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CC :-) Clinton Content -No flames, please

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Or how about, he doesn't have time to talk to us about his tax plan, because he has to go to a Christmas party.


Hello, Barack! It's a big issue for the country! Do you think you could spare some time?


Further evidence that he has no idea how to lead. I say that, having had a totally open mind about him from the beginning - I'm not some Obama-hater. I still CAN'T BELIEVE he would do something so dumb, so damaging.

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Or how about, he doesn't have time to talk to us about his tax plan, because he has to go to a Christmas party.


Hello, Barack! It's a big issue for the country! Do you think you could spare some time?



I'm not an Obama supporter, but this is so insulting to the people who voted him in.


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He's not my husband, he's Hillary's. I presume, as they are still married, that they have worked that out. I figure it is none of my business.





except for the fact that he lied directly to the American people..."I did not have sex with that woman"....that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he and his peccadilloes reduced the image of the office...that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he was apparently "otherwise engaged" while attempting to conduct business in his role as president (remember the phone call while...) .... that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that she was a junior employee and he the boss….that certainly is our business.

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except for the fact that he lied directly to the American people..."I did not have sex with that woman"....that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he and his peccadilloes reduced the image of the office...that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he was apparently "otherwise engaged" while attempting to conduct business in his role as president (remember the phone call while...) .... that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that she was a junior employee and he the boss….that certainly is our business.


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The only reason we even know about all the moral bad decisions of Clinton is because we are living in a totally different age where the media scrutinizes and publicizes every tiny detail whether it is relevent or not.


There are people who are not trustworthy morally in their personal marital or family relationships, but that are capable of doing other jobs well, and even exceptionally.


Personally, I find the uproar incredibly naive. Do we really think that all our past presidents who served prior to the media age were all exemplary morally? Still, we judge them by the merits of their presidency rather than by their moral personal decisions. (Which we happen to know nothing about, due to the fluke of timing.)


Aside from that, I liked Obama, but agree that he has turned out to be incredibly "weak" as a president. The video exemplified that. Very disappointing.

Edited by coloradoperkins
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except for the fact that he lied directly to the American people..."I did not have sex with that woman"....that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he and his peccadilloes reduced the image of the office...that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that he was apparently "otherwise engaged" while attempting to conduct business in his role as president (remember the phone call while...) .... that certainly is our business.


except for the fact that she was a junior employee and he the boss….that certainly is our business.


I was responding to remundamom's query regarding "what if it were YOUR husband?", not the moral ramifications of a public figure's indiscretions.


Beyond that, I agree with coloradoperkins' assessment re: the media & the presidency.




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The only reason we even know about all the moral bad decisions of Clinton is because we are living in a totally different age where the media scrutinizes and publicizes every tiny detail whether it is relevent or not.


There are people who are not trustworthy morally in their personal marital or family relationships, but that are capable of doing other jobs well, and even exceptionally.


Personally, I find the uproar incredibly naive. Do we really think that all our past presidents who served prior to the media age were all exemplary morally? Still, we judge them by the merits of their presidency rather than by their moral personal decisions. (Which we happen to know nothing about, due to the fluke of timing.)


Aside from that, I liked Obama, but agree that he has turned out to be incredibly "weak" as a president. The video exemplified that. Very disappointing.

:iagree: Hasn't it been proven through DNA analysis that Thomas Jefferson had children with at least one of his slaves?


I personally can't stand politicians - I feel like they are all a bunch of power-hungry egomaniacs. They probably have to be to be willing to put up with all the bull**** involved with getting elected.

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:iagree: Hasn't it been proven through DNA analysis that Thomas Jefferson had children with at least one of his slaves?



There is still existing debate about that, apparently. DNA evidence has proven that a Jefferson male had children with Sally Hemings, but the debate is whether it was indeed Thomas or his son(? or other relative). I (obviously) can't remember the details, but I had thought this was proven fact also, until we recently visited Monticello. I'm sure you'll find websites with varying opinions--I just didn't look further. :)

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OK, just because I love hearing the guy talk and love his eloquence and passion, doesn't mean I'm lusting after him.


Yes, it was rather interesting to watch. As O walked out, you could physically see Bubba morph back into his old role. His demeanor shifted, his facial expression changed, and he just... took command of the situation. It was wild to watch. There is a vid of that moment (but not the whole presser) here.


I haven't been able to find vid of the entire presser.









As in, he is.


I don't think so. I'm willing to bet there's going to be a very rocky road coming up, then he's going to pull out of it in the last inning and get reelected. I'd put money on it.


Anyway, this is turning into just the thread I didn't want, so I'm bowing out. I believe in forgiveness and grace, and is anyone has mellowed with age, it's those two. I have a lot of respect for both of them.

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I like (former) President Clinton. He's a very alpha male. Which is probably part of why I like him. Say what you will about what he has done in his personal life, he knows how to operate in a political arena. Then again, so does his wife, whom I also like.



:iagree: totally!

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Just wanted to pop in and say that I think it's interesting that the OP put, "no flames, please," in the subject line and got flamed (or bashed in this case) anyway.


If someone doesn't agree with a poster who is obviously not looking for differing opinions (hence the no flames that I've seen on several threads lately), WHY post in the thread? Then again, maybe I'm not understanding the whole no flaming concept. For ME, I take it to mean that the poster does not want to hear opposing viewpoints.

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