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How Do You Like File Folder Crate System


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It seemed like a bit of overkill for me. I will say that was the year my DH was gone and I was pregnant and caring for a 4 and 2yo. Maybe we didn't have enough activities and I know I didn't keep up with it. On the other hand it was nice to have a place to put paper items.


What I have done for now was made a folder for THIS WEEK, THIS MONTH, FUTURE, PENDING, CONSIDER, and ARCHIVE. Many fewer folders but it works on about the same principal. I also keep seasonal ideas in another binder, so those do not go in my folders -- it is mostly just household stuff.



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This is my 2nd year doing a file folder system. For me, it is a great way for me to do all the fun planning, and get that done and over with, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of that planning. The last thing I want to do on the weekend is spend a couple hours pulling together the supplies we need for the week ahead. Monday morning I can pull out our new folder (even with eyes half open) and get started. Before we go to the library, I pull the next week's folder to see if there is anything we need to request/pick up.

I like to create our own things for some subjects, but like the convenience of open&go. I have found this allows me to do that.

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I wanted to like it a lot. I found that in some things we work quicker and in some slower and then it gets all off. It was a lot of extra work that ended up not paying off.


The idea seemed so great, but it's implementation hasn't meshed well for us.


hmmmm...I wondered about this. For instance: we just started SOTW in Jan. after finishing up MFW ECC so we will not finish SOTW 1 this school year. If we decide to spend 2 weeks on a subject in history, how will that work?

Also, we are behind with math and may not get done with it either. The fact that we have switched some things around this year and finished some early might make this system harder than it is worth.....

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The file folders have worked wonderfully here. I put math for my two youngers, history worksheets, art projects (with supplies attached), latin (the only subject we ending up dropping, but I just pulled the papers out to refile when we get back to it). I also put extra worksheets in for my 2nd grader who sometimes runs out of things to do while waiting for big sisters.


I made up a weekly folder and a yearly folder for each child. Each week they file their papers under the appropriate day of the week and at the end of the week the finished papers either go into their regular yearly folder or their yearly history folder.


It was a lot of work to start out but I LIKE organizing. And frankly that system (along with a daily schedule) made this year of homeschooling WAY more enjoyable than the previous year. I definitely plan to do it again next year and I am planning to do a preschool folder for my son too :) I know if I don't plan it out ahead of time, I'm not likely to get it done during the school year.

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hmmmm...I wondered about this. For instance: we just started SOTW in Jan. after finishing up MFW ECC so we will not finish SOTW 1 this school year. If we decide to spend 2 weeks on a subject in history, how will that work?

Also, we are behind with math and may not get done with it either. The fact that we have switched some things around this year and finished some early might make this system harder than it is worth.....


I also ripped up workbooks and really regret it now. I want everything to be neat and together, and now it's not. :glare:

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I'm loving it, but I think it depends completely on how you set it up and what you decide to rip up/file. For me, I have it set up by weeks, but within each week is a file by subject. It's very easy to move subjects up a week (or two or three!) because I just have to move the file folder rather than completely unfile each child's file and decide what has to go where.



The other thing, that for me, has worked is that I only filed certain subjects - history (maps, narration/dictation pages, coloring pages from SOTW), science (lab sheets for REAL Science Odyssey), nature study (the "assignment" from the Handbook of Nature Study blog), and Latin (our worksheets for that week). I do plan math for the year, but I do not rip up workbooks (mostly because I don't want to have tons of loose papers around - the boys like saving their math workbooks to look through). I did not plan or file spelling (All About Spelling) as it's a developmental subject and some weeks we accomplish more than others. I also don't plan grammar (we were doing FLL/GWG, but are now only doing MCT) or literature/WWE. Actually, I guess I really don't plan out language arts. :lol:


But for what I'm using it for, filing is going very well. I don't have to worry about having the right copies for history, science, or Latin. I know what we are doing in math and where we should be by the end of the year. And, with the exception of the last month as we were getting used to schooling with a newborn/infant, we are actually doing all our subjects because they are planned and laid out for me.

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We have been using the file folders since Aug. and we are loving it! Finally, I have found a system that has kept us on track. The only problem is finding times to fill the folders. I tried to do it in the summer but didn't have time to finish it so I am going in bits and pieces which is frustrating. I already ripped up workbooks so this wasn't an issue for us. :001_smile:

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hmmmm...I wondered about this. For instance: we just started SOTW in Jan. after finishing up MFW ECC so we will not finish SOTW 1 this school year. If we decide to spend 2 weeks on a subject in history, how will that work?

Also, we are behind with math and may not get done with it either. The fact that we have switched some things around this year and finished some early might make this system harder than it is worth.....



I also ripped up workbooks and really regret it now. I want everything to be neat and together, and now it's not. :glare:



Not really working for me here, either. I am not thrilled with ripped up workbooks. Also, I have changed up quite a few things here. I adjust as I feel I need to. If something isn't working or needs to move faster or slower or have parts skipped, then I do so. Filing worked fine for subjects like picture study, but not for things like math or language arts.

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We have used the folder system since August and really do find it helpful. When we get behind, it's easy enough to catch up because everything is still together. One subject we just completely shelved for the time being so as we get to that subject in a folder, it goes in the "composers" folder to be addressed at another time. I'm loving it. :)

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I wanted to like it a lot. I found that in some things we work quicker and in some slower and then it gets all off. It was a lot of extra work that ended up not paying off.


The idea seemed so great, but it's implementation hasn't meshed well for us.


I also ripped up workbooks and really regret it now. I want everything to be neat and together, and now it's not. :glare:

:iagree: I filed by subject and it's not working well for us :(

Edited by Homeschooling6
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This is my 2nd year doing a file folder system. For me, it is a great way for me to do all the fun planning, and get that done and over with, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of that planning. The last thing I want to do on the weekend is spend a couple hours pulling together the supplies we need for the week ahead. Monday morning I can pull out our new folder (even with eyes half open) and get started. Before we go to the library, I pull the next week's folder to see if there is anything we need to request/pick up.

I like to create our own things for some subjects, but like the convenience of open&go. I have found this allows me to do that.



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I have folders for weeks 1-36 with an Assignment sheet in there for each kid and their papers behind their sheet. I didn't rip up any books, I couldn't actually bring myself to do that:tongue_smilie:. But whenever a new LU is scheduled for math that's in the correct week's folder. I didn't plan some things (like AAS) because it's just not conducive to that. But, I do have all history worksheets/maps, grammar sheets from FLL, science, and dictation sheets in the right week behind the right kid's assignment sheet.


I LOVE it!! It's made schooling so much easier here:D. If we get behind I just put those sheets into the next week's folder and keep doing that until we get caught up. I have found it was totally worth my time! ymmv:001_smile:

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I LOVE it!!!! I filed by the week for the entire school year. It has been the best thing I've ever done in planning for school. I can't wait to do it again this summer. I love that on Sunday evenings I can just go to my crates (one for each child), pull out the coming week's folders, sit down, and have their lesson planner filled out so quickly. I did tear apart as many things as I could. It's actually better for my younger one with writing on the pages. For things I couldn't tear apart, I put notes in the files for each week.


I love that if the week is going to be crazy, everything is right there, so I can look through quickly and figure out if something "extra" can be left off that week for my sanity.


I put everything that's finished back in that week's folder. This summer I'll go through it all before I plan for next year.


I've never regretted it for a moment!

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I love it, even though things have not gone well this year, I was able to keep us on track with our core subjects. A few things I had to re-file - but the difference was I made a conscience decision, I didn't forget. I felt much more peace looking at our situation, and deciding what we could do.


I also built in a fail-safe based on Charlotte Mason Help's "Grace Week". So I planned 5 regular weeks, and the 6th week is very light - usually just review. So if we get a bit behind, we can shift backwards a week. Or if something needs more review, I have time in that 6th week.


I didn't rip up books, and every workbook I have is electronic, so I can print for the next kid (or replace missing pages). Since our life is (hopefully) stablizing, I have redone a few subjects, but nothing major. I can't wait for next summer to do it all over again. This has been our best year yet.



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If you have been using this system for a while....how do you like it?


I have been using this system since August but I put my files in a file cabinet. I love it.


Is it really worth the time put into it?


Yes, it has really cut down on the time it takes me to put their work together for the week. Everything I need is already in the file with the exclusion of texts and/or workbooks which are already in their workboxes.


I really want to know if you are getting more things done that you would otherwise skip or forget.


Yes, we are really making a lot of progress and things that I would be too lazy to track down normally are already in the file waiting for us to use so we use it.


I am very happy with this system and will continue to use it as time goes by.:001_smile:

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I LOVE it!!!! I filed by the week for the entire school year. It has been the best thing I've ever done in planning for school. I can't wait to do it again this summer. I love that on Sunday evenings I can just go to my crates (one for each child), pull out the coming week's folders, sit down, and have their lesson planner filled out so quickly. I did tear apart as many things as I could. It's actually better for my younger one with writing on the pages. For things I couldn't tear apart, I put notes in the files for each week.


I love that if the week is going to be crazy, everything is right there, so I can look through quickly and figure out if something "extra" can be left off that week for my sanity.


I put everything that's finished back in that week's folder. This summer I'll go through it all before I plan for next year.


I've never regretted it for a moment!


Yes! This is me. I love the file system. I put 36 hanging folders in a filing cabinet and each folder has three folders - one for dd7, one for ds5, and one for me. I tore apart ds's phonics workbook and handwriting workbook and dd's spelling workbook. I did not tear up actual textbooks (ie. FLL, which was good because I switched to R&S midyear). I also printed and filed history worksheets, maps, instructions for creative activities, copywork pages for DD, science notebook pages, and math tests).


I am a very goal oriented person, so I *know* that I want to be at point XYZ in May, so if we get behind in a certain subject (say, a math concept takes longer to grasp), then we spend longer on it, but I double lessons in a future week to compensate for it and not get the whole schedule behind. Also, where possible, I scheduled in "breaks." My son's math book included 30 weeks' worth of lessons, but we're doing 36 weeks of school, so every so often, he as a math catch-up week already scheduled that allows me to get back in sync with my file folders. It really hasn't been that complicated.


One of the things that has helped me the most is that during the summer, I made a master sheet for each week. On one page, it lists what each child will be doing for each subject including page numbers or chapters for lessons and books to read. It's a self-made teacher's manual that coordinates the mix of curriculum that I use. It was a lot of work, but it has made my life so easy during the school year. Everything is already planned for me, I just have to spread the assignments throughout the week.


I chose to do the file system because I have seen from experience that I do not take the time to plan enough during the school year, and because every year prior to this, we were rushing to finish school by mid-June because I didn't have a schedule to keep to during the year.

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Okay ladies! Thanks for all the feedback. I think I am going to do a "trial run" with the file system.

We have 15 weeks left in this school year (may have to change that)and we have more work to do than we can actually finish in 15 weeks going at the rate we have been going. So....I am going to try and set up our file folders to get it all done.:glare:

I may be setting myself up for a nervous breakdown, but I have to have some idea of where we really are and how we can reach a reasonable goal this year. :tongue_smilie:

We usually take Mondays off, so I am off to plan!:D

Thanks again!

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I liked the idea in theory, not so much in practice. Like some others said, I really don't care for all the loose paper and I like being able to go at a less prescribed pace. I has been very frustrating when we would move at different paces in different subjects. So, we would be right on with the folders in LA, but behind in math. And if I needed to spend longer in a subject than I had anticipated, I hated shuffling the papers around. I ended up taking them all out and filing by subject.


I probably won't do it again next year, even a modified version, and I definitely won't be ripping out any workbooks again!!

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