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How do I answer this one from dd 8?

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While parking at the grocery store yesterday, baby girl who loves to catch me off guard with her deep thoughts, asks, "Mommy, how can something come from nothing?" To which I responded with what I thought was an asnwer an 8 year old would be satisfied with, "God created all from nothing because he is a Creator God." LOL, was I wrong in thinking that would be enough for her. I then get bowled over with this:


"But you can't create something from nothing and besides, where did God come from, who created him?"


Why oh why Lord did you give me a mini me? I now get to live through what my parents lived through. What my poor dh lives through with me everyday when he tells me not to think so much and stop being so logical about life. Just accept things for who and what they are he says. UGH!!!!!

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Yeah, my 9 yro and 8 yro, too... :glare: I can't get them to quit asking me questions about the fate of the universe while I'm driving. I think it's a stage they go through. My tweens also debate so much you would think they were candidates for the Senate. :tongue_smilie:


We could just put all the tweens in a room together and they can ask, ask, ask away! :auto:

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God exists outside of the human conception of time. 2 Peter 3:8 is a good quote for this: "one day is with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." God has no beginning nor end, just like a circle has no beginning or end. :001_smile:

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Something doesn't come from nothing. Something always comes from the bringing together of other somethings. Even though we can't see that something (on the atomic level), something always comes from something else. To say something comes from nothing is bad science.


As for who created God, well, God has always existed. It is hard to conceive in our limited minds, but God was not created. He just is.

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I think of it like this:


A slug is limited to 2-dimensional laws & natural laws.

People are limited to 3-dimensional laws & physical laws.


Within the confines of physical limitation, something cannot come from nothing, but it is we, not God, who are confined.

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I think of it like this:


A slug is limited to 2-dimensional laws & natural laws.

People are limited to 3-dimensional laws & physical laws.


Within the confines of physical limitation, something cannot come from nothing, but it is we, not God, who are confined.


I like that! :D

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Scientists say that if you try to go to the end of the universe you can't. If you keep going and going and going, you end up right back where you started.


So, I tell my kids that we're sort of like fish in a fishbowl with black glass. They can't see outside the bowl and don't know what's out there. But we know that there's a whole 'nother world outside the bowl.


I think our universe is like the fishbowl. God's outside of it and there's something else out there, but we're enclosed in our bowl.

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You are you and she is herself for a reason. Some of those questions have no answers, they are paradoxes and we need to be content with that, but that doesn't mean that you don't ask the hard questions. I think God likes us asking the hard questions. I think they're a form of worship-that we seek to understand and know him so well...


How you answer is up to your beliefs (I would answer along the lines of theistic evolution).

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How you answer is up to your beliefs (I would answer along the lines of theistic evolution).


I have heard this term before but never really researched it. Please,if you don't mind, explain this to me. We are still a newer Christian family and learning and experiencing as we go.


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My kids have asked this & other questions-- they are content with this kind of answer: "Something out of nothing! Amazing! Wow! How COULD IT BE??!!"

supplemented by what PPs said about the slug, God outside of time, ask God in heaven, and something like "scientists are exploring this, maybe someday you will be a scientist too."

PS Creation from nothing is the traditional Christian theology, so that is what I teach them.

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I have heard this term before but never really researched it. Please,if you don't mind, explain this to me. We are still a newer Christian family and learning and experiencing as we go.



Theistic Evolution is the belief that God is the originator of evolution and used the process of evolution for the creation of earth and its inhabitants.


Read THE LANGUAGE OF GOD by Dr. Francis Collins. He's a Christian and was the head scientist on the Human Genome project. Amazing book.

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Theistic Evolution is the belief that God is the originator of evolution and used the process of evolution for the creation of earth and its inhabitants.


So does this method suggest then that God created evolution? Am I understanding what you are saying? And if so, why are there still apes if we evolved from them? Or am I getting into something that really just isn't suited for this forum at all? Still learning the Forum ropes too.

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God is like a whole nother dimension.




A piece of paper

A marble a foot away from the paper.


A two dimensional being not only could not perceive the marble, but couldn't even conceive of how to look in the direction of the marble, unless the marble was right on the paper. Even then, the marble would just look like a point. Mr. 2-D couldn't even perceive the idea of a 3-d shape, even if it was touching him.


That's one of the cool things about the Incarnation. God limited Himself (the Bible says, 'humbled Himself') to the shape of a human, both to show Himself more completely to us and to save us from our sin and sinfulness.

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I like the classical 2-D to 3-D comparisons as a potential way to set the perspective in arguments of this kind.


Now, for a more long-winded theological explanation...

Nothing can really be told to exist other than God - the essence of belief is the differentiation of an absolute existence as opposed to secondary, "derived", dependent existences. An absolute existence cannot be a subject to a change in time, otherwise it's not absolute: it actually simply exists, it simply is. The dependent existences don't "really" exist, in and of themselves - the principle of their existence is somewhere else. Their cause is somewhere else. And the ultimate cause of all causes, but which itself has no cause outside of itself (the so-called Spinozian causa sui, "one's own cause"), is what the religions label God. It's not a personal entity but, rather, a pure principle of existence that a human concept of existence in terms of spatial and temporal limitations cannot be applied to. Language is a huge obstacle here, if you're attempting to "understand" God - you cannot really escape your language, and your language is deeply unsuited for understanding of such a "phenomenon"* as the categories don't apply to it. It goes so far that many claim that the only way to speak of God is in negations rather than in positive claims, since you can't really claim anything about Him other than "God exists" (which, as we just saw, is essentially a tautology), as your conceptual categories don't apply (and then there is the thread of thought that you have that categories in your life in the first place to become closer to God, but that's a more complex point). And Bible, as much as it can help you come closer, is still written in the language of humans and human thought - or it would be impalpable.


* strictly speaking, the catch is in the fact that God is not a phenomenon but rather a principle, that's more of a "whole point".


The fundamental opposition is God vs. World, the existence vs. non-existence which apparently exists, but doesn't really.

Unless you're an atheist. In that case, God equals World, since you believe the world exists, the world is what really exists, and not as a derivation, but in the actual material existence, full existence, of the World, and that there is no transcendence whatsoever of a principle, idea, anything, and that the phenomena still ARE.

Edited by Ester Maria
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