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So I took my 10 yr ds to the doctor last week because I'm concerned about his weight.

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I've posted before that I have been concerned about my 10 yr ds weight. He is active, eats well (I mean he does love food but I follow and cook a ww diet for the whole family) yet he carries a lot of excess weight.


So I took him to our doctor who, because our son is adopted and I have no medical background info., said it would be prudent to rule out things like thyroid, diabetes, etc. He didn't thinks so but just in case. So today the office called and said it wasn't an emergency but could I bring him in next week to go over the lab results. We go Tuesday a.m. Of course the only thing I'm doing is speculating and I'm speculating that the doctor is going to say that if the kid continues this way we're heading in the diabetic direction. My poor child because if this happens I know my personality and I'll become a drill seargent with food. I'm going to really pray that God gives me grace and balance in this situation. Of course I'm speculating.


Then my sister-in-law who is undergoing breast cancer treatment is waiting for the results of some biopsy's they took yesterday because she found some weird growths that the oncologist couldn't readily diagnose. This just as she has completed her chemo and is awaiting radiation.


And my dog is dying and we live in a rural area where the only vet in our town died two weeks ago and the vet we usually go to in the neighbouring community is gone for two weeks and the only other vet in the entire region is booked solid for a week -- even for emergencies -- which he's not taking!!


I just needed to vent all these things before I tackle latin.


When it rains, it pours. I am going for a long run this afternoon.

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You poor thing. I hate the "we have bad news but we're not telling you until Tuesday" thing. Seems to me, he could have told you over the phone. Or, if it was a very light matter, he could have assured you not to get worked up. Communication is always nice.

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I just worry that I'll get compulsive about food at our house (which isn't necessarily bad in itself). I have always struggled with weight and have finally, in the last year and a half, come to a place where I think I've figured it out. I've lost 60 pounds. Eat in a way I enjoy and yet is healthy. Exercise daily. And when I slip up I just pick up where I left off. I don't want my child to struggle with weight all his life (or the related health issues).


Anyway, it obviously isn't serious like diabetes or they would have had us in right away. We'll see Tuesday.

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Oh, Rose - I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. I would definitely be worrying, too - I wish they would just tell you things over the phone as soon as they know.


I hope you find out that ds' extra weight is just a body-type thing that he'll grow out of. I know you'll have the strength to help him through all of this.

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Oh, Rose - I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. I would definitely be worrying, too - I wish they would just tell you things over the phone as soon as they know.


I hope you find out that ds' extra weight is just a body-type thing that he'll grow out of. I know you'll have the strength to help him through all of this.


Yesterday she was at the cancer clinic for body mapping to prepare for radiation following a lumpectomy, 4 months of chemo and in preparation for a mastectomy to happen after six weeks of radiation. At the mapping she was asked if she noticed any changes in her breast and she did. They did some biopsy's yesterday and told her today they found cancer cells. So tomorrow they will find out what this means.


It's very hard on my brother and their five children (all young adults). She was diagnosed on a routine mammogram and went from a healthy adult to this virtually overnight.


It does put in perspective how quickly things can change in a person's life.

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