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please, people IRL

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Yes. I actually counted up, and just among my facebook friends, I have 28 friends who are either pregnant, or have had a baby in the last year.


Tough to take, when I desperately want another child, and see all these people (many irresponsibly) getting pregnant with children they can't afford, or a second child when they don't take care of their first, or some other situation which isn't ideal for children.

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Just tonight, as a matter in fact....I hate being so sensitive ( or insensitive, if that's the way I should put it, lol) when I already have three but the desire for another hurts nonetheless, especially when it won't happen. Its hard having that ache.

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I'm so sorry - I know how much it hurts -- and my dd31 is experiencing the same right now -- she has taken herself off of facebook and is blogging instead (at her therapist's suggestion) --




My dd has a link on her blog to Robbie Floyd-Davis -- the link is SO worth reading.


Thoughts and prayers - :grouphug::grouphug: -- pls let us know how you are doing.

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Yes, my little sister just told me she was pregnant 2 days ago...my twin is 27 weeks, my son's birthmother is 27 weeks (and in a steady happy relationship and looking forward to parenting), my husband's sister is 20 weeks...I am the only one in the family not pregnant (and there is no chance of it)....I keep expecting to hear of a bunch of the women where I live locally to announce they are pregnant and trying to brace myself for it.

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I'm right there with you. We tried IVF earlier this year and it was a complete disaster. There's no chance of me ever getting pregnant without it so I've just given up hope of ever birthing a child. Right now we're proceeding along with adoption but who knows how long that will take. Meanwhile everyone around me is having babies left and right. :crying:

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Right there with ya. :grouphug::grouphug: I have 5 friends expecting right now and a few that I'm sure will tell me they are expecting soon. I smile for them then go home and drink a starbucks for myself.


I know I am blessed with 4 but I dont' think it hurts any less because of that; when you want more you want more.


We think of adoption but then dh gets overwhelmed with the cost, the paperwork and the social workers dropping by.

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  • Oh, I'm so very sorry for the pain you are experiencing. I had seven late miscarriages/stillbirths and three early miscarriages and every pregnancy announcement sent me over the edge. I'm done having children now, but I still go to an infertility forum where most of the women are done having children, but still "talk" to those who went through those tough years with them. We were talking about how difficult it must be to be on Facebook and see announcements and, even worse, ultrasound, pregnancy and baby pictures. Those announcements are tough ((((hugs)))).


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