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This is really cool: The McGurk Effect

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The McGurk Effect: Watch your ears lie to you.




Neat illusion...I'd personally never even heard of it before today. I actually rewound the video and closed my eyes to listen a second time to see if it was for real. It was! :D


ETA: see my post right below this one, too :D

Edited by NanceXToo
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Any other place to see the McGurk Effect? Safe Eyes won't let me on wimp.com


Never mind, I went to youtube.


Know what's weird? I saw/heard him saying THA THA THA, with a TH, not a B or a D.

When I closed my eyes, it became Ba Ba.

Edited by Chris in VA
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That's really interesting.


My spectrum child (likely nonverbal learning disability/has issues with visual input) only hears ba...even when I'm pointing to and he's staring at the mouth. What in the world...


That's really interesting about your DC only hearing the "ba" sound...


We have the opposite effect here since I and both DD's are hard-of-hearing. We rely on speech-reading to differentiate most consonants so we aren't really good examples, LOL!

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That's really interesting about your DC only hearing the "ba" sound...


We have the opposite effect here since I and both DD's are hard-of-hearing. We rely on speech-reading to differentiate most consonants so we aren't really good examples, LOL!


I do this more and more all the time. It's probably time for a hearing test. (Either that or everyone mumbles. :glare:)


My dad was hard-of-hearing and we always assumed it was because of noise in some of his work environments when he was younger. He had worked in machine shops and as an excavator around lots of loud equipment. I'm sure that was part of it, but I'm starting to wonder.

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My spectrum child (likely nonverbal learning disability/has issues with visual input) only hears ba...even when I'm pointing to and he's staring at the mouth. What in the world...


Huh! That's interesting! Well, if he has issues with visual input I guess he's effectively blocking it out and hearing what's really there instead of being tricked! That's kind of cool :D

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Huh! That's interesting! Well, if he has issues with visual input I guess he's effectively blocking it out and hearing what's really there instead of being tricked! That's kind of cool :D


Um, yeah... It's cool until he needs to drive.


I have one that doesn't seem to see what's in front of her at times. I really need to show her this. It'll either put my mind at ease, or freak me out. :001_unsure:

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