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Woke the family up screaming at 2am

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Yes, I literally woke the family up screaming last night. Or rather, most of the family. :eek:


A terrible crash jarred me awake at 2am and I sat up in bed screaming. (I was actually surprised to hear myself screaming--I pride myself on being calm, cool, and collected in a crisis. However, I had just been jarred awake by the crash and instinct took over, I guess.) I was totally convinced there was an intruder. Poor dh woke instantly (he NEVER wakes up--I have always been the one to hear the crying babies or street noise or whatever) and he leaped out of bed. It was pretty amazing! Within thirty seconds I had gone from indiscriminate screaming to babbling about the horrid crash and that someone was in the house. Dh handed me the phone and went to look. My dd was frightened and calling out so I went to her.


It turned out a shelf had fallen in dd's room. We have had that shelf up for probably eight years. It had two china music boxes and a china picture frame, and had suddenly fallen off the wall. I was sooooo thankful that it was "only" that, and even more thankful that the shelf was nowhere near my sleeping dd.


Being jarred awake by my screaming had given dh such a powerful adrenaline rush the poor man felt nauseous afterwards and had a terrible time trying to fall asleep. He never heard the crash--just my screaming.


Ds slept through the whole thing. :blink:

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That sounds like a horrible night! I still remember the fear I felt once when I was early elementary age I somehow knocked the lamp and every thing off of my nightstand while I was sleeping--it all made a loud noise that scared me because I thought someone had broken in my window, and my parents came running in the room.


Anyway, I'm glad the shelf didn't fall on your dd, and I'm glad you guys are all safe!

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Oh my! After you all recover from the shock and get a good night sleep (tomorrow night?), then you should have a good laugh about you and your dh's reaction. Hindsight always seems to make scary things funny to me. I'm so glad that your daughter was not injured by the falling shelf nor the items on it.

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Much as I'd like to think I'm calm in a crisis, I have evidence accumulated from my years, that this is not always the case. :001_unsure: Once, I was awakened by a very close, significant lightening strike (I think it hit a tree on the farm property), and like you, I woke up screaming. Only, I was so dead asleep, that I couldn't quite get the scream to come out, so I think I ended up sounding like a strangling goat. It was so pitiful that I burst into tears afterwards. Good grief! In my own defense, I must add that at the time I was a young mother who was so perpetually stressed that I had recurrent nightmares, and sleep deprivation was my middle name. So, the tears didn't surprise me all that much.


I'm glad you're all okay! Sounds like you lost some precious items off that shelf, and I'm sorry about that. But, thank goodness it wasn't anything more horrifying.


Isn't it bizarre how things will hang around like that for years and then, one day, SPLAT!!?? I figure it's the divine test button for our hearts. :sneaky2:



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I've done this before. Waking screaming for no apparent reason. One time I ran out of my room and ds was going down the hall to use the bathroom as I was screaming dh was running after me because he thought there was an intruder and ds "What did I do mom" that finally got me awake enough to realize I was a sleep walking, screaming maniac. My poor ds thought I was yelling at him.....

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It turned out a shelf had fallen in dd's room. We have had that shelf up for probably eight years. It had two china music boxes and a china picture frame, and had suddenly fallen off the wall. I was sooooo thankful that it was "only" that, and even more thankful that the shelf was nowhere near my sleeping dd.


How bizarre, and *what* a way to wake up! Wowsa! Poor DH - he may become the world's lightest sleeper after that experience!


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I'm sorry that happened to you.


In my early 20's I was prone to having night terrors. Back in college I was sharing a hotel room with 3 of my friends. In the middle of the night I must have had a bad dream and woke up screaming. It scared everyone and of course I was embarassed. None of us could go back to sleep after that.


When my dh and I were first married I would often wake up screaming and would have very strange dreams. I would scare poor husband to no end. One night though I must have had a very strange dream. I woke up, slapped my husband on the face and said "You are a hamburger and I am slapping on the bun". How weird is that!

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your poor dh! glad everything was o.k.!


When I am pregnant, I usually get leg cramps, my last baby I had the worst one ever and sat up in bed screaming. Poor dh jumped up, thinking I was in labor. The poor man couldn't go to sleep after, either. He did rub out my leg..he's good at that.

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Isn't it impossible to get back to sleep after that? I HATE it when that happens!! And yes, it happens once every few years to me, but usually it's in response to a dream, not anything "real". The last time was when I was dreaming that a huge, hairy spider was on my husband. I sat straight up in bed, screaming, hitting him with both hands, trying to get that spider off! LOL Talk about adrenaline rush, the poor guy :).


Hope you sleep well tonight!


PS. Did you read SWB's note about when she woke her dh up in the middle of the night saying something really scary? I can't remember the details, but it was hilarious!

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Yes, I literally woke the family up screaming last night. Or rather, most of the family. :eek:


A terrible crash jarred me awake at 2am and I sat up in bed screaming. (I was actually surprised to hear myself screaming--I pride myself on being calm, cool, and collected in a crisis. However, I had just been jarred awake by the crash and instinct took over, I guess.) I was totally convinced there was an intruder. Poor dh woke instantly (he NEVER wakes up--I have always been the one to hear the crying babies or street noise or whatever) and he leaped out of bed. It was pretty amazing! Within thirty seconds I had gone from indiscriminate screaming to babbling about the horrid crash and that someone was in the house. Dh handed me the phone and went to look. My dd was frightened and calling out so I went to her.


It turned out a shelf had fallen in dd's room. We have had that shelf up for probably eight years. It had two china music boxes and a china picture frame, and had suddenly fallen off the wall. I was sooooo thankful that it was "only" that, and even more thankful that the shelf was nowhere near my sleeping dd.


Being jarred awake by my screaming had given dh such a powerful adrenaline rush the poor man felt nauseous afterwards and had a terrible time trying to fall asleep. He never heard the crash--just my screaming.


Ds slept through the whole thing. :blink:


I've done this because of a bad dream (always had them while pregnant, hormones?). Once I screamed so loud, dh jumped up (um... in his b'day suite) grabbed a bat and ran through the house and out the front door looking for the so-called intruder I was yelling about. Thankfully we lived back in the woods, so no neighbors saw. We did had a good laugh, after but he sure felt feel sick too.

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