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Talk me out of it, My first though was "brain tumor"

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Dd told me last night about 10p that her head hurt. It was a sudden sharp pain that lasted just a few seconds. She said they happened off and on for the past couple days. It is mostly painful on the top of her head just right of her center hair part. And every once in a while on the same radius on the back of her head. No head injury that either of us are aware of. It hurt once on top of her head this morning. No blurred vision, no dizziness, really no other symptoms but the sudden sharp momentary pain.


Gotta go play Wii and act like I'm not worried.

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I get them more regularly now. They're called ice pick headaches.




I would get her checked out just to be safe, but if this were my dd, I wouldn't panic, I would assume they were ice pick headaches. The above link says usually around the temple or eye but I've never read that before. Mine usually are on the top of my head. A few weeks ago it was so severe I thought I was having an aneurysm and then it suddenly went away. VERY scary. They vary in intensity and length but I've never had them last long. I don't even think they've lasted 10 seconds, but the pain is sudden and sometimes extremely severe.

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Dd told me last night about 10p that her head hurt. It was a sudden sharp pain that lasted just a few seconds. She said they happened off and on for the past couple days. It is mostly painful on the top of her head just right of her center hair part. And every once in a while on the same radius on the back of her head. No head injury that either of us are aware of. It hurt once on top of her head this morning. No blurred vision, no dizziness, really no other symptoms but the sudden sharp momentary pain.


Gotta go play Wii and act like I'm not worried.


Does she have any tendency for migraines? There is a type of headache called "ice pick headaches" that I have gotten before. I suffered from migraines until I was over 40 & got on beta blockers. When I would get an ice pick headache it would usually be after or before (days) of a migraine but they can just happen. It felt like a shooting, stabbing pain in my head and the pain was gone once the shooting pain was over. Make sense?



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Dd has had this for 12 straight days in a row. I took her to primary who put her on antibiotics just in case it's a sinus infection and is running blood tests. If nothing comes from either of those, then it will be MRI time. Biting nails here while trying not to show worry.

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I get them more regularly now. They're called ice pick headaches.




I would get her checked out just to be safe, but if this were my dd, I wouldn't panic, I would assume they were ice pick headaches. The above link says usually around the temple or eye but I've never read that before. Mine usually are on the top of my head. A few weeks ago it was so severe I thought I was having an aneurysm and then it suddenly went away. VERY scary. They vary in intensity and length but I've never had them last long. I don't even think they've lasted 10 seconds, but the pain is sudden and sometimes extremely severe.

As usual Denise you are able to calm my fears. I'll go with ice pick headaches until something else happens for me to think otherwise.



Dd has had this for 12 straight days in a row. I took her to primary who put her on antibiotics just in case it's a sinus infection and is running blood tests. If nothing comes from either of those, then it will be MRI time. Biting nails here while trying not to show worry.

:grouphug: I am so sorry. It is awful having unknown things to make us moms worry. I hope it is just a sinus infection.

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I GET THESE!!!!! I had no idea what they were and they usually pass so quickly, I never gave them much thought. Interesting.


I really didn't like that in the link, they say that they usually start in middle age though. :glare::glare: Does that mean I'm middle aged? I just turned 40. Yuck. But, I've been getting these for years.

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I asked her about it again and she said it is "growth spurt pain." I'm guessing she has had some kind of growing pains in her legs and it feels the same. It isn't a sharp stabbing pain. She has had one this morning and she said it did not hurt as bad today as it did last night.


I'll keep an eye out and see if it is something that peaked last night or if it might be something else. It it is at all possible I want to get her through Christmas without worrying. She is such a worrywart.


I don't think she would have told me about it except for the fact I witnessed the one last night.


Also we have been playing Wii pretty exclusively since Tuesday morning. I've got a headache now.


If anyone thinks of anything, please let me know.

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I asked her about it again and she said it is "growth spurt pain." I'm guessing she has had some kind of growing pains in her legs and it feels the same.


I was just coming back to post that I remember having headaches as a pre-teen/young teen. They came and went, and nothing bad came out of them. I assume they were related to growth and hormone changes.

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As usual Denise you are able to calm my fears. I'll go with ice pick headaches until something else happens for me to think otherwise.


:grouphug: I am so sorry. It is awful having unknown things to make us moms worry. I hope it is just a sinus infection.


:grouphug: Thank you, it surely is awful, and I hope you can get to the bottom of this for your dd soon.


You know I forgot I was talking to youngest dd's orthodontist yesterday and he reminded me that she had headaches when her alignment was off. Older dd mentioned that her wisdom teeth were coming in. I made an appt for her to be checked out, and she is a teeth clencher, as a pp mentioned.


Could your daughter possibly have any molars coming in?

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I was just coming back to post that I remember having headaches as a pre-teen/young teen. They came and went, and nothing bad came out of them. I assume they were related to growth and hormone changes.

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

:grouphug: Thank you, it surely is awful, and I hope you can get to the bottom of this for your dd soon.


You know I forgot I was talking to youngest dd's orthodontist yesterday and he reminded me that she had headaches when her alignment was off. Older dd mentioned that her wisdom teeth were coming in. I made an appt for her to be checked out, and she is a teeth clencher, as a pp mentioned.


Could your daughter possibly have any molars coming in?

Yes, she does have quite a few teeth working their way in.


So far today there has been only the one just before breakfast. Hopefully they are all done.


Thank you all for giving me alternate reasons for the headache. I swear brain tumor was all I could think of causing a headache on the top of the head.

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I've had something like that before. It happened a few days after I injured my neck when turning it much too quickly. I didn't connect the two at first. Then, about a year later, it happened again. I then connected the fact that I had hurt my neck a few days before and then those weird head pains happened. It was strange, but those were the only two times that it has happened.

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This is so interesting. I get those "ice pick" headaches sometimes but I never knew there was a name/diagnosis for them. Thankfully they don't happen to often. They are killer while they last but they usually disappear pretty quickly. Boy, I learn something new every day.


And OP, if this is what your dd has, I have had them ever since I was a child, but infrequently.

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My dad and I both get these, and I even had an MRI done in worry. Turns out they are sinus related (for us) Whenever the sinus cavity gets inflamed badly, it sets off the shooting pain...right across the top of my head. It's weird, and sometimes the only way I know that my sinuses are about to act up again.


I've noticed my dd sometimes gets them too. She also has sinus issues.

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