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Paleo/Primal Rollcall?

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I have seen people here and there talk about this in various diet(as in way of eating) threads so I was curious how many are out there.


My first foray into grain-free eating was the SCD diet- which was 5 yrs ago. I did that for several months and then added some grains/starches back but tried to stay fairly well grain-free. Have been dairy /soy free for 3.5+ yrs, and gluten free 2+ yrs now.


I have times that I deviate from 100% compliance but those are pretty rare these days. I never go below the 80/20. I find the longer I go the easier it is and the more I enjoy it. I generally don't have cravings anymore and have really rehabilitated my sweet tooth. I do enjoy good dark-chocolate(low sugar variety). Eat potatoes from time to time- can go for awhile without any and then sometimes eat alot. Beans are an occasional thing.


I feel the best on tons of veggies, including green juice, minimal fruit, tons of fat and lots of meat.

Edited by soror
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I'm a longtime lurker here on the WTM board, but I'll come out of hiding for this thread. :)


I started Primal eating roughly two weeks ago. I have lost seven pounds and I am loving it. I feel great, have lost the brain fog and for once in my life don't feel like a slave to sugar.


I did have several days were I felt like I was experiencing "carb flu". The first few days were really rough, but by day four I felt like a new person.


My whole family is eating primal. The kids aren't 100%, but they have adjusted fairly well.

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We eat vegetables, fruit, fat, meat but also eggs and dairy from our farm.


I sometimes bake goodies for the kids, but I'm stopping that for 2 weeks because we have relatives with celiacs disease. My oldest is showing some signs of this, so we are going to see how she feels without any gluten at all.

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Read the Primal Blueprint earlier this year. Love it, have worked to incorporate it. Lots of life issues have distracted me, but once we get settled in our new house I'm pulling out the book again.


I've added a lot of nuts and fruits to my diet and feel much better, but know there is much more I could be doing.

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Me! I started general low-carb about seven years ago, after my grandmother died of diabetes. I first went primal a year ago, but fell into old, bad habits and got pretty sick. I've learned that primal isn't an optional diet choice for me, it's a necessity. If I'm not eating primal I'm having tons of digestive problems (my doc tested me for Celiac but said it was negative, diagnosed IBS) and year-round hay fever type allergies which in the spring and fall get so severe that I end up with secondary infections like sinus infections and pneumonia. So primal it is!


I do eat some dairy, though, mostly hard/aged/ripened cheeses. Can't handle milk or yogurt.

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Just wonder if you experienced withdrawal?

Yes, a little, but it was much less severe than I was expecting. I had a bit of a headache, my face felt flushed, and I was extremely thirsty. After a couple of days and a lot of peeing those symptoms were completely gone, along with my sweet tooth. :D


However, I still have to be careful with the sweet stuff. I have no desire for it, and to be honest I find it a little sickening. But if I allow myself even one piece of real candy, chances are good that I'll probably keep eating until the bag is empty. But I don't beat myself up over it, because I know this is my evolutionary programming. My body is just trying to look out for itself. It doesn't understand that nutritional fuel is no longer scarce, and I'm not going to starve during the winter. So now I stick with chocolate that is no less than 70% cocoa (tho' I make an exception for Green & Black's mint chocolate), and have no problems with overindulging.

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Those of you that have kids also eating primal/paleo, what exactly are they eating? 2 of my 3 don't eat eggs. I can't even figure out what to make them for breakfast.


My kids eat higher carb than I do, but I still consider them to be mostly PaNu eaters. I try to ensure that they get protein and fat at every meal. They do snack a lot more than I do. For snacks, one of them eats a lot of cheese. Both eat a lot of apples and sliced bell pepper.


One of mine eats eggs, so she'll often have an omelet for breakfast. The other refuses eggs and can't tolerate dairy. So the only time she eats eggs is once in a blue moon when I make her a chocolate omelet, modified from a Primal choc pancake recipe. (Oddly enough, my egg-eater, who is also a chocolate lover, thinks the chocolate omelet is gross, LOL.) The non-egg-eater and I often eat leftover dinner for breakfast.


Neither of my kids need to lose weight, and I have no reason to think their glucose tolerance is impaired. Therefore, I believe even high intake of glucose is benign for them, as long as they're getting adequate protein and fat. For that reason I don't get worked up over their preference for rice and rice products (bread, tortillas, pasta). They also eat some corn.


However, I do limit their intake of fructose (juice and concentrated sweeteners), refined vegetable oils, other foods rich in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids (including nuts, especially when roasted/baked), and gluten.

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Do you think they would eat oopsies (google oopsie rolls)? They are made with eggs, but they aren't really like eating eggs. I make some of those up and put a sausage patty between two of them. Both of my kids like that.




Oh, these look interesting! I am definitely going to try them out.

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However, I do limit their intake of fructose (juice and concentrated sweeteners), refined vegetable oils, other foods rich in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids (including nuts, especially when roasted/baked), and gluten.


Thanks for the link to the PaNu blog, the 12 steps is really helpful.


You mention limiting nuts. I'm confused about nuts. Some things I have read make them sound like the perfect snack and others avoid them. I take it from your comment that it is a pro-inflammatory issue. I think I need to read more on that topic.

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Wow, so excited to 'see' everyone!


My whole family is not entirely paleo. The whole house is gluten/dairy and soy free though. Most of my meals are paleo, but the kids will get gf oatmeal a few times a week for breakfast- other days they will have some variation of eggs and nit. free bacon. Once a week they get gf cereal, I make coco or almond flour muffins about 1x a week and pancakes or something- those are sometimes grainfree and sometimes not. Most always meals are grainfree but every now and again I make pasta for the rest of them- I usally serve my spaghetti over extra veggies like mushrooms though.


I go through phases on nuts. I have been eating them lately. I seem to be in a snacky mood again for some reason.


I have had rough adjustment periods before going grain free. The first couple days are usually ok, usually day 3 -5 is the worst. The best help to me is that I have unlimited amt of good food, lots of meat, eggs and fat.

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Mostly Paleo here. I am GF/Dairy Free. I do sometimes eat things like GF bread so I can't say I'm true to the Paleo diet. I eat mostly vegetables, nuts, and fruit and some meat. I feel so much better than I used to. The biggest difference is how I feel after we go out to dinner. I used to walk out of a restaurant feeling so tired and gross. And now I feel great after every meal.

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Paleo newbies here. We started about 3 weeks ago and all of us have experienced so much improvement in our health that we don't even have a desire to eat the way we used to. We are losing weight and feeling great!


Reading Robb Wolf's book, 'The Paleo Solution' has changed the way we look at food.


A good source for some recipes is:


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