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I think he may be coming....

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Yes, join us! Be warned, we're all still waiting...but my mother assures me that babies do come eventually. I'm not sure I believe that at this point. :001_huh: :glare: :D


I'm over a week overdue and an ice storm is due tomorrow. Hopefully your baby decides to copy my baby and stay nice and snug for a couple of days after the due date!


They do show up eventually...my first stuck it out to 42 weeks and my second to just past 40, so I'm familiar with the waiting game. :tongue_smilie:


Sadly, familiarity doesn't seem to make it any less annoying. :glare:


New baby needs to make an appearance bright and early tomorrow before the snowstorm hits, or stick it out until Thursday! I had a really fast labour last time and I'm not enthused about the idea of nobody getting here in time if I go into labour during the storm.

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WOW! What a lovely babe in the waterbirth pic! She/he looks about 8 months old. What was the birth weight?


Thanks! She was 9 lbs 12 oz.


All you ladies who are waiting might want to try this...




It's a recipe for eggplant parmesan from a restaurant that boasts over 300 women have gone into labor within 48 hours of eating it. My husband made it for me and it took 4 more days for me. But it's delicious. :001_smile:

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I'm getting induced on Thursday night/Friday morning if Jayden doesn't get here before then...:001_smile:


So the wait isn't that much longer here!


Wouldn't it be cool if ALL the babies came at the same time?!?! That would be a Well-Trained Mind Baby Boom!!!:lol:


Go Jayden Go!:D

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Well, if baby doesn't start coming before then, I'm scheduled to go in on Monday at 10am to be induced, most likely with cytotec given orally. (For the curious, I'll be 42weeks 3 days on Monday.)


I am reallllly hoping the induction won't be necessary....


I hope so too! *sending labour vibes your way* :grouphug:


I'm still waiting too. :glare:

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I just stopped by The Hive to check on our mommas and babies and I see that AngelBee hasn't posted in a while. Last Activity: Yesterday 12:42 AM I hope that means she has her babe in her arms already!


I noticed the same. I hope the next time she posts it will be her birth announcement. :party: :hurray: :)

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YES!! We want to see pics of all those precious little ones. :) What time do you go to the hospital tomorrow, Daisy?



I'm going in tonight at 6, but I have to call first at 5 and make sure they are ready for me and not to busy :001_smile: My mom won't be coming in to stay with me until they start the pitocin tomorrow morning so I'm sure she will update everyone in my absence :D


I'm a little nervous...but I can't wait to see him!!

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I'm going in tonight at 6, but I have to call first at 5 and make sure they are ready for me and not to busy :001_smile: My mom won't be coming in to stay with me until they start the pitocin tomorrow morning so I'm sure she will update everyone in my absence :D


I'm a little nervous...but I can't wait to see him!!


:grouphug: and prayers for you, Daisy.

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I'm going in tonight at 6, but I have to call first at 5 and make sure they are ready for me and not to busy :001_smile: My mom won't be coming in to stay with me until they start the pitocin tomorrow morning so I'm sure she will update everyone in my absence :D


I'm a little nervous...but I can't wait to see him!!


Praying the hospital can take you, Daisy! My induction for ds2 was cancelled because the hospital was too busy, so I understand the angst right now. I had him via induction 4 days later...


Hopefully your baby comes sooner than Monday, Hannah C. And, with no word from Angelbee, that must be a good sign!!!


Wishing you all the best! :grouphug:

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I'm going in tonight at 6, but I have to call first at 5 and make sure they are ready for me and not to busy :001_smile: My mom won't be coming in to stay with me until they start the pitocin tomorrow morning so I'm sure she will update everyone in my absence :D


I'm a little nervous...but I can't wait to see him!!


Praying for you honey. You'll be holding that sweet baby soon.:grouphug:


Praying the hospital can take you, Daisy! My induction for ds2 was cancelled because the hospital was too busy, so I understand the angst right now. I had him via induction 4 days later...


Hopefully your baby comes sooner than Monday, Hannah C. And, with no word from Angelbee, that must be a good sign!!!


Wishing you all the best! :grouphug:


:iagree::iagree: Praying for all the moms and babies. :)

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