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Does it ever end?

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I woke at 5am. Laid in bed until the alarm went off at 6. Had a quiet hour to myself, and then the day started in full. 7am - shower, get dressed, cut my hair, eat breakfast, clean the bathroom, get dinner into the crockpot, drive ds to the bus, get other kids breakfast, devotions with kids, clean up breakfast dishes and the mess I made when making the crockpot dinner, got a load into the washer. 9:30 started school with the kids, worked with them until 12, made lunch, ate lunch, cleaned up from lunch, sat at the computer for a few mintues, got Spanish lesson onto the white board. 1pm - started afternoon school with the kids, worked with them until 3:30, typed vocabulary review sentences. 4:15 took oldest to parent-teacher conference, 5:45 home, ate dinner, cleaned up dinner dishes, sat at computer for a few mintues until 6:40, took 12yo to tae kwon do, sat in car reading ahead on kids' history book, home at 8:15, brought science book upstairs to read what 12yo will be doing tomorrow when 14yo asks if I can please trim his hair. Finally done with that. I still need to read that science and I have about 4 days worth of laundry to fold in a huge stack on the window seat. I'm sorry, but it's just going to have to sit there for another day.


Every day this week has been like this - awake at crazy times and one thing after another all day. I'm so glad that tomorrow is Friday.

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Guest CarolineUK

Wow! I feel dizzy just reading about your day. Is there any way you could simplify life at all? Do you have a break coming up? Or maybe usually you're the type of person who thrives on all that activity and today you're just feeling a bit worn out? One thing I do know, there is no way I could keep up that kind of pace for any length of time.


Sounds as though you're doing an amazing job caring for and educating your family :grouphug:.

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It's not usually quite this busy. I'm not sure why there's just been so much to get done lately. I'm looking forward to a week away with the family in February half-term. And I'm looking forward even more to a week in the US visiting my mom and going to a homeschool convention in March... by myself!

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Is there any way to get the kiddos involved in chores more? Breakfast or lunch could be made by one, and cleanup by another... You have a lot on your plate with teaching and lesson planning, dinner and other chores. It seemed that there was a lot in that list that could have been accomplished by other hands, yk? I hope I don't offend- and I'm not there and do not know if they have many other chores required of them...


I hope your weekend is restful! :grouphug:

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They each have chores they have to do every day - hoover the dining room, dust, etc. And they sometimes help with meals. I have been thinking that I should get them washing dishes. That's not something that any of them do. But so much on the list couldn't really be done by anyone but me. I can't have the kids read ahead on their science so that I'll know what they're going to be studying. :tongue_smilie:

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There are always dishes.


My laundry is not too bad, but there are always dishes. Because of my food allergies, I have to make extra meals every day, my food is too expensive for everyone else, and most of it is not that great, anyway.


I would get more help with laundry and dishes!


Both my children fold laundry and put away dishes when I need them to. (I have them stack up dishes that go on the highest shelves, but it still is a big help, it takes a lot less time to put away a few nice stacks than do the whole thing.) My husband is good about helping load the dishwasher. In fact, he prefers to do it and claims that I'm not that good at loading it. I don't argue!! :lol::lol:

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seems like a relaxed day to me.

I add in about 3 hours of uni studies and hand milk a house cow. I am flat out from 5 am to 10.30 pm, with hardly time for a toilet break.... every single day.


Oh, my. I'm going to stop whining now. Where do you get the energy?

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At first it seemed like a lot....but then I went back and read it, an while it is certainly a full and busy day, its not much different from probably most womens' days in some shape. We make meals, we clean up after meals- there's a huge part of the day (and an undervlaued part frequently). We drive kids places, we homeschool or take them to school, we shop and do housework....and that is just the bare bones that our lives are built around, really. Let alone anything extra.


It is great that you got that hour of quiet time first thing in the morning- that is important to me, too. I often wake up at 5.30 or even earlier, but I cherish the alone time. The rest of the day, I may or may not get a decent break (usually I *do* get an afternoon rest). Today I had to take my dd to enroll her in college and have an orientation day- I am exhausted! I came home and because i have been meal planning using plantoeat.com, I had Pad Thai planned for dinner and...I decided to make it and everyone loved it but I probably should have said "cereal tonight" instead.


When I have several really busy days, I often cancel things and aim for a day off. I cant handle busy for too long without burning out.

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I woke at 5am. Laid in bed until the alarm went off at 6. Had a quiet hour to myself, and then the day started in full. 7am - shower, get dressed, cut my hair, eat breakfast, clean the bathroom, get dinner into the crockpot, drive ds to the bus, get other kids breakfast, devotions with kids, clean up breakfast dishes and the mess I made when making the crockpot dinner, got a load into the washer. 9:30 started school with the kids, worked with them until 12, made lunch, ate lunch, cleaned up from lunch, sat at the computer for a few mintues, got Spanish lesson onto the white board. 1pm - started afternoon school with the kids, worked with them until 3:30, typed vocabulary review sentences. 4:15 took oldest to parent-teacher conference, 5:45 home, ate dinner, cleaned up dinner dishes, sat at computer for a few mintues until 6:40, took 12yo to tae kwon do, sat in car reading ahead on kids' history book, home at 8:15, brought science book upstairs to read what 12yo will be doing tomorrow when 14yo asks if I can please trim his hair. Finally done with that. I still need to read that science and I have about 4 days worth of laundry to fold in a huge stack on the window seat. I'm sorry, but it's just going to have to sit there for another day.


Every day this week has been like this - awake at crazy times and one thing after another all day. I'm so glad that tomorrow is Friday.


Yep. This is me. And I work 6pm-10pm 5 nights a week for the cable company... :tongue_smilie:

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Don't know if this will help, but I have 7 year olds and I'm really getting their help these days.


Sure, their "help" is still mainly my teaching, but they fold laundry, feed the dog (I supervise to make sure), vacuum, clean sinks etc.


I also have them learning to cook and bake.


My goal is that by the time they're 10 -- that they can really function and be helpful.


My mom was a total martyr. She had two girls and never relied on us for anything. We never cooked. We never shopped as teens. What a loss for her.


We never felt needed. I really think kids need to feel needed in this dept. for it to work.


So I tell my boys daily, "I just don't know how I'd do it without you."



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its funny, but i have a hunch most of your days are like that and that its just now it feels like a lot/too much.


maybe a good 30 minutes, of tea, chocolate and a hot bath? alone time makes it all seem possible somehow.


i instituted happy horizontal hour after lunch each day, years and years ago, where everyone goes to their rooms and they need to be happy (or at least silently miserable ; ) and horizontal.... it is their individual reading time, their sketching time, their knitting time, etc... and if they are exhausted it turns into a wee nap even yet (ages 11 and 12 still at home). this keeps me sane. whatever i do in this time also needs to be quiet, but not necessarily horizontal.... in the end i feel as if i've had a break even if it is only a switch, KWIM?


this year, i also have a laundry helper and a kitchen helper. last year, i had an "unload the dishwasher" person and a "hang up the laundry" person. the helper system works better for us. each day, i find something in that area for them to help with. in the kitchen, some days it is sweeping and mopping the floor, somedays it is clearing out a fridge shelf and wiping it down, some days it is taking all the garbage and recycling to their respective places. in the laundry department, some days its delivering clean clothes to each person's room (and putting their own away), some days its loading or unloading the washing machine, somedays it is hanging up laundry or bringing it in or folding it. i try to make it no longer than 15 minutes start to finish. it gives me nice one on one time with each girl that is also productive and they are getting a better grasp of small bits of household management. they like it better, too, because each day its different. the elder now blazes thru laundry helper, but wants to hang with me in the kitchen during her kitchen helper weeks. the younger one wants me there all the time.... i'm treasuring this, because it will change any year now.


days that are particularly onerous, i sometimes let them each make their own lunch and take it to their rooms for happy horizontal hour. they consider it a treat! ; ). it is for me, too.


:grouphug: i have classical christmas carols going now; that helps me feel more content, and less rushed, too.



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