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IEW--taking the plunge.


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Okay, I am ready to enter the IEW universe. I've been on their website 100 times, but I still can't figure out exactly what I need to buy. I think my mind fritzes at the $$$$.


In any case, my 5th grader needs writing boot camp. We need to start somewhere well before the 5 paragraph essay (but well past sentences) and build our way forward. I want to do the middle ages history theme because he is bright and likes non-ficiton and will probably weep if I read him dictations from Alice in Wonderland or ask him to narrate from Little House on the Prairie.



I need the whole kit and kaboodle. I will roll my advanced 3rd grader in the fall. From what I understand I need SWI (a or b? suggestions), plus the TWSS kit, and some notebooks, binders, workbooks?



What do I need to buy now? And what don't I need?


Thank you for any help.




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You'll need TWSS and SWI. I'd recommend going with level A. I used it with my struggling 6th grader last year and it worked well even though I think A says it's for 3-5. She has LDs and just struggled to write short paragraphs when we started it. I saved all she did and there is such a difference in her writing from the program.


I'm working on it now with my 10 yo dd. I got her the All Things Fun and Fascinating to work through because I'm not crazy about the stories used in SWI A and I didn't want to redo them all. I'm considering getting the Ancient themed book for next year.


I find IEWs website and catalog confusing. Some things they don't even put a grade level on so I have no idea what is an appropriate age to use it with. I'm so glad I can look through their stuff each year at the convention near me.

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I think you could do just TWSS if you don't mind teaching it yourself. At least that's what I did. I did spring for the Ancient theme based history writing thing - but just so that i wouldn't have to come up with my own assignments. There's a yahoo group too you might ask over there if you're still unsure.




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I think you could do just TWSS if you don't mind teaching it yourself. At least that's what I did. I did spring for the Ancient theme based history writing thing - but just so that i wouldn't have to come up with my own assignments. There's a yahoo group too you might ask over there if you're still unsure.






See, I was going to suggest the opposite. I have TWSS and SWI-A and if I had it to do again, I would just get SWI-A. I think there is plenty of information in SWI-A if you watch the videos with them.

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If you are ready to take the plunge I would get TWSS and SWI-A. They are well worth it and although you could use the SWI-A with out TWSS I think that TWSS has very valuable information that helps you understand the whole of what your child is learning and the resale value once you are done with them is good. I really think it's worth it.

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If you want the easy option to just jump in and get going, SWI-A by itself would be fine. If you want the background and the "how-to" details so you can create your own program, then get the TWSS.


I'm using it with a 3rd and 5th grader. I might invest in TWSS for next year, but I haven't completely decided yet.

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Here's another option: start with TWSS - watch the appropriate student workshop DVD in the back to see if you would like Andrew to teach your child directly. If so, order SWI A. If not, and the Middle Ages theme-based lessons line up with your history studies, by all means get that instead. Or plan to do it after SWI A.


Good luck!

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See, I was going to suggest the opposite. I have TWSS and SWI-A and if I had it to do again, I would just get SWI-A. I think there is plenty of information in SWI-A if you watch the videos with them.


Same here... I shouldnt have bothered with TWSS. SWI-A, and SWICC-A

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IEW has a new chart that shows you which programs you should consider based on your child's age and where they are starting. It is on pp 4 -5 of their downloadable magalog/catalog. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248945


I bought the TWSS and watched it and felt it was helpful to get an overview of the program. Then I sold it for a little less than I originally bought it for and purchased SWI-A. I really liked SWI-A and felt that would have been a good starting point for us, but then I found out about a local teacher who has wonderful IEW classes, so we went that route instead.



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IEW has a new chart that shows you which programs you should consider based on your child's age and where they are starting. It is on pp 4 -5 of their downloadable magalog/catalog. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248945


I bought the TWSS and watched it and felt it was helpful to get an overview of the program. Then I sold it for a little less than I originally bought it for and purchased SWI-A. I really liked SWI-A and felt that would have been a good starting point for us, but then I found out about a local teacher who has wonderful IEW classes, so we went that route instead.



I'm pretty sure that's not the link you thought it was. ;)

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Has anyone done swi and then moved into theme-based instead of swicc? My son is finishing up swi with a group and is also doing some work from Bible-Based on our own. The co-op group is going to do swicc next year but they are moving too slow for us. Should we do swicc on our own first or would we be ok going right into medieval history based?


(fyi if it matters, I am going to watch the TWSS videos myself, borrowing them from a friend at the end of this month.)

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