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DD told me just this morning that she loves homeschooling becase she can sleep in, get her work done as she feels like doing it, and not have to rush around from class to class! She said she's pretty sure she is less stressed than a lot of her non-homeschooled friends because she can go at her own pace and get everything done, including her chores, more on her own time schedule. It helps her be more positive about it all, and more determined to get everything done each day! :hurray:

Then she said, "Plus, I like my teachers a lot!" :D :001_wub:

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Our lives has been chaos for the last month. No routine, no chance of a routine for at least another week or two. The other day ds and I were snuggled in bed and I was reading out of a 1965 Dolciani Structure and Method book. We were discussing properties of equalities while he was snuggled under the covers. It was an odd, wonderful "storytime" type moment. Something clicked in his understanding and we spent 45 minutes discussing algebra while sitting there trying to keep warm. :D

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Oh, how nice - I just had one of those reminders. Ds, who is in K this year and just beginning to read is really "getting it" all of the sudden. You know when it just clicks? It's such a homeschool mommy high for me when my kids really get some new and special thing, and reading is the number one high for me! He was beaming proud of himself because he knows he's doing well and I did have that thought, "Man, that makes it worth it!"

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Funny, I just blogged about our near perfect homeschooling days yesterday! It was just one of those days that reminds me why I put up with the bad ones:). Everyone was cooperative, attentive, and best of all....we had FUN. We didn't do anything spectacular.....no big craft or project, just a great day of enjoying each other. Loved it!

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I love being homeschooled, and even though I am my own teacher, it's not that bad. I like being able to finish my schoolwork as fast as I want, as slow as I want, or just relax for a day. I don't feel overstressed anymore and no more nervous breakdowns. I also have more energy and time to do the things that I am interested in.


It's great being homeschooled and I think I will finish up my last few years of high school this way!

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Aww.. I miss those days! I guess my kids are so used to homeschooling that they just don't compare their lives to anyone and don't even talk about a non-homeschool lifestyle. I'm an old comfortable hat I guess. :tongue_smilie:


My dd has always been homeschooled. Just every once in awhile, maybe when she's talking with non-homeschool friends, it hits her that she actually appreciates homeschooling! :D

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We got our first snow fall of the season yesterday--all 1/2 inch of it. But it was enough to inspire my kids to rush through their morning routine so they could be outside playing in it by 7:40 am. DD5 only got 20 minutes of play in before having to get on the bus for K, but DS7 spent an hour outside before I called him in to do his work. He got it done in record time and was back outside for another 2 hours of fun.


This morning, the same deal. All 3 kids in full snow gear outside by 7:30 am.


I LOVE winter because my kids love to be in the snow and will spend hours outside. I admit that the last 2 days have really made me wish that DD5 wasn't in school so she could enjoy more snow play. Last winter they were all outside very morning while the bus passed them by. Made me very thankful that we are a HSing family. While the other kids are READING about snow, my kids are actually PLAYING in it.


Oh, how nice - I just had one of those reminders. Ds, who is in K this year and just beginning to read is really "getting it" all of the sudden. You know when it just clicks? It's such a homeschool mommy high for me when my kids really get some new and special thing, and reading is the number one high for me! He was beaming proud of himself because he knows he's doing well and I did have that thought, "Man, that makes it worth it!"


This is the same thing that has happened with my DD5 this week. We've been trudging through The Reading Lesson without doing any actual real book reading, but on Monday I pulled out some books that were too hard for her a few months ago. She tore through 6 of them before I made her stop so I could go make dinner. We were both thrilled that she can actually read a book.

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Dd tutors 2 kids in middle and high school everyday after they finish school. Pretty much helps them with homework and study for tests and such. Today, she remarked that she's so glad that she has been homeschooled b/c "the math education is awful." She's also learned all about busywork.


Meanwhile, my 13yo put on fb that his teacher was a slow grader. Several friends told him not to talk about his mom that way! But he replied he meant his FLVS teacher! I'm the mom, not the teacher, I suppose. ;)



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Guest Dulcimeramy

My littlest boy is having an awesome kindergarten year! A small fellow with curly hair, sticky-out ears, and thick glasses, he is in and out of everyone's lessons all day.


He gets to study Sonlight K, Sonlight Science K, Primary Language Lessons, Horizons Math K, and the Appalachian dulcimer.


He also listens to Traditional Logic lessons, watches Algebra I videos, copies R&S Grade 5 sentence diagramming from the board, memorizes catechism answers, and learns Latin conjugations with LCI.


Nobody makes him. He just really, really hates to be left out!

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