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How much does divorce cost?

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I'm not asking for me!


My SIL was married to an abusive drug-dealer for 15 or so years. The divorce was horrible! Really, if I told you some of the things he did and got away with, you would think I was making it up. It was brutal.


Now my SIL owes her divorce attorney $150,000!!! I'm not surprised that his bill is high because she calls her attorney EVERY TIME her ex pulls something but $150,000 is crazy! Her attorney has to know she can't ever pay that; even when she worked full time, she couldn't have paid that much.


Is that a normal amount for a horrible divorce or is this attorney pushing it?

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It depends. Most attorneys charge for every single second they spend on your case. If she had a lot of issues and complications, and if it took forever, I can see how it would add up. $150K does seem extreme, though. How much was her retainer and what was the attorney's hourly rate?


My divorce was $1,500 down and $150 an hour, and the total was around $4,500. We were pretty cut and dry, though with very few hitches in the plan.

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It depends. Most attorneys charge for every single second they spend on your case. If she had a lot of issues and complications, and if it took forever, I can see how it would add up. $150K does seem extreme, though. How much was her retainer and what was the attorney's hourly rate?


:iagree: The thing is, she went into it knowing how this attorney would be charging her. That is usually established up front. I had to use Legal Aid for my divorce so it was only a few hundred dollars, but I used an attorney for custody issues many years later. My contract was a straight $1200 and should anything else be encountered that would take me beyond that amount, he had to contact me and renogiate. That didn't happen though. I later found out that the attorney my ex-husband used charged him a straight $2500. I came out ahead of the game but it taught me for future consideration to consult with more than one attorney on fees before choosing who to use!

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Divorce can be expensive, financially speaking. I just spent $3500. on an attorney who basically did nothing I could not have done myself. I was completely ripped off, and she was recommended by legal aid. I never felt badly about attorneys until now. What a racket. I suggest your sister not hire that attorney when she files for bankruptcy! So sorry. Divorce is bad enough without outrageous bills to pay.

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The cost (13 years ago) for my divorce was about $5000. I paid a retainer of $2500 and then an hourly rate. My ex called my attorney a lot and cost me a lot of money, as every minute is accounted and charged for. I also got itemized statements so I knew what I was paying for - a 15 minute phone call on a certain date, etc.

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I'm not asking for me!


My SIL was married to an abusive drug-dealer for 15 or so years. The divorce was horrible! Really, if I told you some of the things he did and got away with, you would think I was making it up. It was brutal.


Now my SIL owes her divorce attorney $150,000!!! I'm not surprised that his bill is high because she calls her attorney EVERY TIME her ex pulls something but $150,000 is crazy! Her attorney has to know she can't ever pay that; even when she worked full time, she couldn't have paid that much.


Is that a normal amount for a horrible divorce or is this attorney pushing it?


My *divorce* was less than $4k. The custody battle that followed has put us in debt for an amount more than most people make in a year.


My attorney bills @ $350 per hour. Her paralegal @ $275. I did over $10k work on my own, to save money.

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I don't think $150,000 is particularly unfathomable, depending on where your sister lives, and how much her attorney charges per hour.


When a couple we knew got divorced, they racked up over $400,000 in attorney's fees. They were completely anal-retentive control freaks who fought over every. last. little. thing. We have had a few other clients spend even more than that, but they were wealthy people whose attorneys seemed to keep baiting them to continue the fight, so nothing got settled for a ridiculously long time.


But if your sister isn't very well-off, she should have been keeping closer track of the bills, and limiting her calls to the attorney.


I know that there are some cases (probably like your sister's,) where one spouse simply will not cooperate, and who will drag everything out just for spite, but if couples are smart and can remain civil, they will try to settle as much as possible on their own, without involving the attorneys.



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