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Is R&S w WTM Writing Enough?


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We are currently using R&S 2, and I'm really liking that it is short, simple, and a lot can be done orally. We also do narrations, and copywork across our content readings each day.


SO, can I just keep doing this? :)


I see a lot of people tossing in additional writing programs (sometimes even 2-3...EEEEKKK!) as time goes on, and I'm not sure why? :001_huh:


Maybe R&S is enough in the early grades, but not enough later on? Can someone further down the R&S road let me know if this will continue to be hunky dory for us, or if it will eventually be lacking?

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We are currently using R&S 2, and I'm really liking that it is short, simple, and a lot can be done orally. We also do narrations, and copywork across our content readings each day.


SO, can I just keep doing this? :)


I see a lot of people tossing in additional writing programs (sometimes even 2-3...EEEEKKK!) as time goes on, and I'm not sure why? :001_huh:


Maybe R&S is enough in the early grades, but not enough later on? Can someone further down the R&S road let me know if this will continue to be hunky dory for us, or if it will eventually be lacking?


Nevermind. I've got WWE on the brain and I answered your question thinking you were using WWE rather than R&S.




Edited by LisaTheresa
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Yes! I think so. If you are having your child write narrations, do dictations, and write letters to family members. When mine were in second grade they loved writing diary entries. They also loved keeping travel journals for our trips. I encourage them to write paragraph or two about a field trip or a nature walk.

I can already see the "fruits" of this with my third grader.

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Thanks ladies! No worries Lisa, we are essentially doing WWE work, but on our own across our subject areas. I should really see if I can find a Rod and Staff English scope and sequence. We are just blindly toodling our way through 2, and I have 3 on the way, but maybe that would help me 'get' where we're going.

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Thanks ladies! No worries Lisa, we are essentially doing WWE work, but on our own across our subject areas. I should really see if I can find a Rod and Staff English scope and sequence. We are just blindly toodling our way through 2, and I have 3 on the way, but maybe that would help me 'get' where we're going.


Well, if you are doing the WWE work, then I can say that yes, it's definitely enough at least through 4th grade according to SWB because I recently reread the hardback copy of WWE. There is a FAQ section in the back and she says WWE is enough as long as you are also working on spelling/phonics/reading and grammar. She says you can actually do just the grammar portion and skip the writing assignments because the writing assignments in the grammar books are usually not that great and it will be too much if you are doing WWE. She also lists her grammar recommendations as FLL and R&S. Frankly, that's what I wanted to hear.


So, I am going to continue with WWE and then I will still probably have my daughter do her CLE LA writing assignments since they are actually pretty infrequent and aren't usually very time-consuming. Mainly, the assignments have been things like letter writing and thank you notes so far.


By the way, I just sold and then repurchased Writing Tales after reading another thread that made me start thinking I wasn't doing enough with WWE. I'm really glad I checked the hardback book from the library to get an overview of the plan. It looks like SWB really isn't concerned with kids doing much in the way of original works until the high school years. The elementary and middle school years are all about laying a foundation so that they will have the tools to write persuasive essays and research papers in high school.


I love SWB! She lays it all out so nicely and makes teaching writing seem so manageable. I only hope she continues on with more levels in her writing program.



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I love SWB too, and I've just been wondering if I'm missing something or if the board is just generally over-enthusiastic about writing programs in general! I've had the hardcover out from the library, and am waiting for my own copy (used) to show up in the mail.



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As someone who has used R&S with two of my kids all the way through level 8 without using anything else, I can tell you that R&S is enough! As you work your way through R&S, the concepts learned can be applied across your curriculum.


I've used other writing curriculum with different children, because well not everything works the same with different children. I'd say that if R&S is working for you--stick with it. It is an excellent program that teaches writing just fine.

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I love SWB too, and I've just been wondering if I'm missing something or if the board is just generally over-enthusiastic about writing programs in general! I've had the hardcover out from the library, and am waiting for my own copy (used) to show up in the mail.




I think it's pretty safe to say this board is over-enthusiastic about almost all academic programs in general! That's why I have to reign myself in so often.:tongue_smilie:



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Thanks Miss MOE, I was needing some reassurance and a voice of reason. I'll just take it easy and keep plugging away without doing hours and hours of unnecessary curriculum research. (Sigh, I know I'm not the only one who does this for a hobby!)


Heh. I agree Lisa!

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