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Prayers please...I'm still sick

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Had a 9 day stomach flu, then I got bronchiits which they said turned into pneumonia. I am still getting worse though and so I have to go back to doc today and I am getting a little worried. Antibiotics and steroids didnt help which probably means its viral. I have yet to ever cough so everything is stuck in my lungs, and I have asthma (although its been under control for a year)


Not looking good and I am starting to freak out a little. If I end up in the hospital I have to send my kids 5 hours away to my moms, and while they will be fine, I will be a wreck being that far away for that long and sick.



Thanks for prayers!

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Guest CarolineUK

Oh, I'm so sorry :grouphug:. I'll be praying hard. I know exactly what you mean about being unhappy to send your kids away so far for so long, it's something I hate. Please try to look after yourself as well as you can, I hope the people around you can help. Would it be possible for your Mum to come over to you to help? Wish I lived nearer (big ocean in the way!).


Again, :grouphug: and best wishes.

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Still waiting for the stupid doc office to call back. What is the point of a doctor if they can never see you. GRRRRRRR. She told me to call first thing on Monday, well all I get is the stupid voicemail saying leave a message cause everyones busy. I may have to head to the ER because thats how much I CANNOT breathe.


Sorry little rant there. This happens to me too many times.

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I would wonder if a nebulizer treatment of some medication used to break up congestion would be beneficial for you?


It seems odd to me that you have pneumonia but your body isn't trying ot expel the mucus and fluid after so many days. Maybe it is normal, but it just seems odd. Maybe your body needs a bit of help to get things started.


I hope you are better soon!


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If you can't breathe, head straight to the ER, or if the doctor's office is a lot closer than the hospital, forget about making an appointment -- just show up!


I hope they can find the right medications for you, because whatever they've done so far hasn't seemed to help at all. Are you seeing a regular doctor or an asthma/respiratory specialist?




Please post an update when you can -- I'm worried about you!



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Been doing breathing treatments....NOTHING is breaking up this stuff. I havent coughed once. The doc thought for sure I would be coughing up a lung by now with the steroids, albuterol, and antibiotics. Thats why I am getting worried. My body is not getting rid of whatever it is and its getting harder to breathe.


I see a doc for my asthma, but ever since last year when I started taking vitamins and eating right I havent had to use my inhalers.


I finally got through to the doc (they DIDNT listen to the messages from 830 a.m. yet) and I am headed out the door at 1 pm for an appt. with all 3 kids in tow SIGH.


I will update when I get back. I am hoping that they will do another xray and maybe bloodwork because I am WORRIED.

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Ok So new xray shows no pneumonia . I just have bronchitis. I am to continue breathing treatments with a new mix of liquids and new antibiotics after I finish Augmentin, and Singulair.

I am allergic to sulfa, so they cant give me some of the drugs that they want to give me.

She said my lungs actually sound better, but still lots of inflammation. My lungs arent so fluid filled, which means they are better and to be happy I didnt have a cough :)


Just load up on the drugs, drink a ton, rest, and WAIT it out. UGH. It does hurt so bad.


thanks for the prayers, It sounds like it will just take time, I ma glad it is not as bad as I thought.

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thanks Jean, I will look into that. And Cat- I am so glad its not pneumonia, although thats what they thought it was last week. That happenend with my DD last year. First xray they said pneumonia, second one, no pneumonia.


ETA- actually Jean I have something similar, I buy from Swansons vitamins. Thanks for the reminder though I need to dig em out of my giant vat of vitamins LOL

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