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Teachers Lounge 1-26-2011

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Okay, so we have a teachers lounge. Is there an infirmary nearby? Ugh. I'm so sick of this virus - I'm pretty sure it's turned into bronchitis. Blech. Maybe the nurse will come to the Lounge soon . . . :tongue_smilie:



What's for lunch? Me: don't know. I'll either go down the street and get fast food or I'll make myself go a bit further down the street and go into the grocery store. I think I want something spicy again.



What's grating on your nerves today? Me: my 6 1/2 yo ds whining about everything today. Give.me.a.break.


What do you wish you had the energy to do today but the reality is you probably won't do it? Me: I'd love to go to the library but the best one is in the neighboring town and I'm not sure I have enough energy for that.


Having desert today? Me: I just might so I can have some comfort food! :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Okay, so we have a teachers lounge. Is there an infirmary nearby? Ugh. I'm so sick of this virus - I'm pretty sure it's turned into bronchitis. Blech. Maybe the nurse will come to the Lounge soon . . . :tongue_smilie: Yeah, I know what you mean. Last week I was diagnosed for the first time ever with strep throat. I was so sick that dh had to take off work. So of course ds10 was diagnosed with it last night. Ugh. We don't have time for this!



What's for lunch? I am making corn dog casserole for my kids today. I have lots of hot dogs and they are craving somethign different. Hope they like it... Me, I will likely eat a salad and then some leftover chicken enchiladas.


What's grating on your nerves today? My ds10 wanting a sick day. He has enough energy to play games on the PS2 and the computer but can't watch a science and history video? Give me a break. Yesterday it was my dd10 whining about everything. Now my ds10 is whining that he has to give the cats fresh water even though there is still water in their bowl from yesterday. His reasoning? That is just wasting water. And this from the kids that was a few minutes ago spraying water from the hose outside sohe could make small rainbows...


What do you wish you had the energy to do today but the reality is you probably won't do it? C0mpletely clean house and get all chores from last week done. I am so far behind!


Having desert today? Those brownie boxes look good, and the cookie mixes I bought for the youth night. I might just have to cook some :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

I hope you are feeling better soon. I am considering mutiny myself.

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Dobela, are you willing to share that recipe for corndog casserole with the rest of us? Personally, for lunches, I prefer (*gasp*) quick, microwaveable meals: Hot Pockets, taquitos, etc. It's one less thing I have to think about during the day.


Who else has some 'go to' dishes they use during their homeschooling days?

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lunch - most likely leftovers


grating on my nerves - my pain, literally;)


wish I had the energy to do - vacuum the living room and dining room. It may still get done though. . . my kids have the energy to do it. . .


dessert? - I'm on the fence about this. Part of me wants to chuck my calorie counting and my healthy eating and eat a lot of chocolate for comfort. Part of me (and dh) is telling me that my body needs healthy eating more than ever right now. . .

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Lunch was frozen pizza for me and dh, leftover eggs/sausage/cheese wrapped up in tortillas for kids. I'm all for pop-in-microwave-no-prep lunches. Breakfasts, too. Come to think about it, I like dinners that way, also. Can you sense a theme here??


What's annoying me? The sinusitus-ear-infected almost 3 year old who refuses to take a nap! Argh! It's just setting up the rest of the day for epic fail.


The energy to do...well, there's the housework and the laundry and the homeschool group stuff and the yard work and the taxes and the...I guess I'll stop now. I'm sure I've made my point. Very little (if any) of those will get done!


Dessert? That leftover can of Reddi Whip a guest brought last week shall see it's last this afternoon. :D

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What's for lunch? Chicken and rice from dinner last night.


What's grating on your nerves today? Trying to figure out how much college costs.


What do you wish you had the energy to do today but the reality is you probably won't do it? Any cleaning whatsoever.


Having desert today? I'm baking croissants right now.

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lunch - leftover chicken soft taco. again.


grating on my nerves - a headache, and ds refusing to focus and do his work


wish I had the energy to do - making the dough for naan. we're having indian night tonight and I'm making chole palak. we were going to have naan to, but now I'm thinking some basmati and roti instead.


dessert? - none - getting back on track with my diet - stay strong, Jean!

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Here is what you asked for, and I am quoting my answer to the PM so don't be surprised by the deja vu LOL


Well, it all started with a post here about corn dogs that led me to allrecipes.com to get this recipe. I didn't follow it as written however because I followed a lot of the reviews. Mine today was:

1 can cream style corn

2 boxes Jiffy cornbread mix

2 pounds hot dogs

1 1/2 cup milk

2 eggs

2 cups shredded cheese (+/- 1/2 cup more)

onion powder to taste

garlic powder to taste

pepper to taste


I did slice the hot dogs really thin to get them more thru the cornbread mixture. I warmed them in a saute pan sprayed with PAM instead of butter. I also used more hot dogs than the original recipe because people comaplined about there not being enough. Besides, what else did I need to do with the left over dogs? I also used more cheese because I was finishing up 2 partially opened bags.


We loved it! Next time I think I will cover with foil for the first half of cooking so the top doesn't brown as much and over cook while the inside is still not done (I was testing with toothpicks). I did add about 10 minutes to the cooking time as well. You may even be able to use less milk since the corn provides so much moisture.


Oh, I did use unsweetened soy milk instead of regular milk.


I have a new annoying thing - My dd3 has decided today is yodeling day. No, she can't yodel and she can't play the piano which she keeps sneaking and playing because 'it helps me doddle'.....

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1. We had soup and sandwiches for lunch.


2. I woke up with a migraine. Drugs are working right now, but I still feel "off". My monthly visitor is here as well, so I'm not feeling so great today.


3. There is always cleaning that I mean to get to, but school takes most of my energy. I suspect my thyroid is underactive again. Blah.


4. If we eat a cooked dinner, we will be lucky. ;)


We finished school before lunch (well the big girls are doing science experiments, but they don't need me). I'm lying in bed now. I'm supposed to be reading the chapters on record-keeping and transcripts in TWTM. Instead I'm on here. :tongue_smilie:

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lunch - Leftover soup from dinner last night.


grating on my nerves - That first hour of school where everyone pretends they don't know what to do or how to do it. After 4 years, I'm really tired of it.


wish I had the energy to do - I'm not having energy issues, just time issues. With homeschooling, meals to prepare, a 3 year old and an infant, there's just not enough me or enough time!


dessert? - No. I've got to get this last 20lbs off. My 20 year reunion is this summer. I only had 15lbs to go, but then there was all those pies, cakes, and cookies over the holidays. I'll have some dessert Saturday though. We are having another couple over for dinner.

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What's for lunch?

We are all having various leftovers. Fun.


What's grating on your nerves today?

We have all been sick, Monday one twin had a 104.2 temp. Today we are getting back into school for the first time since Thurs. It is not going well. They are doing the work correctly just so, so, so slowly! We are only on subject 2 at noon!! Also the complaining of my dss14!


What do you wish you had the energy to do today but the reality is you probably won't do it?

Anything beyond getting through school. I am still congested and just want to go to bed! Just teaching is going to take all of the patience I have. Oh crap just remembered church tonight *sigh* so I guess I cannot go to bed early.


Having desert today?

I wish, we have no chocolate! Maybe it would help me stop whining lol

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Lunch- we had leftover chicken noodle soup


Grating my nerves - I want to order my new dishwasher, but I am waiting on the landlord. He said yes, we can buy one, and he's looking over my recommendations.


Want to do, but lack energy for - Laundry. I've realized I was much better at getting laundry done when I could fold in front of the tv at night. No tv.


Dessert - For everyone? No. However, tonight I'm making brownies and cranberry muffins. Of course I will have to make sure they taste great. ;) If it stops snowing I will need to take muffins to co-op in the am, and will have a group of ladies at my house tomorrow night.

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