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Urgent care visit

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I ended up taking my youngest to the after hours pediatrician yesterday. A log fell on his head and he has a gash. So I took him in to see if he needed stitches. Anyway, in the list of medical history questions the nurse asked me, she asked if ds was circumcised. When I took my other ds there back in Oct because he had broken his arm they asked it as well.


Can someone please tell me how that is relevant in any way when we are sitting there with a broken arm or a head injury?

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Urgent care twice (once for stitches) in the last year and an ER visit to boot. No one asked that then or in any other medical situation ever. Weird. I can't imagine why it's on their form. Did you get stitches? If so, I'd ask why when you go for removal. Then post here because I'm curious!

Edited by sbgrace
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Totally weird. My mom was once pestered repeatedly to get a mammogram and pap smear when she went in with an irritated/infected scratch in her arm, which finally got a rise out of her, but I really don't see what circumcision has to do with even health maintenance, one way or the other, unless there is a problem occurring related to the urinary system or that part of the body.


Maybe you could tell them that you forgot? Just kidding. Or switch up your answers? One time say he is circumcised, the next time that he's not.


Just sharing my own story here: The hospital decided (although I was accompanied by my husband during labor, his name was in my file as my husband and father of my kids and health contact) that I was an unwed mother, with father unknown, and put this in the health info of one of my kids.

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I ended up taking my youngest to the after hours pediatrician yesterday. A log fell on his head and he has a gash. So I took him in to see if he needed stitches. Anyway, in the list of medical history questions the nurse asked me, she asked if ds was circumcised. When I took my other ds there back in Oct because he had broken his arm they asked it as well.


Can someone please tell me how that is relevant in any way when we are sitting there with a broken arm or a head injury?



How is your son?????


All the times I have taken kids to urgent care or ER I have never been asked that. I have 4 boys ages range (now) 9 to 21, and we have a lot of visits!!!!


I would ask how that is relevent to the reason we were there.


I have been asked if there were any previous injuries/surgeries to the part of body with current injury. Then of course the typical questions about medical conditions/allergies and current medications and if their immunizations are current. These questions make sense though.

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