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How Much Time for Sequential Spelling

Country Girl

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If I remember right, it took us about 15 minutes a day. I think. LOL. It's been a couple years since we used it.


That's about right. It's 100% open-and-go. Open book, dictate list, correct each word (if needed) before moving on to the next one. Done.


No studying, copying, prepping before, or correcting after the fact. That's it.

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It takes us 10 minutes.




I don't know what to tell you. I say the word. If needed, I give a sentence to clarify meaning. Kid writes it down. Spells the word aloud. I say correct or incorrect. If incorrect, I spell the word aloud while the child rewrites it. Move on to next word. Sometimes the first list of a new set of words takes a bit more time.

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I have 2 doing SS. One in SS1 and the other in SS2. With my older son it takes 10 min. unless we get a few words that we don't know the meaning to, then it takes 15 min. tops. We look it up at dictionary.com. (This is rare in book 1 more common in subsequent books).


With my 2nd ds it takes 20 to 25 min. Because he has writing delays it takes him longer to form his letters and to correct his mistakes.


So if you have an average writer expect 10 to 15 minutes. Reluctant writers may take longer...but that will be true of any spelling program you use.

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Are you all doing the whole daily lists everyday? (25 words) I finally dropped it because it was taking FOREVER to get through...what was I doing wrong?


I do the whole list.


I say the word, and use it in a sentence if needed. Then I tell them to be quiet and write the word. After they've all written it, I tell them to be quiet. Then I write it on the whiteboard (using two different color markers to highlight the pattern) and they check their spelling. Then I tell them to be quiet, and move on to the next word.


The thing that takes us so much time is they try to outfunny each other. Unfortunately, they are often quite funny, and my reprimands are less effective because I'm trying not to laugh.

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I do the whole list.


I say the word, and use it in a sentence if needed. Then I tell them to be quiet and write the word. After they've all written it, I tell them to be quiet. Then I write it on the whiteboard (using two different color markers to highlight the pattern) and they check their spelling. Then I tell them to be quiet, and move on to the next word.


The thing that takes us so much time is they try to outfunny each other. Unfortunately, they are often quite funny, and my reprimands are less effective because I'm trying not to laugh.


:lol:I'm pretty sure this is how my day would look too!

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Yea, I guess I wasn't structured enough to make them be quiet and not talk during the lesson. It would be like.."oh I wrote an a instead of an o"..."what did you put?"..."oh man! I wrote xxx". Then it would take forever to correct them.


I may give it another try.

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Thanks for the feedback. Just wondering, has anyone used the DVDs?


We use the DVD, and the whole thing takes my son about 10 minutes a day. He works completely independently.


At the end of the list, the narrator reminds him to have someone else check his list. He brings it to me, I look it over really quickly to make sure he didn't miss an error, and then it's done.


The DVD only works on our computers though, just so you know, not on our DVD players (Xbox or portable DVD player).

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We use the DVD, and the whole thing takes my son about 10 minutes a day. He works completely independently.


At the end of the list, the narrator reminds him to have someone else check his list. He brings it to me, I look it over really quickly to make sure he didn't miss an error, and then it's done.


The DVD only works on our computers though, just so you know, not on our DVD players (Xbox or portable DVD player).


Thanks for the feedback. This seems like it would be a pretty easy way to this!

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