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Toxic water bottles...

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My girls came home from ballet last evening telling me that they were told that their water bottles are made from #7 plastic, which is supposedly harmful. I googled it and sure enough it looks like that kind of plastic, along with some others, release harmful chemicals. I am horrified to find out about this and am wondering what kind of water bottles your kids use during their sports activities.


Are there glass water bottles anywhere? Is there any safe plastic?



Sabrina in NY

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I think I'm going to order a few of their water bottles for my ds this summer to use at baseball. I can't decide which size would be better-the 18 oz or the 27 oz. He currently uses a bottle that is 22 ounces. I want it to be large enough to last the game but I don't want it to be hard to hold. I also want something that would fit into our small ice chest. Also, which tops do you get? I was thinking of the sports top.

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I heard a little jingle once,

4, 5, 1 and 2, are the only ones good for you.

(plastic numbers)



Also check children's toys, a lot of bath toys are made from #3 I think PVC.


Jill explained something from a book she'd read recently (real specific there, aren't I?!?), and the memory device there was to remember that your right hand was "right" (acceptable, correct) and count the fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Three is out 'cause it's your middle finger, but 1, 2, 4 and 5 are acceptable. 6 and 7 (being on your left hand, the "wrong one") and 3 (middle finger) are the ones to avoid. When I read it, I thought it was silly, but it has stuck with me! lol... So I guess it was pretty good after all. ;)

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I think I'm going to order a few of their water bottles for my ds this summer to use at baseball. I can't decide which size would be better-the 18 oz or the 27 oz. He currently uses a bottle that is 22 ounces. I want it to be large enough to last the game but I don't want it to be hard to hold. I also want something that would fit into our small ice chest. Also, which tops do you get? I was thinking of the sports top.


I bought one Kleen Kanteen. I do take it running. I haven't run yet when it's hot hot hot, but on a moderate day the 18 oz one was just fine. When I order more for me and the family, I will order the 18 oz. I have the sport top. I know it's still plastic, but for running it's needed. If I had to take the top off, I'd have to stop running unless I wanted the water down my front. (On hot days that wouldn't be bad, but then I wouldn't have enough to drink for the whole run.)

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Another vote for Klean Kanteens


I bought 3 18oz and 4 12 oz ones for me and the kids. We use them for water, juice, milk, soda the whole gammut.


We love them, even my 2.5 year old, he doesn't go anywhere without his cup. We have the sports tops for all but the little guy who has the avent sipper lid adaptor, hopefully soon he'll be switching over to the sports tops. We also have the built NY sleeves which is a must as the bottles themselves get really cold.


I just wish I would have switched sooner. We tried the SIGG bottles a while back but didn't like them as the narrow neck made them hard to clean without their special brush, also if a milk one gets left a bit too long the SIGG's wouldn't come clean enough and stunk. We have had a milk klean kanteen go past prime and just tossed it in the sink of hot, soapy water and voila clean as a whistle, no stink. We also toss them in the dishwasher and they do great.

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Does anyone know how to find out if baby bottles and children's sippy cups are safe?



Check the recycling code. People vary on which they'll use; but generally 3, 6 and 7 are not recommended. Baby bottles are a big concern because so many are 7, and people heat them in micros (or put warm liquid in them, period).


Avent makes one line - the Via? I think, that's considered safe, and there's a company called Born Free that you can google. Avent has more than one sippy cup that's deemed safe, and most of the "tossable" type sippy cups are coded 5, which is considered safe by most standards, too. I'm sure there are more out there, I think one of the most basic straight bottles (Graco or Evenflo, maybe?) is also a 5. There are still glass baby bottles on the market, too.

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Does anyone know how to find out if baby bottles and children's sippy cups are safe?



Kleen Kanteen makes a sippy lid for their stainless steel bottles, too.


SIGG makes a kid cup, too, but I don't use aluminum, so those are out for me. I've heard others love them. I believe Thermos brand might have something in the way of sippy cups, too.

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