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Does dark chocolate make anyone else crazy?

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I think it does make me crazy. I already suspect that I have a chocolate allergy because dark chocolate tends to give me terrible headaches. I had some today and yesterday and I noticed that today I am acting like mommy on a rampage. I thought maybe it was just PMS, but maybe it's the chocolate.

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:iagree:I was going to say that only the lack of dark chocolate makes me rage-y, psycho crazy.


You wouldn't be eating dark chocolate covered espresso beans, would you?



Not at all, LOL. This particular time it was Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups. But I have tried others in the past (good quality) and the same thing happened.


Quite depressing, really.

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I think it does make me crazy. I already suspect that I have a chocolate allergy because dark chocolate tends to give me terrible headaches. I had some today and yesterday and I noticed that today I am acting like mommy on a rampage. I thought maybe it was just PMS, but maybe it's the chocolate.



Allergic to chocolate??? Perish the thought!


(of course I believe you, I just cannot imagine it for myself...)

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