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If you don't snack...

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when do you eat meals? I'm looking at the No S diet specifically. It's intriguing.


My meal times fall around 9:00am, 1:00pm, and 5:00pm. So naturally I get hungry in the evenings and that is when I lose control and overeat.


Sorry for all the eating/exercise threads right now. I'm hyperfocused on it!

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We have four smaller meals a day.


8:00 Breakfast

11:30 Brunch (fruit, cheese, nachos or carrot/celery sticks with humus)

2:30 Dinner (small portions)

7:00 Supper (soup, cheese and biscuits, a small ham/chicken salad)


So far so good; no-one is hungry at silly times, neither is anyone stuffed at mealtimes.

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9 or 10 (depending on how long I can hold out - sometimes I just have coffee until lunch)

1 or 2

6 or 7


I only have a snack very occasionally, and usually if we're out hiking or sailing using up a lot of calories.

It may not be when you're eating, but what you're eating. Whole grains and protein are key. If I eat a salad with no protein - I can't make it to dinner, for example.

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I failed on NoS the first time, because I couldn't cope with the gap between lunch and supper. Our timing is usually:


7:30 Breakfast

1:00 Lunch

7:30 Supper


I always used to lose control at around five. I have instituted a minimeal at 5pm - two apples (I love apples). Since I started doing that, I don't lose control. I only restarted this week, so no weight loss yet. NoS is not a fast diet, but a lifestyle.



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I don't eat "breakfast" until lunchtime, although I know that's bad for one's metabolism. I usually have eggs or a smoothie. Around 3, I eat some peanuts and a banana or granola bar. Dinner is at 7ish, and it's most often a salad with beans or some chicken or salmon.


Nighttime is my nemesis, but I find if I keep my water bottle handy, I don't snack as much. If I do eat, it's cheese or popcorn. Sometimes I just go to bed early to get my mind off food. :001_smile:

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So you are supposed to go from eating dinner at 5pm, to breakfast the next day at 9am...without a snack?? That seems like a long time. I wouldn't be able to it either!


I guess this is why so many "diets" do not work. You need to eat realistically.


It is much better to have 5 small meals throughout the day, to keep up energy, keep away hunger, keep blood sugar levels even, etc. I think you should have a mini meal later in the evening. I don't know all of the rules of this diet, but just have something with nutritional value, and eat it with purpose (and not in front of the TV, for example :001_smile:).


Right now you are eating most of your food all within 8 hours of the day...which is only a third of the day. Space them out a bit (if you can) and add another small meal, and I think you will feel better in the evenings (and the rest of the day!).


Good luck!!

Edited by blakereese
spelling :)
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