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Need some help with vitamin D dosing

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About two years ago, bloodwork tested my Vitamin D level at 28. I have been supplementing 3,000-4,000 iu about every 2-3 days since. (I forget to take it - otherwise, it would be every day.) Early this week, repeat bloodwork showed my Vitamin D level at 33. This is an unimpressive gain. My doc wants me to supplement more since it is on the very low end of normal, but she didn't give an amount. So how much should I take? (I am taking over the counter D3.)

Edited by texasmama
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What form of D3 are you taking? Is it a chalky white pill, or a gelatin capsule? D3 in pill form is very poorly absorbed.


Be sure to take the oil-filled gelatin capsules, and take them with a meal that contains fat to help with absorption. If you've been taking gelatin caps, I'd probably up it to 10,000 IU per day for a couple months, and then re-test to see if there's improvement.


If it turns out that your body just doesn't absorb vitamin D very well, you may wish to talk to your doctor about whether *short* tanning sessions in the wintertime and generous sun exposure in the summer would be appropriate.

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I have mostly been taking the gelatin form but accidentally bought the chalky pill form last time. I will get the gelatin form.


Thanks for the dosage recs. I don't weigh 75- 100 pounds.:tongue_smilie: I will increase my dosage and remember to take it daily.

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Thanks for the dosage recs. I don't weigh 75- 100 pounds.:tongue_smilie: I will increase my dosage and remember to take it daily.


:lol: I split my dosage up and take half with lunch and half with supper. That way I figure even if I miss one dose I have gotten some in for the day.

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I'm impressed with your increase, as mine went from 16 to 15 after many months of Vitamin D. :glare:


I like the Carleson's 4000. They are a gel capsule. I can't tolerate the 50,000 units, but these are okay. My endo recommended the drops, as well, but I haven't tried them, yet.


Good luck!

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OK, not much help here because I can't seem to find my all my paperwork for the exact dosage. My vitamin D level was also very low on my last bloodwork. It was the first time I had ever been tested, but I specifically asked for it due to a strong family history of osteoporosis.


My doctor recommended the liquid. I'm sorry I don't know the exact dosage this would equate to, but she has me put 7 drops into a glass of juice a day. I am very curious to see if my levels will actually go up on my next blood test.

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Also, I'm pretty sure that the body can only absorb 500-600 mg at a time, so you really need to spread it out during the day if you can. Now, if this is true, I have no idea why they make 1000 mg gelcaps, etc.! LOL I don't know how long to wait between doses, either, so I just try to take it with food (something with calcium or my calcium vitamin) a few times a day. How to megadose, though... ?? Anyone know?

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With levels that low, you should get a prescription. Mine was originally 12. After a year of 2,000 IU a day, it only got to 23.


I was given 50,000 IU to take once a week for one month. Then on 5,000 IU a day, and my levels are now a healthy(ier) 58. I was tested 2 months later.


Now I just take 2,000 IU a day.

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I have had best luck with 50,000 IU weekly. I think there might be "poor absorbers" who need an overwhelming dose to get any in. Just a guess. I'm learning just like everyone else, as we go along.


I've never had myself tested and I take 2000 IU every other day, because I live in the cloudy north, and work during winter daytime hours.

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About two years ago, bloodwork tested my Vitamin D level at 28. I have been supplementing 3,000-4,000 iu about every 2-3 days since. (I forget to take it - otherwise, it would be every day.) Early this week, repeat bloodwork showed my Vitamin D level at 33. This is an unimpressive gain. My doc wants me to supplement more since it is on the very low end of normal, but she didn't give an amount. So how much should I take? (I am taking over the counter D3.)


When you're low, you need significantly more to realize increases to blood levels - mostly because when you're low, you're out of stores of vitamin D, so you're not only working to increase what's in your blood, but also build up stores again.


Vitamin D has a half life of approximately one month. As you supplement, you're gaining ground (if you take enough) and losing at the same time, so your supplemental level needs to be high enough so your increase is greater than your loss.


If you're at 28 - next month, with no supplements or vitamin D intake at all, you're down to 14.


To maintain the 28, mathematically you need 3000IU each day, since each day you also lose some of what you're supplementing with.


To get ahead, mathematically you probably should look to take about 8000IU a day - by day 30 of supplementing at that level, you should have blood levels around 40-50 (depends on how you metabolize the supplement)....and get re-tested to see how quickly (or not) you're increasing. An optimal level to shoot for is 60, so if in one month you get to 40-50, another two to four weeks of 8000 IU should do it....then we're into sunshine days, so you'll reduce dose (or eliminate - depends on your sun exposure) through September/October (depending on your latitude).


ETA: If you supplement with OTC - best is fish oil based vitamin D....D3

Edited by RahRah
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