mine suffered from a recluse bite for months until trying green clay. It pulls the poison out. It's usually sold for face masks.


Other options that work really well for stopping the pain and swelling are vinegar and pee. I know it seems gross, but one's own urine is antiseptic and works really well for all bites... ants, bees, centipedes, and spiders. Vinegar is a nice alternative. They both neutralize the venom with the acidic pH.


I also know a story about someone who was allergic to bee stings and was told by the doctor to put a penny on it. I've tried this on my boys and they have said it helps.


Aloe vera will sooth it.


Here's a site I found with herbs and other info for bites:


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Thanks all! This morning the swelling is down and he has 2 pustules at the sites. I'm frustrated because I don't know "What" bit him :glare:. Oh, well.


He's back to his happy to his happy self :001_smile:


Glad the swelling is down. Just watch for those signs of infection. Praying he continues to heal up! :grouphug:

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Thanks all! This morning the swelling is down and he has 2 pustules at the sites. I'm frustrated because I don't know "What" bit him :glare:. Oh, well.


He's back to his happy to his happy self :001_smile:



At one of my DD's soccer games at child (5 or 6) was bitten by fire ants and broke out in hives. Until I witnessed this event, I did not believe that a single fire ant bite could cause hives.


Also, I have a friend who was bitten by a baby copperhead. She was okay, but the bite marks were so small that she initially dismissed the idea that the baby snake she killed had bitten her.


Texas and barns could be anything: spiders, ants, snakes....even scorpions.

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