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I'm in love

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I am *not* an 'audio' person (I'm very visual & I tend to try to tune out all noise), but even I completely enjoy & am riveted Jim Dale's readings. I've listened to his versions of Harry Potter & Around the World in 80 Days. So far, his are the *only* audio books that I've ever successfully listened to.

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I am *not* an 'audio' person (I'm very visual & I tend to try to tune out all noise), but even I completely enjoy & am riveted Jim Dale's readings. I've listened to his versions of Harry Potter & Around the World in 80 Days. So far, his are the *only* audio books that I've ever successfully listened to.



I've found now that I've heard Jim Dale on audio, I no longer enjoy other audio books as much as I did before. I've been spoiled by him.

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Oh, he's wonderful!!! Unfortunately, the kids don't like him as much as I do *sigh* I just love his voice. I actually didn't love him doing Harry Potter--probably because I already have a very strong image of the people and places and story from reading the books--but we listened to him reading Peter Pan and it was heavenly. I can't imagine any other version!

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The kids and I like Jim Dale too, for all the Harry Potter audio, as well as Nathaniel Parker (as another poster mentioned), as we work our way through the Artemis Fowl series. We also like Simon Russell Beale, for the Charlie Bone audio books. I think the kids just like hearing someone with an accent - they recently designated one of our school days as "talk with an accent day".


Erica in OR

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