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Will Orlando Theme Parks be crowded on this day...?

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We are likely driving down to Florida toward the end of February to visit family.


While we were there, I would like to go to Islands of Adventure, to the new Harry Potter attraction there.


Originally I was thinking of going on Tuesday, February 22nd (to the park) thinking February wouldn't be a busy month there.


But I just found out from my ex SIL in NY that some schools (like there in NY) have that whole week (President's Week) off from school and that it will probably be very crowded there that week!


I DON'T want to stand on ridiculous lines, and I DON'T want to pay ridiculous prices for that fast track thing, so now I'm trying to juggle dates, and the only other option for me would be going the following Monday, on February 28th.


I'm hoping that not many schools will have their spring break that week (Feb 28th/first week of March) and that spring break will tend to start a little later in March, like the second or third week...


...what do you guys think...? Will I be okay if I go the 28th or would I be standing on hour (or more) long lines being miserable? :)

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Some Florida schools are off for Spring Break that weekend some are not. Our tourist season is from November- April. It's always busy at Disney during tourist season tbh. Fast track is free btw unless they've changed something since the last time I went. You just take a ticket of the attraction you want to go to and it will give you a time to return and you can go do something else like eat, go to another attraction whatever, you return to your attraction at the time on your ticket and you stand in the shorter line for Fast track ticket holders. That's all there is to it really.

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I found a site that says that according to some Disney Guide Book from a few years ago, President's Week is one of the busiest weeks (that would be the week of Feb. 21, so I will avoid it that week!) but that the last week of Feb. and the first week of March are "average attendance" and then the second week of March on gets 'crowded' again for Spring Break.


I'm going to have to hope that holds true because I don't think I'm going to be able to get there at another time and will probably need to go on that Monday, Feb. 28th. Which should at least be significantly better than the 22nd would have been!

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Wait, I'm confused, what do you mean by this?


9 out of 10 is bad. Touring plans rates every day's crowds on a scale from 1 (least crowded) to 10.


DH is a teacher, and he has President's week off, so I really wish it were a good time to go. But it's not. Avoid it if you can!

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Some Florida schools are off for Spring Break that weekend some are not. Our tourist season is from November- April. It's always busy at Disney during tourist season tbh. Fast track is free btw unless they've changed something since the last time I went. You just take a ticket of the attraction you want to go to and it will give you a time to return and you can go do something else like eat, go to another attraction whatever, you return to your attraction at the time on your ticket and you stand in the shorter line for Fast track ticket holders. That's all there is to it really.


They do that at Disney (the fast track thing, when you go back at a certain time) but not at the Universal theme parks, unfortunately. You have to pay much more for those fast track tickets at Universal! Like an absurd amount more!

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9 out of 10 is bad. Touring plans rates every day's crowds on a scale from 1 (least crowded) to 10.


DH is a teacher, and he has President's week off, so I really wish it were a good time to go. But it's not. Avoid it if you can!


Ah so that meant that it was a 9 (very crowded) for President's Week... but a 5 (average) on the 28th...? I guess I can deal with a 5! Better than a 9! lol.

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You can find the expected crowd ratings here:





ETA....but I can't see to your dates because I don't pay for their service


Oh, you need to pay to check specific dates?


Just out of curiosity, can one of you who are members tell me what it says for February 18th 2011? Not sure if I can make it down a few days earlier and go that day instead, but just in case...


thank you in advance :)

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They do that at Disney (the fast track thing, when you go back at a certain time) but not at the Universal theme parks, unfortunately. You have to pay much more for those fast track tickets at Universal! Like an absurd amount more!


Oh I didn't realize you were going to Universal. Sorry, I thought you had said Disney. I guess I didn't read your original post very well. hehe :blushing:

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They do that at Disney (the fast track thing, when you go back at a certain time) but not at the Universal theme parks, unfortunately. You have to pay much more for those fast track tickets at Universal! Like an absurd amount more!


If you stay at a Universal hotel you get Express Pass for free plus you get into Wizarding World one hour before the park opens. Some people rent a room even if they don't stay there just to get the privileges.

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If you stay at a Universal hotel you get Express Pass for free plus you get into Wizarding World one hour before the park opens. Some people rent a room even if they don't stay there just to get the privileges.


I did see that, but we're staying with family at their house- we don't want to incur hotel expenses lol. Trying to keep this vacation on the inexpensive side. Driving down instead of flying, staying with family instead of at hotels, only going to one theme park on one day... I wish money was no object, then we'd stay at nice on site hotels and skip all the lines and go to all the parks lol. But for now I have to just try to avoid the worst of the crowds. :D

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