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What could you not do without. . .


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Throwing out a techy perspective...


You don't even need an iPod player and definitely not a CD player. Assuming you have a computer (with speakers) with Internet connection, just head to Pandora.com (it is free) and listen to classical music. Grooveshark is just a bit different, but also awesome and free.


You can also use Pandora through your iPad. Load up your iPad or other ebook with lots of books, and you won't need as many bookcases.


Speaking of iPad (or Android), there are tons of fun educational apps.


Look into Discovery Education Streaming, and you'll have educational videos for every subject.


Everything else I love, people have been very thorough in listing. We're also whiteboard addicts, can't emphasize dry erase boards enough. Good lighting is important.

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I'll throw out a minimalist perspective. After our house fire last year we lived in a hotel for a month and threw away ~ 90% of our possessions.

You really need very, very little to homeschool.


And I'm with OHElizabeth. We finally have a dishwasher and it has freed TONS of time.


Yep. We had a flood in September. We're just back in the house and we still don't have a kitchen or a dishwasher.


I do appreciate having the computer, though it's not really necessary. I can get email on my phone and I really like that.


A printer is nice, too, but hasn't been needed, even for high school.


Books have been super important, but that is because I don't always find what I want at the library.

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Throwing out a techy perspective...


You don't even need an iPod player and definitely not a CD player. Assuming you have a computer (with speakers) with Internet connection, just head to Pandora.com (it is free) and listen to classical music. Grooveshark is just a bit different, but also awesome and free.



The ipod is so you can organize your recorded memory work and memory songs. At one point we had VP songs, geography songs, IEW poetry, etc. etc., and it was just a zoo to keep up with all the cds. It took a lot of time flipping between them and waiting for the machine to come to, finding the right track, etc. Also, I have yearned to be able to put all our audio books onto one and have them ready to go, no discs strewn around the house, no worries of scratches. The added bonus is the bookmarking feature for audio books. My dd doesn't listen to them so much now, but she used to listen to them by the hour. The expense of an ipod-thing would have been well worth it.

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I like most of the things I have seen posted on this thread, but the two most important things for us (after kids) are a couch and white board.


There can never be too many book shelves, my multifunction printer/copier gets daily use, and the paper cutter isn't far behind. We have lots of storage bins and cubes and more, but the essentials are just the kids and I on a couch with a white board close at hand.

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The ipod is so you can organize your recorded memory work and memory songs. At one point we had VP songs, geography songs, IEW poetry, etc. etc., and it was just a zoo to keep up with all the cds. It took a lot of time flipping between them and waiting for the machine to come to, finding the right track, etc. Also, I have yearned to be able to put all our audio books onto one and have them ready to go, no discs strewn around the house, no worries of scratches. The added bonus is the bookmarking feature for audio books. My dd doesn't listen to them so much now, but she used to listen to them by the hour. The expense of an ipod-thing would have been well worth it.



Okay, you've got me sold, but I am really behind the times with technology. I use VP Bible and History, Geography Songs, etc. so I see the value of what you recommend, but what exactly would I need to buy to set it up all together?

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A mountable white board but make sure it is big enough,I thought mine would be but I wish it was much bigger,color map of the world and U.S.,electric pencil sharpener,three hole punch,and decaf coffee(I found out that I get to crabby with regular,it's very sad because I love coffee.)

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Don't get a cd player. Get an mp3/ipod thing so you can put all the audio books and memory songs and whatnot and keep everything organized. I've wanted one for years and never gotten one. I've dreamed of how I could create little folders on there, one for each week, and have all the memory stuff neat and tidy, ready to go, no more flipping cd's, scratching, and losing time.




This is such a great idea! I think I'll be setting up "folders" for each day of the week this summer for next year!! Thanks! :)

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